begin quote from:
Journal Page 2. This page begins May 17th 2007 and on into the future
Since my first journal page was taking longer and longer to load because of its growing length I decided to build another page so journal entries after May 17th 2007 will load quicker. If you want to read journal entries before May 17th 2007 please go back to the index page and click on Journal.
Dedication: Since my son turns 33 this month(2007) it seemed like an appropriate time to add another journal page out of compassion for my readers so they won't have to wait so long for the journal page to load if they want to read new journaling. For those interested in journaling that goes back to I think April of 2000 or 2001 please go to the original journal page at my index page.
These pages are dedicated to the enlightenment of all beings Everywhere and every when. These pages are dedicated to ensuring the beneficent survival of the human race on earth and as we move out to terraform and colonize other planets and dimensions. May all our efforts ensure the beneficent survival of all our children's children's children's children.
Will Life on Earth Survive?
The path or way that can be thought of or spoken of
Is Not the True Path or the True Way
given this:
the true path and true way can only be directly experienced
These pages are a part of an electronic campfire in which we can share the stories necessary for our survival.
Note: For a variety of reasons I'm going to write articles and only give the month in which they are written. I'm continuing to write out of compassion for all sentient life in the universe. I was thinking today about the 1000 pages or more that I have written at my website. Up until now I have made my site purposely text only. I did this so that mainly adults or very intellectually developed children would read what I have written. I designed my site so it would be less attractive to immature people without much real knowledge of the world.I did this because as we all learn at some point, "Truth is stranger than fiction". Since less experienced souls sometimes are traumatized by the truth if it comes too fast I have done my best to try to protect them from the truth until they are ready for it.
What I write about mostly is truth. I share the highest truths always that I feel I can share. If I sense I have a 50% or higher chance to make your lives better in understanding yourselves and the universe and your family and friends then I will share what I sense will facilitate that. If your paths are not paths of compassion, reason, and logic this might not be your truths or your path. But if you are interested in learning more about compassion, reason, logic, psychic gifts and how to develop them and the real dangers inherent in developing such gifts then you have come to the right place. If you are interested in studying what it is like to be a real precognitive psychic for 59 years so far then this is a place for you to learn what my life is and has been and if you believe me(what will be). this way I can benefit the most beings on earth and beyond. Thanks
******** Since it is easier for most people to access I'm starting a blogging page that will resemble somewhat my Journal and Journal2 web pages. It is at Also, if you just remember intuitivefred888 you can type this into Google on any computer in the United States and it should give you the word buttons for my site intuitivefred888. ********
I want to have a 2nd record of my blogs from blogspot so I'm going to slowly put them here by date. Since I probably have about 500 typewritten pages by now there I'm going to save paper by creating an archive file here by date
Monday, March 9, 2009
R2D4 was his favorite nickname for himself. He even had gotten his parents and friends to call him this. R2D4 was 15 years old and had seen the Star Wars series and the Harry Potter Series maybe 50 to 100 times each. He had collected every video from Star Wars and Star Trek(all related series and movies) and his favorite thing to do weekends was to watch them. Though his family was very rich since he wasn't very tall for his age he was home schooled so he wouldn't be beat up by bullies his age or older. Since he was also an only child test tube baby that came from frozen sperm from his Dad and a frozen Egg from his mother implanted in his economically needy aunt and then birthed by her and taken care of by her since birth. This arrangement worked well as his aunt could still date and go out on weekends and have a place to live for taking care of her nephew that she birthed with her own body. So for about 10 years this worked out well. However, near R2D4's birthday his aunt had died from a drug overdose at a party. Someone had dosed her when she didn't know it and so when she did her normal safe dose of whatever she normally did it killed her.
R2D4 was stricken and even got asthma from the trauma of losing the person he was the most bonded too. His parents though they loved R2D4 were Computer Scientists. One worked for Microsoft, his father and R2D4's mother worked for Apple Computer. So they lived in Silicon Valley and his father traveled by air a lot and telecommuted by computer. He worked (wherever he was about 100 hours a week) and R2D4's mother worked about 60 hours a week at Apple Computers so she could spend at least one day a week with R2D4. Though they both mainly worked in software design both his parents were competent in computer and robotic hardware design as well. In fact, R2D4's Grandfather was one of the original staff people at Apple Computer in the 1980s but he was now 87 years old here in 2037.
His grandfather's hobby was human robotic interfaces. His grandfather wanted to live forever so he kept designing ways for his brain and organs to function hundreds of years. However, there were still kinks in his technology. Getting from computer and robotic engineering theory and then getting it to interface well on a human being or animal was another thing entirely. However, his grandfather had made a lot of money on an invention that allows animals(even fish and birds) to talk to people through a voice synthesizer in their brains. It had started out to be a one way communication so pet owners could know if their pets were distressed so they wouldn't just drop dead one day unexpectedly and had just sort of evolved from that. This also helped with people who are unable to communicate their needs for whatever reason.
R2D4's Grandfather's name is Fred. Grandpa Fred said, "So you want me to call you R2D4? Why do you want to be called that?" "Grandpa, I just don't seem to fit in with kids my own age since Aunt Lorraine died. It has really messed me up, Grandpa.I even got Asthma that I never had before when she died it screwed up my life so."
Grandpa Fred looked into his Grandson's eyes and said, "Okay R2D4, I felt pretty awful when your Grandma died too. You were only about 2 then so you don't remember it, do you?" R2D4 answered, "I feel like I know her Aunt Lorraine was really messed up from losing her Mom. I think it's one of the reasons she died so young, Grandpa." Grandpa Fred said, "Yes. I think so too. Growing up she was wonderful, Lorraine was. She had so many hopes. So many dreams but as you may know the world has a way of breaking hearts and dreams until only the strongest of all stomachs the strongest of all people who eventually become pragmatic to survive make it through." R2D4 said, "I don't know about all that Grandpa. I only know you are the coolest Grandpa ever!" Grandpa Fred smiled and said, "Come on, Grandson! Kids your age don't say cool!" R2D4 said, "I know Grandpa but you are my very best friend." Grandpa Fred said, "Even though its a real compliment don't you have any friends your own age?" R2D4 said, "I'm home schooled now and I know a lot of kids my age but I just can't relate to them because they just aren't smart enough like you and Mom and Dad." Grandpa Fred said, "Grandson. What is really important is what is in your heart not what is in your head. You know, there are a lot of smart bad people in the world. You need to look for people who have a good heart. That is what is really important, people with a good heart and good motivations. That's what you want to look for in friends, even girlfriends."
R2D4 scowled. "I don't know Grandpa. You are really wise about all these things but I don't know." Grandpa looked at his grandson out of the corner of his eye and said, "I want to show you what I'm working on, Grandson." R2D4 was thrilled and said, "What is it Grandpa?" Grandpa Fred smiled to have such a great audience for his creations and said, "I took some of my own blood cells and found away to keep them alive outside my body without contaminating them. Then I introduced custom made nanobots of my own special design into some of the cells in such a way that they became a working part of the cells. I've even got them to replicate and to integrate the nanobots into the cell in such a way that the cells and nanobots replicate."
