Saturday, February 10, 2018

articles on Crystals and Healing written February 2018

Saturday, February 10, 2018

A Crystal or Crystals can be healing devices

It is one reason that people wear jewelry to focus healing and goodness in their bodies and project it out to all those around them.

If you have been around crystals whether rings or raw gems or larger quartz crystals you might have experienced the consciousness often resident in Crystals.

In the 1960s and after many people gave crystals as gifts to each other to either carry in their pockets or to put on their altars to help focus the light of God and God's healing into their lives. This has become much more common since the 1950s and 1960s by the way in the United States and Europe and around the world by the way.

In addition, crystals can be used as computer storage devices, either by laser or by other means they can store vast quantities of information likely more than any other computer storage form yet devised or thought of as of yet.

So, understanding the natural properties of Crystals to assist humans in healing themselves and their planet in various ways might be helpful to know more about as well.

Last Summer I visited the Biggest Quartz crystal in North America which was mined in South America. It was about 6 feet tall and maybe that wide as well in North Carolina near Boone.

It sits in the center of a dedicated Crystal Temple of Healing there now. I noticed this crystal actually has awareness and consciousness and the people there are using the crystal as a prayer form to bring more angels to the Earth to help mankind grow and heal and evolve as it is time for us to do that more than before.

Humans will develop now the God Given abilities to heal themselves through various new means more and more each day from now on.

Lifetimes of people using Crystals to heal will expand over time as well past 100 and 200 years and more over time as well. There might be no limit to how long a human being can live but I'm thinking it is at least 5000 to 10,000 years because I remember humanoids living this long on earth like planets in the past, present and future of our Galaxy in previous lifetimes I have already lived.

IF you buy a crystal or one is given to you by a friend or a relative the way you clear it for safe use for yourselves is to put it in water and I like to use Himalayan Salt (that is pink) that I like to soak the crystal in for about 24 hours. Then the Crystal is usually clear for you to use sort of as a storage battery for God's healing energies as they heal you and all mankind.

Also, crystals are capable of aligning with other crystals in other places around the world to amplify healing as well for all mankind and all life on earth.

By God's Grace

Some people have natural healing abilities

Maybe more usefully to say would be: "All people have natural healing abilities that they often don't use enough to develop them into something beneficial for all life on earth and beyond."

The way I experience it would be that the Sun comes into our bodies and we are like Crystal Cups that hold the light of the sun.

As it overflows our Bodies, our Crystal cups here on earth  it flows out and heals all those around us.

Sometimes people in healing modes come together at healing conferences and the whole group then overflow the "Light of the Sun from God" into each other and into the surrounding communities.

Some or at times all churches overflow God's healing into their communities when they pray together.

As mankind heals together on mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels mankind evolves into something greater than we were individually before.

This is called "The progress of Civilization" here on earth and beyond.

Healing is Forgiveness

Healing is Forgiveness
Healing is Compassion
Healing is Self Acceptance
Healing is the future of mankind

By God's Grace 

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