Thursday, November 19, 2015

Religions are Obsolete?

Why do I think this?

Catholics think all protestants are going to hell. Sunni Muslims think all Shiite Muslims are going to hell. Shiite Muslims think all Sunni Muslims are going to hell. Hindus think all Muslims are going to hell.

Do I need to go on?

Religions are obsolete because of paranoia in the human condition. If people slowed down enough to consider their positions more and came out of their paranoia about everything and stopped killing each other over religious positions I wouldn't have to think that all religions are obsolete.

What isn't obsolete?

The human condition isn't obsolete. We as humans mostly need to believe in God or we are likely going to take legal or illegal drugs to mask this need.

However, I have seen people believe in Buddha and Compassion who do not necessarily believe in God and be perfectly happy about compassion too.

So, what do humans need not to kill each other over their religions?

This is the question we all must ask each other.

Because who are the mass murderers killing people in their schools or workplaces every week or so here in the U.S.?

What do they believe in? IS there a common thread?

And are they any different really than terrorists?

What is happening to the human race right now except maybe overpopulation?

And what do humans need to do to stop killing each other?

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