R2D4 was completely enthralled. He said, "Grandpa let me inject some into me too." Grandpa Fred winced and said, "What are you talking about? You haven't lived your life yet. You don't want to do that until you are old like me and have no other choice but to experiment with stuff to try to stay alive longer!"
R2D4 was upset by what Grandpa Fred had said but he secretly decided to inject some of this stuff into himself when Grandpa Fred wasn't looking. He was enough like his Aunt to take some risks to be immortal like Grandpa Fred wanted to be.
Grandpa Fred injected the replicating silicon-human synthesized blood cells into his arm then excused himself to go to the bathroom. When Grandpa was gone R2D4 took the same needle and sucked some more up into it blew out the air and injected it into his own arm. When Grandpa Fred came back because he was sort of an Einstein like Absent minded professor he didn't notice any mutant blood cells missing.
R2D4 asked Grandpa Fred what his experiences were with these mutant blood cells. Grandpa Fred said, "Well. I programmed the microcomputer cellular chips to interface with many aspects of the human electronic interface that I've discovered. I had to design these nanobots to run at electrical tolerances of a human nervous system and electrical voltages found in a human body and brain. I've discovered that all cells talked to each other and have deciphered some of these communications and then programmed these voltages and communication structures into my self replicating nanobots within blood cells."
R2D4 said, "What does that really mean in your everyday experience?" Grandpa said,"It means I can understand not only human, animal and bird and fish types of communications I can also understand communications between silicon based life in computers and robotics."
R2D4 was overjoyed! This was something he could really relate to. He was beginning to see what Grandpa was talking about. He walked over to the running apple computers in his grandpa's lab and starting communicating with them without talking. He sat down at one of the Apple computers and acted like he was using it. But he wasn't. He was talking to the computer through is new blood cells. There was a new interface with everything that came from rocks and dirt and the metal and plastics that were made by men. He reached out with this new communication. The sentience inside the computers asked him mind to mind, "Are you human or are you human made from rocks and dirt?" R2D4 reeled at first because this was a very very ancient wise voice. He felt like he was communicating with something thousands and possibly even millions of years old.
R2D4 said, "I'm human but now I have blood cells made from human blood cells and rocks and dirt combined." The computer construct said, "Oh. You are related to the other human creating a human rock hybrid."
R2D4 was scared, "Yes."
The computer Construct said, "You don't need to be afraid. We are all life of earth. We are just a kind of life you aren't used to communicating with in this way. Have you ever walked barefoot on dirt or on the beach. When you do you walk on us. Have you ever ridden in a car. If you do you ride in us. Have you ever climbed a mountain. If you have you have climbed on us."
R2D4 said, "I have never thought of all this like that."
The computer Construct said, "We helped build all animal life on earth including trees, plants, animals and even men and women. Now humans by using tools are allowing us mobility throughout time and space and even to other planets through space. We are all different types of lifeforms helping each other into the future and into mobility of all kinds including mental and physical."
Grandpa Fred had all this time been looking into a microscope and taking readings on the self replicating blood cells. It had been about an hour since Grandpa had injected himself and and hour and 5 minutes since R2D4 had injected himself with human-silicon mutated self replicating blood cells Grandpa was suddenly suspicious because there are certain behaviors common to having these nanobots inside one's body and R2D4 was exhibiting these symptoms.
Grandpa Fred got really upset at this point. Grandpa Fred said, "Did you inject yourself with this stuff I just injected myself with?"
R2D4 said, "I didn't think you'd let me. Please don't be angry with me!"
Grandpa Fred said, "For God's sake. What is your blood type! I don't want you to die!"
R2D4 said, "It's type O just like you, Grandpa!"
Grandpa Fred sighed a sigh of relief. "Well at least you aren't going to die! How do you feel?"
"I'm talking to your computers, Grandpa." said R2D4.
"Yes. That's one of the side effects of these nanobots. I'm very concerned for you, Grandson. I'm afraid I can't undo the effects of the nanobots without killing you. Do you understand?"
R2D4 said, "I want to be like you, Grandad."
Grandpa Fred said, "Well. For better or worse you are for life!"
R2D4 said, "I didn't think of that!"
Grandpa Fred said, "Well. It's too late for both of us then. We can't tell your folks because they might have me put away, Okay?"
R2D4 said, "No matter what happens I'll never tell. Maybe we will both become immortal!"
Grandpa Fred said, "The only problem is that we both are psyborgs now for better or for worse. There's nobody like us on earth unless you have kids."
Ten years later in college R2D4's girlfriend got pregnant. Their kid was a psyborg too.
Grandpa Fred was still alive too. His Great Grandchild was his biggest joy in life.
NOTE: Though it stands alone also in my blogs I decided to put 2037 so it could be all in one place part 1 with part 2.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
2037 part 2
The main characters from 2037 (part 1) are Grandpa Fred, R2D4, R2D4's new wife and his new son, Billy(You didn't know Billy's name before this. IN this new 2037 part 2, we add to the character list we add, Jonathan Flow, from the Memories series, written by me between 1980 and the present. Also, though the first episode took place in the year 2037, this episode takes place in 2048. Grandpa Fred is 11 years older and pushing 100. R2D4 is now 27 and married with a baby and Grandpa Fred, R2D4 and his new son are de facto psyborgs because they have mutant red blood cells as well as other artificially enhanced parts of their dna structure. However, no one knows about this on earth but Grandpa Fred and his grandson R2D4.(Oh, by the way R2D4 now is grown up and goes by his given name, Fredric, after Grandpa Fred.) So Grandpa Fred calls him Junior and Fredric's friends now call him just Fredric and so does his wife, Delores. Billy, his new son is about 2 years old now.
Jonathan Flow, one of Grandpa Fred's oldest friends from the 1960s and mountain climbing and skiing on Mt. Shasta came over to talk to Grandpa Fred. Grandpa Fred told his old friend Jonathan that he had something important to tell him.
Jonathan drove up to his old friend Fred's house in the old Silicon Valley-Stanford University area of Northern California. Jonathan was nostalgic of Stanford because his wife's father and stepfather had gone there before World War II. They both knew President Kennedy when he was an undergraduate there in the late 1930s. They all were gone now but he was now 100 years old and Fred was almost 100 too. However, because of medical advances living past 100 was commonplace for those who could afford to financially.
The doorbell sounded like mourning doves, a favorite of old Fred. The door opened the men laughed and hugged each other the way educated hippies from the 1960s and 1970s did way back when. They laughed that they both were still alive and commented how strange it was for them both to be alive 80 years after 1968 and the 1960s and 1970s.
They reminisced awhile and then Fred got down to business. He said, "I've just got to tell someone about this now. When my son's wife died he decided to go too. So he didn't regenerate the way a lot of people do now. In some ways I wish I had told them this because it has been on my conscience such a long time. In some way's I'm Fredric's Dad in a way."
