Friday, September 8, 2023

Maldek- The planet that our ancestors nuked 65 million years ago about the same time the larger dinosaurs all died from a piece of the planet hitting earth


begin quote from:



 Maldek, is I believe the planet that became our present Asteroid Belt. At that time humanoids lived on this planet and Mars was also inhabited by humanoids much like ourselves and biologically related to us as well here on Earth.This is from the point of view of someone born on Maldek about one month before the planet blew up from a surface thermonuclear war as was proved by a Soviet Probe that went there during the 1970s.


Saturday, December 10, 2011


Rescue of the Maldekians


Note: This is the story of Maldek (now the Asteroid Belt) and how it was once a planet inhabited by our relatives and what happened to it and to them as some of the survivors made their way to earth.

How and why Maldek blew up must be obvious to everyone. Someone made a mistake with nuclear weapons and suddenly the planet was gone. But pieces of the planet that still had Air for people to breathe still remained. One of the largest pieces was much larger than the rest and it survived because it was under the sea and not only that under the sea floor. It was actually a very large space ship about the size of the   Queen Mary, an  ocean going ship in your time. It was sunk into the ocean to become a battle station of last refuge in case the unthinkable ever happened. The problem was that the unthinkable did happen. My father was stationed there and was a captain and my mother chose to have her baby me there because there was a lot of commotion between nations on our world at that time. So, I was born almost 1 month before "The End" as we came to call it later. Though my mother wanted me to be named George the name "Survivor" which was short for "The last survivor born on Maldek". So, it was sort of an honor always that I was the youngest to survive of anybody anyone knew of on the planet Maldek. So, I guess you can call me "Survivor" too.

I don't really remember anything about the planet of my parents and people. I grew up while we tried to sail a moon size chunk of Maldek first to Mars. But as we neared Mars we noticed that most of the atmosphere of Mars had blown off from the destruction and shock wave through space of Maldek blowing up. I was shown, however, videos of what the planet looked like from space as it shattered. Yes. I guess shattered is the best word for what happened. A planet is like a top in balance usually. However, if a piece suddenly separates the top becomes unbalanced which causes other things to happen too. So, over several months after the first piece blew off and much of it turned into dust that surrounded the planet and choked everyone, people started noticing that they couldn't breathe without oxygen tanks in many places on the surface of Maldek and in some areas peoples lungs came out of their mouths which was pretty awful for the people who actually had air tanks to watch until their air tanks ran out and the same usually happened to them as well. So, our huge submerged space ship fared better because when things got bad the water of the oceans partly evaporated with the air and so most people on the surface died quickly or slowly but mostly it cushioned our space ship underwater from major harm. So, in the end our underwater space ship survived along with most of the military and any wives and children brought in like myself and my mother near the end. There was another group that were wives and children of diplomats that were sent out into space in sort of space lifeboats near the end as well. But most of them got pretty hysterical as they watched the planet fall apart while they talked to their husbands and relatives while they died on video telephones. So, mostly they were a mess and inconsolable for some time. Luckily, some of the children were older and in their teens and kept the rest alive by being more resilient than those watching their relatives die in real time.

Also, luckily, I guess a time traveler who worked for the Galactic Time Guard showed up and everyone wanted him to stop the nuclear explosions before they happened but then it got complicated because Maldek, the planet had a non-interference treaty and other things so he had to let Maldek be gone permanently because of this dumb treaty. Both the Time Guardian (who was a ten foot long Octopus by the way) and everyone else was really angry and upset that he wasn't allowed to prevent the nukes before they hit. So, now in your times all you know about are the asteroids as you call them. So, the Octopus we called Flame because we all liked to watch him swim in his water room tank on video. It sort of comforted us kids because all our parents' relatives and friends and every place they knew and visited was gone forever, so they were sort of a mess for a long time and many of them died from grief within the next few years. However, most of the kids I knew had never spent any or much time on the surface of the planet Maldek, so all we knew was basically spaceship life. So, when we visited Mars we were sort of freaked out and people said we had a case of "Space Ship Agoraphobia" from never having been outside. They said it was sort of like always having been a baby in the womb or something, so it wasn't something we dealt with easily as kids being "off ship" out in the open on Mars. But then fights started breaking out between the Martians and the Maldekian survivors like myself and we survivors asked Flame to get the Galaxy to give us earth because one of the pieces of Maldek hit Earth where the Gulf of Mexico is now and killed all the dinosaurs too big to hide in caves or underwater from the nuclear storm like event for several years. Maldekians and some Martians who realized the Martian atmosphere was also thinning and wouldn't support human life there soon either. So, both the survivor Maldekians and the Martians were sort of between a rock and a hard place and sort of desperate to survive at all here in the solar system. Some wanted to go back to other systems of worlds that relative cultures lived on but most didn't have that kind of wealth or position to afford that kind of journey. So for most of the people Earth was literally the last hope. Luckily, we had many scientists and genetic engineers and people like that so we could breed people like you reading this because most of us were going to die out or die of old age on Earth. It was pretty obvious to most of us. But we knew if we created some kind of Earth hybrid to be our servants at first our lives might be lived out before all the old humanoids died out there and only the hybrids, our shorter lived relatives and servants lived on and created new cultures until those of you there today. So, the richest and wealthiest went back to other solar systems and the rest of us slowly died on earth after living normal life spans of between 1000 to 5000 years of age if we were able.

