Friday, September 15, 2023


 I asked one of the Tibetan Lamas I studied with in California and India and Nepal about karma. This is what he said to me. He said that: "Karma is like seeds that fall in many different environments. Some seeds fall on cement and cannot germinate. Some seeds fall in the desert where there is no water. Some seeds fall in a lake where that type of seeds cannot grow. and then Some seeds (here seeds equates with karma) fall on soil and germinate and grow to fruition whether good or bad or neutral.

So, the point is that karma is not equal just like seeds do different things when they land on different environments. If you have studied science or farming or even animal husbandry all this makes complete sense.

But, for me, the best statement is: "What goes around Comes around".

And this applies to good, bad, neutral and indifferent karma.

For example, the easiest way to look at the group karma of mankind over the last 25,000 years we are presently experiencing Global Warming which didn't really start hitting until the 1970s and has been building ever since even though what created global warming likely started at least 25,000 years ago with slash and burn farming techniques where you burn the chaff from previous crops every year. This smoke going into the sky was the beginning of global Warming.

However, then we have lightning strikes which created fires that burned year around many places on earth always. So, depending upon the winds people could see these fires coming and couldn't do much but get out of the way of them.

I'm not sure how to equate these lightning strike caused fires in the realm of karma unless we see these lightning strikes as a part of Mother Earth's process.

However, the important words here are "Cause and Effect"

And "What goes around comes around". As human beings we can make sense of these statements. How we choose to deal with all this likely is on an individual basis worldwide whether we are here on earth or have migrated into space to live in space or on another planet or other artificial environment where humans can survive temporarily or permanently.

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