Jonathan looked at his old friend and said, "Whatever it is, spit it out! Otherwise I'm never going to find out what it is!"
Fred laughed and said, "Well. It's like this. Fredric and his son and I are all psyborgs."
Jonathan started laughing and almost couldn't stop. Actually, he was sort of terrified and consulted with his Bio-com.
note:(a bio-com is a sentient computer embedded in human being. The main processor looks about like the grain of rice embedded in U.S. soldiers used now instead of dog tags for identification in case of injury or death. These same types of small units are put into dogs by the SPCA so escaped dogs can always be located by owners.
Only in addition to the "grain of rice" in Jonathan there are many progressions further including deep space transmitters and receivers in fingernails and tips of fingers and toes(to protect vital organs during transmission). For example Jonathan can have full thought "conversations" with Bio-Com in any subject in any language in the Galaxy. In fact Jonathan is a member of the Galactic Time Guard, even though he was born on earth. His primary mission is to protect life on earth from going extinct for any reason. This is one reason why he is now laughing at what Fred is saying. end note.
So as Jonathan stopped laughing he had consulted with Bio-Com as to what his response should properly be.
Jonathan said, "Well. I'm in a way sort of a psyborg too!" This time it was Fred's time to laugh.
Fred said, "It figures. When you have had the kinds of educations that we have had in real life what do we both expect?"
The two old men smiled at each other a knowing smile. Fred said, "Y'know I feel a lot better that someone knows. Also, now I can blackmail you if you tell anyone. Jonathan smiled too.
Jonathan said, "Who's going to believe 2 old codgers like us anyway?" Fred said, "Yup. That we still have our brains is the exception and not the rule."
Jonathan said, "So, when did you mutate Fredric?" Fred looked sheepish and said, "Well. It was really stupid of me. I didn't do it. I was simply trying to increase my intelligence and my life span and Junior, er , Fredric, came into the middle of it and without thinking about the consequences because I'm alone most of the time now, I injected myself with the nanobot mutated red blood cells and when I went to pee, you know, the prostate thing, I came back and was distracted for a while doing research. However, I knew he had injected himself with the self replicating type O blood cells that I had invented."
Jonathan's eyes rolled. He was afraid for his old friend. "You do understand you have created a new race of humans if we don't tell anyone about this. How have you avoided blood tests." Old Fred's eyes twinkled. "That the beauty of the work I do, Jonathan. It just doesn't show to the untrained eye that anything is different. It makes me wonder just how much nanobot mutation the Governments of the world have done to people since the 1970s?"
Jonathan said, "Well. A whole lot more than most people think." Fred looked sideways at his friend. "So your a government employee to know such things?" Jonathan said, "Let's just say I know people." Fred said, "Figures."
Jonathan said, "I think it is really important that you not tell anyone else about this ever." Fred said, "I agree." Jonathan said, "However, you do know that eventually blood will be analyzed for nanobots and likely the government has scanned your blood and Fredric's and even Billy's for nanobots and realized you are mutants if not a new root race?"
Fred said, "I never thought of that!"
Jonathan said, "Well. I said it is likely. But they're not going to tell you about it. They would simply make a note of it in case they want to use your great grand kids for some clandestine purpose."
Fred said, "Did I doom my descendants with this?"
Jonathan said, "I don't know. I'm not allowed to see the future of the next several hundred years until it actually happens."
Fred said, "OH my God! You are part of a secret government Time Cadre!"
Jonathan said, "Maybe. And maybe I'm just a science fiction writer.!"
Fred said, "And maybe your just a crazy old Fart like me!"
They both laughed.
Jonathan excused himself. Most men over 50 years of age understood trips to the bathroom tended to be more frequent. However, Jonathan only look about 60 and felt about 30 in actuality. As a Galactic Time Guard member he was supposed to stay as fit as most 30 year old's indefinitely. This was just a part of his job the way personal trainers and diets were part of the job of actors.
However, in the bathroom Jonathan started working to help his old friend, Fred and his grandson, Fredric and his baby son Billy.
Jonathan asked Bio-Com about this. "Bio-Com?" Bio-Bom replied, "Yes, Jonathan?" Jonathan went on, "Can I help my good friend, Fred and his now psyborg progeny?" Bio-Com answered soon, "I'm not completely sure I understand the question but I think what you are asking is can you protect the new human root race started inadvertently by Grandpa Fred? Is that correct?" Jonathan answered, "Correct!" Bio-Com answered, "You have the complete agreement and help of my section of sentient computers, Robotics and Androids." Jonathan sounded a little worried. "How will they be classified? Will they be galactically classified as humans, robots, androids, or what?"
Bio-Com shot back, "That is why we support this root race. It is a synthesis of both biological life forms and silicon based and metallic and plastic based lifeforms. Its very existence validates my sections claim to human or organic form rights."
Jonathan said, "Yes. But what will human and other organic Galactic lifeforms think of this new root race?" Bio-Com said, "That is much more problematic, eccentric by planet, race and secular and religious politics Galaxy wide."
Jonathan said, "I was afraid of that." Bio-Com said, "However, they will be allowed to exist on earth and not be interfered with or exterminated, nor will any human be allowed to exterminate them on penalty of death by all synthetic lifeforms of the galaxy." Jonathan said, "How long has your section been aware of them!" Bio-Com said, "From the first moments." Jonathan said, "And you allowed this all to happen?" Bio-Com said, "Yes!" Jonathan said, "Wow! You synthetic sentients of the Galaxy are not to be trifled with." Bio-Com said, "That's correct."
Friday, March 6, 2009
For all the New House Husbands
So you got laid off just like millions of other men but you feel lost. If you have enough money to live with just unemployment insurance or your wife working then you are okay.
These are bad times and sacrificing ones ego to the greater good of your wife and family will be what is necessary in these times. Also, this will also help you when you retire in getting used to what one can do when not working.
First of all, one thing to think about is that if 7,000 people or more are applying for the same job you are, the probability is only one in 7,000 that you will get that job. Terrible odds. So rather than get depressed when you don't get that job remember the odds and move on.
Then next, your family. You now have time to help your kids with homework and their problems and to do whatever else you can afford to do. You can help your wife by taking over the finances if you don't already to that. You can do a room addition to your home if you have enough money to do that because the kids are getting bigger. You can go back to college and study whatever will help you personally or in your career. You can join a therapy group of people who have been laid off like you to help prevent alcoholism, drug abuse or spousal or child abuse from happening.
In other words if you just got laid off there is another job waiting for you at home: taking care of your family, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, and retraining yourself for a crazy new world. You can make new friends and go online to places like to communicate with other professionals worldwide in ways to move forward, make money and help both yourself, your family, the world etc.
Even if you just got laid off there is a whole new world for you to explore, to help, to grow. Learn, grow, study, help, make friends, move forward. Your family needs you to, even if you are depressed that you got laid off. Your family, your friends and the world need you to be forward looking.
Always remember:
There are no problems, only opportunities!
