Sunday, October 17, 2021

The Alien War: Chapter 22: Elohar visits New Deva

 If you have been introduced to Elohar, she is from the 1st timeline where everyone pretty much died the first few months after 9-11-01 here on earth. However, she was trained by Saint Germain to help create the 2nd timeline because she is a very gifted Seer. She worked with General Ragna who works for King Interlaken of what is then in the 7000s AD on the first time line Switzerland and Italy and parts of France on the Cote D'Azure (The Azure sea) where the French Riviera is now on the 2nd timeline here in 2021.

His Oneness said, "I'd like all of you to meet Elohar from the first timeline on earth." Arcane here recruited her---- "Wait! Have you done that yet, Arcane?"

Older Arcane: "Actually no, but I still would like to meet her as I have already heard about her even though that hasn't happened yet on my time line."

His Oneness: "Tricky business, time."

Elohar appeared there before them and was very interested in meeting everyone.

His Oneness: "I wanted you all to meet her to experience what I might call a "Time paradox" in otherwords you all need to start learning to deal with things that are from other timelines than the one you are presently on.

Moksha said, "So, this is a teaching you are giving us all?"

His Oneness: "Believe me. You are all going to need it soon. I just have a feeling about this one which is why I'm doing this. Also, Elohar is a very specially gifted being in her own right."

Elohar: "Why did you bring me here, Your Holiness? This is quite unexpected."

His Oneness: "This is a learning experience for you too, Elohar. You are now about 1 million years into the future from where you live in the 7000s AD on the first timeline of Earth."

Elohar: "I recognize the younger and older Saint Germains which must be from 2 different timelines. Is that correct your Holiness? 

His Oneness: "Yes. That's right. Elohar."

Elohar: "So, something must have happened that you needed to create a 2nd timeline for this planet wherever we are now."

His Oneness: "We are on the planet New Deva now. What do you think of it?"

Elohar: "It feels a lot like Earth highly modified through time for some reason or other. However, the planet has a different feeling than it did when I was alive still."

His Oneness: "How do you know you won't be alive 1 million years from now?"

Elohar: "Will I be?"

His Oneness: "That's entirely up to you, Elohar."

Elohar: "Well. If I can be of use to you or the Galactic Sentience I would choose to live on in service to you both."

His Oneness: "Exactly. This is exactly what he said you would say."

Elohar: "I guess he understands me better than I do myself in some ways."

His Oneness: "Yes."


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