Saturday, February 10, 2018

The Non Dualist Path

The Non Dualist Path

Saturday, February 10, 2018

The Non Dualist Path

For example, Christianity and Islam are dualistic paths. They are patrilineal and dualistic. Everything is fundamentally Good or Bad and there is nothing in between. This suits the patrilinial mold where everything is about protection and warfare but life most of the time is not about warfare it is about understanding and compassion towards ourselves and others. Only in the most extreme times is life about warfare and life or death protection (even though some people live in a panic mode all the time). We can also choose something else like I did.

In my 20s and early 30s I embarked upon a more non-dualistic path which basically means my basic criteria is not whether something is ultimately good or bad Unless Lives are physically or spiritually in danger.

Instead I discovered that the basic tenant that Christ also discovered was Forgiveness and Compassion. We first see it in Buddhism and then we see it again in Christ when we brought an evolution of Compassion to the Middle East in the form of Forgiveness which freed people from "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" which can be very imprisoning and never ending in revenge for thousands of years of pain and suffering.

So, with Compassion and then forgiveness I was able to see also how non-dualistic compassion was superior on an human evolutionary path than dualism.

A Dualistic path asks: "Who do I kill next?" which leads to human extinction like a model of the eternal soldier or "Join the military, go to exotic foreign lands and meet those people and kill them."

A non-dualistic path asks: "How can I develop compassion for all beings and still stay alive?"

and "How can I develop compassion for myself and all beings and still stay alive?"

To understand non-dualism better as an adult, look at the weather.

Is rain good or bad?
Is snow good or bad?
Is Wind good or bad?

The answer depends upon many different factors doesn't it? By looking at the rain we see the problem of dualism which would be trying to classify rain, snow, or wind as good or bad. As a child you might do this but as an adult it makes no sense to do this.

Because it always depends upon  so many different factors.

Because of this I realized the superior path was always compassion for all sentient beings.

Will there come times when you have to defend yourself and your family against literally anything?


But, those are emergencies and not usually every day life.

So, developing compassion for yourself and all beings is a path to enlightenment for all beings adult enough to understand what I'm talking about here.

By God's Grace

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