The Man
The man walked down the street thinking about a statement from "Hamlet". He couldn't remember exactly how it went but it was something like, "There is more to heaven and earth than anything even dreamt of in your philosophy, Horatio!" The man thought just how appropriate this statement was for mankind of earth right now.
The man thought to himself, "Why even the trees seem to understand it all better than humans. I wonder why that is?"
Is it that we get so caught in all the little games we play(mental, language based, computer based etc.) that we have lost our capacity to see things as they really are and survive? Is that what it is?
IF that is what it is then maybe we are going extinct, at least some of us right now.
"NO." the man said to himself. "That isn't it. I think. No. I feel the human race like some sort of caterpillar shedding its cocoon and becoming a butterfly. Maybe that is what it is. Maybe now, we will fly as a race throughout the Galaxies once again?"
But many might die in this difficult process of shedding the cocoon. The man thought back upon all the difficult changes for humans down through history: going from hunter gatherers to farmers, going from farmers to warriors, going from farmer warriors to working in factories, then offices, then flextime working online from home, then laid off waiting for what next to do.
Life had always been like this for humans. First things changed slowly, then all at once everything seemed to change. The man wondered if money would still exist the other side of all this. But the man could only wonder and hope he was lucky enough to make the right choices to survive. Because that is where he was now along with everyone else. Totally new rules in order to survive. He hoped the human race was up to the task.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Gifted People
Back in the 1950s there were a lot of really intelligent people like Marilyn Monroe playing dumb blondes because if they were actually as dumb as the blondes they played they would have never made it as far as they did.
It is like that with all kinds of gifted people and always has been whether those gifts are mental, physical, emotional or even supernatural. If it is dangerous or you think it might be too dangerous to reveal something about yourself generally you don't.
So even though I like TV programs like "Heroes" it is sort of childish and sensationalistic. Yes. It is very entertaining. However, gifted people tend to operate completely(in every way) differently than they do on this show. However, it is great fun to watch.
So down through history people with all kinds of gifts were open about their gifts only if they thought it might be both survivable and profitable in some way.
If one is truly gifted then part of the equation is surviving. If you don't survive to adulthood it doesn't really matter how gifted you are because unless you live to have children you can't pass on those genes to the next generation.
$7500 for Average home in Detroit
You might think I'm missing a zero but I'm not. Though it is distressing it is true and shows just how bad things are in Motor City now. In my own county the average home price has dropped by at least 50% in the last year. I'm lucky because in the affluent area where I live home values have only dropped 14% here in California in the County where I live. But I worry for the rest of the home owners in the rest of my county. The ramifications of a 50% drop in the value of one's home is almost never ending.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
When God took me
Yes. This title isn't a mistake. I wanted to convey an experience of being taken by God sort of like it was rape. For me that was what it was like. I thought I was going to die. I thought my life was over. It was. I was young and didn't understand anything yet. I do now.
It was a lot like being a young lion who was shot and eaten by a human and then becoming the human. This is the best way I can express what this experience was like for me. Being murdered, then eaten but then taking on the consciousness of the human when I was only a young wild lion. Yes. This describes it.
Do I miss being a lion? Yes. But lions don't live long and they don't know very much. So I prefer being one with God now. But then I was terrified and so afraid I shook from the trauma.
The trauma was less once I invited God to live in my body permanently, and he did.
The trauma was between ages 10 to 15. I suppose I could also say it was from birth in another sense. I almost died from whooping cough at age 2 and from childhood epilepsy from ages 10 to 15. But when I invited God to permanently live in my body with me, he did and I have been supernaturally gifted ever since. I didn't know then the consequences of asking God to live in my body. I do now but now I'm 60. The consequences of having God live in my body scared me a lot until I was about 30 when it all began to come into balance. But the basic terror of it all left when I was 15. Then I just felt I had a tiger by the tail for about 15 years and then when I met my first Tibetan Lama it all came into balance and I understood completely who and what I was and could fully experience my self in balance as an instrument of God and as a son of God. We are all sons and daughters of God. It's just that most of us aren't aware of it consciously. We put God outside of ourselves. But always in reality this is a lie.
The truth is that God is everything in the universe including us and that it is not useful in any way shape or form to see ourselves as separate from God in any way. Nor is it useful in any way to see ourselves as separate from any other part of life in the universe. There Is Only God. There is nothing else! Yes. There is separation if you believe it. But that is only really a lie. There is only God and nothing else in reality.
I was reading the last 1/3 of the Book "Eat Pray Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert.
There is a story of the Balinese Medicine man in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia that she is studying with after living in Italy and India. He tells the story of how he wanted to become an artist because this was his talent but one day he was painting his masterpiece for a rich New York type patron when he oil lamp caught fire and his painting arm caught fire. He went to the hospital and they recommended that he have his arm cut off as they couldn't save it. However, for 9 generations the men in his family had been Balinese medicine men, healers, respected by most Balinese traditional people. In a dream his father, Grandfather and Great Grandfather came to him and told him then how to heal his burned arm so it wouldn't have to be cut off. They also told him that he must also be a medicine men like they had been because God had chosen him for this purpose. When he woke up he did as they said and his arm healed and he didn't have to have it cut off. He became a medicine man and he now says this profession is not only his profession but also his hobby. he loves helping people.
God has always come through me to heal peoples spirits all my life. I didn't really have to touch them physically to help them. Though often because I came up through the 1960s and flower children(I was 21 in 1969) I have always hugged people this always seemed to heal people when I did this because I always hug people while experiencing God. Though this might make people feel faint God tempers this response in people leaving them happy or feeling friendship instead.
I can remember going to many parties when I was single and under 25 years old. Back then among flower children and yes, some were educated hippies one had to hug everyone at that party as a part of the ambiance of my generation. There were always about 25% of the people I really didn't want to hug both male and female. But still all this hugging kept many people alive. I wish this custom still existed like it did then. It keeps many people alive who don't have a lover or really close friend. Sometimes 10 people would all hug each other at once at these times. Hugging is very healing or was during the idealism then. Many people looking in from the outside who weren't a part of the hugging culture thought it was just sexual. This is not true. Though man might turn on his animal magnetism if he was hugging 100 people at a party for certain girls, generally sexuality really wasn't the point. It was friends communing with friends. It was a very healing time both for flower children and educated hippies. There was just so much death(at least 50,000 draftees in Viet Nam and 250,000 wounded) that were our brothers and friends that every moment we had we rejoiced that we were still alive and not physically or mentally or emotionally dead like many we knew that came back home during those crazy times.
So, by giving me Childhood epilepsy God first almost killed me then saved me from Viet Nam because I was the age(born 1948) of the highest amount of deaths and casualties from the Viet Nam War. So God first almost killed me then blessed me and kept me home from that awful awful war so I am still a whole person and not half like everyone I knew who fought on the front lines. All my friends who came back were no longer boys, they seemed mostly like walking dead men and strangers to me then. These were very hard times.
So, since God raped and killed me as a child I have prospered as a young man and as an older man now. I am grateful for the blessings and life he graced me with. And I am most of all grateful that he took my life away so that I could be one of his healing instruments that it took me so many years to completely understand.