Our methods of teaching were to put on a helmet connected to a sentient computer when we wanted to learn about something. So, conceptually you could learn about anything overnight. However, gaining the dexterity to do fine building and constructing and electronics and jewelry skill still took a lot of time. So, we usually set up schools for the hybrids to learn those things until we died. However, when we died most of the new hybrids like you didn't have the capacity to join with sentient computers because your brain wiring was a little different than ours and our scientists by then who designed things like that for us had already died. Though some sentient computers and robots were capable of self designing and self maintaining most hybrids because they were a superstitious lot eventually destroyed a lot of the last of them because they didn't understand what they were and were frightened of sentient computers and robots. This kind of extreme knowledge frightened them. I suppose it was our faults for not teaching the hybrids more and better than we did.

I think it was that because the hybrids lived only 40 to 70 years at most we couldn't see the sense in teaching them things that only someone who lived 1000 to 5000 years or more could actually make use of in sharing it with all the others of their group. In our society people under 50 to 70 years of age we considered to be helpless children much like you would consider kids kindergarten or younger. When you live as long as we did you have a lot longer to grow up. Whereas someone who lives only until 40 often has to be considered an adult by 12 so their whole life doesn't sort of become too ridiculous and paradoxical for them to want to continue living it. And now as your cultures increase life spans by proper diets and exercise and new knowledge and wisdom, likely you too will increase your lifespans to at least match ours of 1000 to 5000 years by various means.

By the time I was about 50 years old my group and the spaceship I was born on before Maldek blew up over several months into the present Asteroid Belt finally reached earth from Mars. Because we tried to take a piece of Maldek with us it took a long time. But those of us from Maldek were sentimental in having this last occupied piece of Maldek with us. But when we were on Earth we wanted to be able to look up and see this last remnant of Maldek and to contemplate it to make us feel better and to give us the confidence to live out our natural lives. The hybrids we created would often come out with us at night and howl as children with us at this last remnant of our worlds. Creatures of Earth sometimes howled and cried with us at our lost past as well. This seemed to ease our pain and our loss somehow. Because I was one of the last to be born I was also one of the last to die in a place called Egypt. I had kept records of some of our technology. One of the favorites was a piece that later in your times came to be called "The Ark of the Covenant". Its purpose was two fold. First, it ran off the magnetic fields of earth so no generator was needed. All one had to do was to align it in a north south manner to turn it on. Then a sincere leader could communicate across space with other humanoid cultures. It could also be used as a weapon in battle. This is the most sophisticated technological device that still exists today on earth from Maldek and Mars and many universities have tried to build one directly from Exodus in the Bible. However, since a lot of gold is needed they usually have built a miniature one. Most of this was done is secret, however. Especially since whenever they ran one of these it usually knocked out all power generated the way you presently do for at the very least about 100 miles in all directions and this was very expensive to fix and the universities didn't want to absorb that expense.

You might wonder why I'm writing this now? It is possible that relatives from other solar systems might formally contact people from earth in a way that would not be perceived as secret anymore. This (if it happens) would be a way to formally invite the hybrids of earth into the cultural fold). The other alternative might be to let them go extinct from Global Warming if that is their Earth Governmental wish over the next several thousand years. It all depends upon many different variables. Since the people of earth are relatives it would be very hard for those ancestors in other solar systems to watch their relatives die out, especially after all the suffering and the death of humanoid cultures on Maldek and Mars, and because Earth is the last major humanoid colony in the Solar System. 

Author's note: I may develop this more if I am inspired. It this a true story? Quite likely. Since I have always been an intuitive and a precognitive psychic all my life, most of what I write about like this is likely true from my personal experiences in previous lifetimes in the Solar system and beyond.

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