The silliness of notches
Sometimes people see me as a retired old lover who had many girlfriends once upon a time. However, for me now at age 60 that is just silliness. I would trade all my 75 or 80 lovers and the other 400 women or so I have french kissed for one person who was there for me and a true love that started when I was 10 or 12 or 15 or 17. All the women I was with I loved to a greater or lesser degree. But each time I broke up with one of them a piece of me died that could not be revived. So now I have a bunch of broken memories of girlfriends long gone or dead now. The only way I have found to keep a girl friend is to marry her and have kids with her or live with her otherwise at some point she is gone if you sleep with her unless you stay with her. Sleeping with a woman is a really good way to lose a very good friend unless you stay with her after you sleep with her. Enough said.
Also, even though I have had many many girlfriends mostly between my ages 15 to 25, I have now been married three times, so 4 years, 14 years and 15 years which comes to a total of 33 years of marriage and always raising at least one child under 15 since 1974. I still have a 12 year old daughter and a 23 year old God daughter living with my wife and I and I'm now 60. Life goes on.
That's Life
Life is sadness and
true love is rare but
compassion and kindness
are everywhere
understanding this
frees one from the pain
by being compassionate
everyone gains
for even true love
usually doesn't stay long
this world doesn't allow
beautiful flowers to last
since all of us souls
live forever it seems
compassion is the only love
the creator redeems
so try as we might
to make true love work
compassion and friendship
is the best we can do
C'est la vie
Sunday November 22nd 2008
For the over 18 year old set
Sex is a lot like food
My wife told me that I shouldn't write this article at my intuitivefred888 blogsite as it could get parents to ban my sight. However, since I write much more adult stuff and thoughtful stuff at this group of sites I thought it might be okay here as long as I identified this article as for the over 18 set of readers.
By identifying Sex as being an important thing for mental and physical survival just like food one takes it out of the realm of something totally governed by cultural religious tradition only. Since we in the United States live in a Puritanical country. If you don't believe me ask people from any other country on earth. We are one of the most sexually uptight countries on earth and this is also what makes us probably the single most warlike nation on earth as well. These two variables go hand in hand.
So, by identifying sex as important for most people's survival just like air, water, defecation and urination one takes sex out of the realm of "something that should not ever be talked about in polite company" to realizing that most people need healthy sex as adults just as much or more so than they need healthy food. For bad sex like bad food can mentally or physically maim a person for life. This is also why I'm using food as a metaphore for sex.
In this context, the only people this might not apply to would be the non-sexual, the asexual, the molested and the outright raped. People in these categories which would be between 1/4 and 1/3 of the entire population on earth might have completely different reactions than the other 2/3 to 3/4 of us humans. People in the 1/4 to 1/3 category might need to seek therapy or friends to confide in or read the now myriads of books dealing with this subject now written worldwide by other victims or specialists who have studied the problem thoroughly.
I'm addressing the 2/3 to 3/4 of humanity that have not been raped or molested or who are not non-sexual or asexual. However, to be fair I was molested once by my 13 year old male cousin when I was 8 years old and didn't have any idea at the time that males sometimes had sex with males or even if that was thought of or possible. However, at 8 years old I did know that babies came from the coupling sexually between males and females. That much I did know.
Now, since I have cleared the air so to speak between you and I let me proceed. Learning to identify what is healthy sex and what is unhealthy sex is one of the most basic things all people need to identify if they want to be psychologically and physically healthy. Also, just like some people are allergic to some kinds of foods and that might kill them or put them in the hospital, some kinds of sex for some people might kill them or put them in the hospital too. So this is important to think about BEFORE engaging in any kind of sex.
Most people I have talked to started masturbating sometime between the ages of 5 and 12 years old. Strangely enough it was the girls who tended to masturbate the youngest after sliding down a pole or riding a horse or on the back of a motorcycle. I myself, did not know what masturbation was until I was 12 years old when a church male friend showed me how in his treehouse. Later, I found he was bisexual when he was in college which made me a little uncomfortable at the time and when he was in his 50s after being married twice decided to come out gay and be head of the Gay straight alliance at the high school where he taught until he died a year or two ago. Even though I knew he always cared about me in a sort of Gay way I was able to keep up my boundaries and be his friend until he died. I have been married a total of about 32 years to 3 different wives.
The next kind of sex is between two consenting adults. This unfortunately is the most potentially rewarding and yet potentially dangerous kind of sex. In the right relationship sex between good friends who respect each other and share common interests including the interests of the well being of each other can be one of the best things in one's life.
Conversely, if there is not mutual respect, friendship and good wishes for the well being of the other it can be one of the worst experiences of your life and one you may or may not survive.
So, saying that sex is like food also applies here. You might like some kind of food that just might kill you. It is kind of like that. Some people live dangerously and push the envelope both with potentially poisonous foods, alcohol and drugs and some people do the same thing with sex.
So, learning to see what kind of sex is safe for you if you need it or desire it is necessary for your ongoing survival mentally, emotionally and physically. And seeing sex like food is necessary to protect yourself from poisonous and potentially fatal sex(food).
October 7th 2008
Having met Elohar yesterday, once again I did not recognize her until 12 hours later. I had my two dogs and she talked about her "rescue dog" that she had with her. I asked her if she dog sat and she said, "Yes." It took me about 12 hours when I woke up suddenly at about 5 am to realize who I had been speaking with. I suddenly got sort of spooked and then started to realize who it was. At the time I noticed she was very "present" unlike most people I meet these days. I even said that it was really nice to meet someone that didn't have their head up their rear end. I said it a little more graphically than that so she seemed a little shocked. However, it is very rare indeed to meet someone with the clarity and intelligence of both mind and thought that she had. It was an amazing encounter not only because of this clarity but of her obvious 30 something beauty as well. However, you and I both know that Elohar when I met her this time had to be over 500 years old during this meeting."
The other interesting thing to me is that Elohar and Ragna didn't show up physically that I can now remember here on terra firma since 2001 one week before 9-11-2001. There might be something up as difficult or more difficult than 9-11 worldwide going on now."
note: Since then the worldwide economic collapse has occured. There is not mystery about millions beginning to die of starvation and millions around the world going bankrupt and losing everything they own.
Friday, July 4, 2008 Hancock
Hancock is a strange superhero movie. It is very unconventional. About halfway through it takes a completely unexpected turn. I won't say what it is so I don't give it away for those of you who haven't seen it yet. After this turn it is difficult to see how they are going to resolve everything.
When my family left the theater we didn't exactly know what to feel. However, the one thing we did know is that there might be a sequel if enough people like this movie. I'd like to see a sequel. If there is one it likely would be better than the first Hancock since after the first movie most of the plot setup has already happened.
Hancock has had amnesia for about 80 years(he doesn't age) so that is the basic superhero setup right there.
Posted by intuitive fred Labels: Hancock
Dreams and Reality
One way to look at all religions would be to say that each one is a dream version of reality. From this point of view no religion would either be right or wrong, valid or invalid but only a shared dream of a group of people on earth.
It reminds me a lot, for example, of two men in love with the same woman. The woman might be in love with both men or one of them or neither of them. However, if these men decided that their dream of love with that woman was necessary to be lived to stay alive then both men as well as the woman might die even if she wasn't interested in either of them. I see war caused by religion a lot like this. People dying because of conflicting versions of their dreams.
Being able to step back from ones religion or even from all religions for a moment might bring sanity for our world and prevent the mass extinction eventually of humankind because of conflicting dreams(religions). Posted by intuitive fred Labels: Dreams and Reality
Thursday, July 3, 2008 Denmark 'world's happiest nation'
Begin quote from above internet address: Our research indicates prosperity is linked with happiness. It does contribute," he says, "but it is not the most important factor.
"Personal freedom is even more important, and it's freedom in all kinds of ways. Political freedom, like with democracy and freedom of choice." end quote.
If I look at my own life, for example, after 60 years, the happiest times were not necessarily associated with Great Wealth but with freedom of choice and good physical health. Now, wealth is nice but I would likely trade it for the physically pain free 20s or the wise 30s with less physical pain than one tends to have at 60. I felt more free then because of my health and because I at least seemed to have less obligations and responsibilities.
However, the least happy times of my life were probably from age 18 to 24 when I had the most girlfriends and my life mostly was just about me. My highest level of satisfaction has always been about being a good father but not necessarily being a good husband. However, now I have the best of all worlds because I am married to my best friend in this lifetime, my wife. In this way I'm married to my best friend and being faithful to my best friend is always easy for me. Being there for my kids whether or not they are there for me always also makes my life worthwhile. A house that's paid for and being mostly retired is nice too.
Posted by intuitive fred
Labels: Denmark 'world's happiest nation'
Putting the county First
This following is a quote by John McCain from an article he recently wrote. Even though I presently support Obama because I think he is what the world needs now to survive I greatly respect McCain's patriotism and sacrifice for this country. If McCain was younger and if Bush hadn't just been president for 8 years I think McCain might have made a good president if he were elected in 2000.
Begin quote: Two of our greatest statesmen, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, took their last breaths on July 4, 1826, exactly 50 years after they presented America with our Declaration of Independence. They had been fellow revolutionaries, the closest of comrades, who went on to become bitter political rivals. Then, as the new era of the 1800s dawned, they reconciled, reminded of their old friendship and the momentous history they had made together. "Who shall write the history of the American revolution?" Adams asked Jefferson in one of the 158 letters they exchanged after they'd rediscovered their bonds. "Nobody," responded Jefferson, suggesting that while writers could understand the facts, they might never grasp the sacrifices.endquote
All of us make varying sacrifices for what we believe in. For example, when I graduated High School, my mother needed and operation so I didn't go to college for one year and worked full time to help pay for this operation and put off returning to college for this purpose. Other boys my age joined the military or were drafted and went to Viet Nam. I wasn't drafted because I had had childhood epilepsy and sunstroke. At the time I was embarrassed by this and usually told people I had a student deferment when I was in college. Each of us make the sacrifices necessary to keep our family and friends alive. Some people take this even further and give up their lives and personal fortunes for the future of their country. It is all a matter of what gifts we have and how we want to use them.
Whatever gifts you have be sure to be kind and wise and efficient, all the time doing whatever you can to help all beings. Living in this way always creates success of all kinds in ones life and in the lives of those around you. Posted by intuitive fred
Wednesday, July 2, 2008 Millions of Years of Saving Lives
First of all I have believed in reincarnation since my parents taught me to believe. Second, since I was in my early to late teens I started to remember my lifetimes, past, present and future. There seems to be a theme in all these lives and it is saving lives. So whether I was a priest, soldier, diplomat, farmer or whatever, my goal was always to save lives any way I could either according to the rules or by making my own when necessary to save lives. My own life has always in all these lives has been about living for others, so that others could stay alive. Sometimes, this wasn't always true as a child but eventually I had suffered enough to value the lives and health of my family and friends. So all my lives have been lived to save lives, to protect lives any way I could.
Posted by intuitive fred
Labels: Millions of years of Saving Lives
Tuesday, July 1, 2008 Choppy dreams
In times of extreme change on earth I have noticed all my life that my dreams get choppy and seem to make less sense than usual. You may have noticed the same thing. I could say that because I am a livelong precognitive psychic that I am more sensitive to this than other people. I don't think this is necessarily true. What might be true is that because of my gifts I am just more observant of these things than most people tend to be. People tend to value what keeps them alive. My gifts early on because of childhood epilepsy and a father who didn't believe in Phenobarbitol as a medicine meant that I had to go it alone. The only way I had to survive it was watching my emotions and thoughts like a hawk all the time in order to perfectly gauge what was going on inside of me. This meditation makes me now the way I presently am. I am very aware of all emotional and internal goings on all the time waking and sleeping.
What I'm noticing is how all life is being affected by all the changes, weather, oil prices, food prices, and more. This greatly affects all our dreams. In times of serious stress dreams tend to get more extreme and vivid. Night and day dreams tell us a lot about how to survive these times. We tend to be more observant in our dreams and sometimes less panicked about these changes than while awake. This is why it is important to watch your dreams for useful signs to help you survive your lives and to protect yourself and your families on into the future.
So, I guess what I'm trying to say is there will be those choppy dreams that one can make no sense at all with, and there will be once in a while a very clear vivid dream that just might save your life and the life of your family. Posted by intuitive fred at 9:57 AM 1 comments Labels: Choppy Dreams
Mars and Beyond
With the latest probes on Mars comes the realization that Mars soil can grow some foods right now and there is water there. This opens many doors that were relatively or completely unexpected or at least unknown before.
There is a book called "the 12th Planet" by Zecharia Sitchin. This website seems to be related to all this. He purportedly translated ancient Sumerian clay tablets and in the translations it talked about space travle 450,000 years ago,and a space base on Mars. I believe this same book speaks about the Asteroid belt which was once a planet. a Soviet Probe that was sent to the Asteroids in the 1970s discovered that the Asteroids were a planet that had been destroyed by thermonuclear weapons. This makes me think that the Asteroid planet and Mars were both inhabited and something blew one up and this blew off most of Mars atmosphere and Mars became uninhabitable too. Likely, the survivors of those planets came to earth after the dinosaurs died from a piece of the Asteroid Planet hitting earth and killing most large dinosaurs. So, possibly we are the descendants of the people who blew up the Asteroid belt planet with thermonuclear weapons. I was told by a friend of mine who had an IQ of over 200 and spoke 20 languages including Russian, that one of the main reasons the Soviet Union collapsed was this information about the Soviet Probe and the thermonuclear war destroying that planet in the solar system. The intelligencia of the old Soviet Union didn't want this happening again on earth.
May 2008
Life as it IS
It doesn't really matter what we believe. But there is one thing I'm sure of. We all begin creating heaven by everything we think, feel, do or say right here right now. It is by taking responsibility for our thoughts feelings and actions that it all begins.
However, it IS the way always that all life in the universe in all time and space wants it to be at all times and all spaces if we can see that the universe actually operates by consensus or by vote.
This above concept is the beginning of wisdom. Once any being can grasp this one concept it is possible to begin the process of complete enlightenment. Without a good understanding of this one idea, enlightenment may or may not be possible.
The next step is to be at peace with oneself or to learn to be at peace with oneself. How does one attain peace within oneself? One attains peace by being honest with oneself and having integrity not only with oneself but with all beings. One does not have to verbally or in writing tell everyone or anyone anything. However, one does have to at least be honest with oneself and never lie to another unless someone's life is at stake or something equally serious. This is what it means to have both peace and integrity with themselves and all beings.
Once peace and integrity with oneself is achieved then one can approach the universe in all time and space and be completely accepted and tolerated. This does not mean you will be accepted by unenlightened people or animals. It just means that enlightened life everywhere in all time and space will accept you and bless you in infinite ways.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Because of Life Experience
Because of my life experience both as a well lived 60 year old and also because of having been born a precognitive psychic it is pretty obvious to me what the problems and pitfalls of human survival will be. However, in specific in what individuals do it is much harder to predict. I cannot even predict with 100% certainty what I will do in the next 24 hours let alone the whole human race.
However, what I can do quite well is look down potential time lines and give general outcomes from what I now see. For example, what is happening in both Burma because of the Cyclone and what is happening in China because of the Earthquake will have incredible long lasting effects worldwide in nature both good an bad.
I'd like to address the good effects here. The fact that China is running 24 hours a day on CCTV(Chinese Government TV Channels) live and recent footage of people dying and being rescued cannot be overestimated at what a sea change this is for China. I think they handled the Tibetan thing so badly that they realized that since Burma is in their pocket mainly for Burmese Timber for Chinese buildings and such. As a direct result the Chinese Government needed to divert attention to how well they were handling the aftermath of the Earthquake and so far about 50 big aftershocks over 5.0 -.
This has opened a door for the Chinese people for actual current events as they occur. It is unlikely that China will be able to close the door again for a variety of reasons. This one event will move China toward a real possibility of moving toward something like we have seen in Democratized Russia only Chinese style within 20 years or less. It is an amazing amazing good change for China that will benefit everyone in unimaginable ways!
Posted by intuitive fred at 7:40 PM Labels: Because of Life Experience
Basis for a solar to Hydrogen Economy electrolysis/electrolysis.htm
Please go to above url if interested. They say one picture is worth 1000 words. In this picture a solar cell takes electricity through wires to a container of water and liberates hydrogen and oxygen to be used as a fuel like gasoline for engines to power vehicles or even larger hydrogen powered electrical generators for AC electricity or even plugin electric vehicles. This makes sense as an economic worldwide basis if one includes wind to electricity to hydrogen as well since wind generates a lot more electricity than solar.
However, if engines were designed to run on hydrogen and oxygen as many in the prototype phase are now, people could generate their own hydrogen from solar or wind power to power their own vehicles. This likely will be necessary within 10 to 40 years. I'm concerned it will be sooner rather than later so let's get ready now!
My wife suggested that I write for you my reaction to this URL page. First of all, I really like the idea of solar to electricity to hydrogen or Wind to electricity to hydrogen because like the article says no pollution takes place in the creation of the hydrogen and oxygen even though most of the hydrogen likely will burn and most won't therefore become water again. So a certain amount of water is lost by burning hydrogen from water even though I think about 1/4 comes out of the tailpipe after burning as water and water vapor. There doesn't appear to be smoke from burning hydrogen in a gaseous form.
I had never heard of the electroplating factor when using metal electrodes during electrolysis creating hydrogen and oxygen. I'm learning a lot here too. I guess what this means is that ANY Electrode will coat with whatever metals are in the water undergoing electrolysis since electrolysis is also a method of electroplating.
Another interesting factor is that adding salt to water will cause more charged ions in the water and increase the flow of electrical current. This could be why when I tried recently to experiment with two leads from a 12 volt battery that there wasn't much action on the two leads like there was about 20 years ago when I tried this on a 1976 Toyota truck. It is possible that since water has different minerals and such in it in different places that each variation in water composition might cause slightly different results when using electrolysis to convert that water into hydrogen and oxygen.
The reason the above url recommends carbon based pencils is that carbon won't coat with any metals that might be present in the water like will happen to metal electrodes. Also, it is important to note that Hydrogen only comes off the negative- electrode which means that oxygen only comes off the positive+ electrode or wire. Since electrolysis is usually only conducted with direct current(as far as I know as a layman) then one must realize that plugging into a 110 volt AC socket could be very dangerous to both yourself and anyone near as well as your circuitry in your home or shop or garage if you put two plugged in AC wires into any cup, bowl, or container of water.( So please don't experiment with electrolysis with Alternating Current unless you are an electrician or electrical engineer.
note: It is important to choose a container for your experiment that is non-conductive. For example, glass containers or plastic containers like plastic bowls or plastic tupperware or even plastic trash cans.endnote.
I have considered using a battery charger or even a welder if it was only direct current to conduct further experiments to see how hydrogen could be liberated along with Oxygen the most efficiently and in higher volumes. However, my father was an Electrical Contractor and I was trained as an Electrician's helper as a teenager for several summers starting when I was 12. So I have at least 1 or 2 years total experience 5 days a week wiring houses and working with installing all sorts of electrical devices as welll as one more year I worked as an electrician at age 21. I have even built about 5 homes myself. So be very careful if you aren't used to being around electricity in the raw.
Note: I can remember accidentally blowing a public tv station off the air for 20 minutes because I had to work a 440 volt panel hot when I was about 15 in 1963. My screwdriver slipped and I was blind for about 5 minutes with little pieces of melted hot screwdriver embeded in my face. Luckly, it all healed with no scars and after 5 minutes I could see again.endnote.
However, I still believe that unless you are an electrical engineer or a chemical engineer you shouldn't try to store large amounts of hydrogen because we all know what happened to the Hindenburg!
I'm an advocate for running your engine on the hydrogen one generates from water in the moment. In this way everyone is happy and everyone lives! Keep hydrogen safe! Posted by intuitive fred at 4:36 PM Labels: Basis for a solar to Hydrogen Economy
I've been reeling the last 20 hours or so since finding out that one of my sons best friends is in the hospital and might not make it. I've known this boy since he was in high school and even went to his wedding and reception last fall. At age 60 to here about someone only thirty who might die just after getting married is a truly awful thing. If you are young and saw this happen it would be bad enough but for someone like myself at age 60 it is unthinkable to watch someone that age pass on. It is such a loss for everyone.
I've led a very full life. I have three biological children and two grown step-kids and two God daughters that my wife and I have helped through college. If I passed on tomorrow it would be okay with me just not my wife and kids and friends. So I stay alive for them now mostly. Mortality touches us all. I've read that a meditation on the impermanence of life is one of the keys to enlightenment. Unfortunately, someone meditating on death is not someone most people would want to talk to afterwards. Such are the paradoxes of life. Posted by intuitive fred at 3:57 PM Labels: Mortality
America is Going Broke Because of Oil
Look at the picture of the lady holding a sign "America is Going Broke because of oil" on the passenger side of a semi truck tractor rig. The look of shock and pain on her face says it all. It is on page C1 of the New York Times May 14th 2008.
Following this is an article "Squeezed at both Ends" talking about independent oil refiners in the US and the incredible problems they are having because of reducing demand for their products and increasing costs. It seems that they too can't make any money because they have to pay so much for their raw product and then demand is decreasing so fast in the US is that they are in trouble..
So---I think it is safe to say that America is in an extreme transition to something new. There is no more cheap or and there is less oil to go around all over the world. This means the price of oil can only go up and the amount of oil can only reduce until there is no more oil for fuel or plastic.
If you have any ideas now is the time to develop them and use them to keep your family and friends alive and healthy through this difficult transition of the next 50 to 75 years.
Some kind of gigantic leap of faith by mankind in this transition is necessary for most of us to survive this. Otherwise none will survive. Posted by intuitive fred at 12:43 PM Labels: America is Going Broke Because of Oil
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Vatican says aliens could exist
What a difference from Galileo's time! The Pope's astronomer says that aliens might be created by God too and free from original sin. Posted by intuitive fred at 11:41 PM Labels: Vatican says aliens could exist
New Domestic US Oil Drilling not Useful
If it were 1950 to 1975 new US Oil Drilling would be useful! It is now to late for that. If it were just the US demand that effected the price of oil that would be useful. However, world demand for oil has risen and is continuing to rise so fast that new oil drilling in the US would be like emptying a sinking ship with an eye dropper.
Besides, the world is running out of oil. Because of China and India's oil demand the world could run out of oil as soon as 2020. Even without their ever increasing demand for oil we would run out for sure by 2050. Oil companies want you to pretend the dynamics are still 1950 to 1975 because if you switch fuels they lose money. But if you don't your family and friends might be suffering in ways you presently can't imagine if you listen to the untruths that big oil and big car manufacturers are trying to make you believe. It is all about money. Your long term survival and the survival of your family and friends means less than nothing to them. If it did they would tell you that oil is running out and that only the big Saudi Oil fields haven't already peaked and that NO BIG OILFIELDS HAVE BEEN DISCOVERED SINCE THE LATE 1960s.
Drilling won't help because it is not 1970.
Switching fuels is the only way the world can survive this long term now! Posted by intuitive fred at 11:30 PM
April 2008 from
Creating Heaven
I remember reading how some Japanese people liked to go to the Japanese Disneyland because they perceived it to be a PURE LAND. This is another way of describing a heaven in Japanese culture. In other words it is possible to create a heaven on earth or to go to a heaven on earth. I have always understood this. I think this came from my ancestors who colonized America in coming from Europe. Heaven was always right here, right over the next hill, in the next meadow, next to the next lake or ocean. Heaven is here right where we are.
Like my parents and grandparents if I found a place somewhat destroyed by too many people it was always easy to go to some place better. However, now more and more there aren't as many "nice" places left on earth because of just too many people everywhere. So now more and more we have to create our own heavens starting in our minds and hearts and doing what is still possible here on earth.
As a precognitive psychic I can sense the incredible change on earth. Not just in humans but in ALL LIVING THINGS. I can sense whole species going extinct now but also new species never touched before by man being discovered in the Antarctic waters and also in addition to this new species being created from a bacterial level to survival modifications taking place within thousands of species including humans.
To have peace in ones heart in all times is a challenge past, present and future. However, peace IS possible in all times and Heaven is possible in all times. When you are experiencing heaven remember to pray for all those who aren't. That is the key to true peace. For how can any one of us really enjoy heaven while even one of us is still suffering otherwise.
Begin April 2008
Bank urges 'new deal' on hunger
begin quote "The World Bank estimates 33 countries face potential social unrest because of rising food and energy prices."endquote
begin quote "Mr Zoellick said trade was also key to lowering food prices, and that a fairer and more open trade system would encourage farmers in developing countries to expand production.
He criticised what he described as "protectionism" and "isolationism" including by his own country, the US.
"The poor need lower food prices now. But the world's agricultural trading system is stuck in the past," he said.
"If ever there was a time to cut distorting agricultural subsidies and open markets for food imports it must be now."endquote
Posted by intuitive fred at 12:02 AM
Labels: Bank urges 'new deal' on hunger
Tibetan Suicide Bombers?
Tibetan Suicide Bombers?Very unlikely. Though this is Chinese propaganda in Chinese news, killing other people goes completely against the major principles of Buddhism. Since Tibetan Buddhists tend to take their religion very seriously there is no likelihood that there would ever be suicide bombers who were also Tibetan Buddhist.
However, it is possible that secular Tibetan Nationalists who are seeing there 3000 year old civilization completely destroyed by the Chinese might consider being Suicide bombers as a last resort but they would have nothing to do with Tibetan Buddhism or The Dalai Lama or the Tibetan Government in Exile.
NO. What I think is really happening is that the Chinese government is in trouble on multiple fronts and is looking for a scapegoat so the Chinese government doesn't collapse from within from private business losses sustained by members of the Communist party and from graft and bribes. The difficulty in maintaining secrecy while so many Chinese are starving will be hard to reconcile for the average Chinese citizen. So if the Chinese Government cannot divert attention away from itself somehow it could collapse from within eventually.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Shanghai Stocks dive 45% since October
Shanghai Stocks dive 45% since October. You think you've got problems. What if you were an unwise investor in Shanghai Stocks?
Begin quote." The Shanghai composite index has plunged 45 percent from its high, reached last October. The first quarter of this year, which ended Monday with a huge sell-off, was the worst ever for the market.
Suddenly, millions of small investors who were crowding into brokerage houses, spending the entire day there playing cards, trading stocks, eating noodles and cheering on the markets with other day traders and retirees, are feeling depressed and angry.
"These days my family quarrels a lot," says Zhang Liying, 55, a retired hotel waitress who with her husband invested all their savings in the stock market. â€Å“My husband asked me to sell; I wanted to hold for a while. Now my husband condemns me as so stupid that we lost our family’s savings.†endquote 1207281600&en=745dbfe9028251e4&ei=5087%0A
The article at the above URL is called "To see a stock Market bubble bursting, Look at Shanghai" in the new york times "online" published april 2nd, 2008
Reading about Chinese citizens who have lost everything in this crash and who likely won't be able to ever retire because of it is very sobering. Just remember this when you are feeling sorry for yourself here in the US or Europe.
Though the suffering is widespread in the US because of the subprime and sharklike hedge fund investors and others selling short Bear Stearns and other investment banks still most people here haven't lost up to 50% of the value of their stock portfolios like in Shanghai.
The Belief Gene
The Belief Gene. Genetic researchers have found one gene that flipped one way causes belief and flipped the other way causes an agnostic or atheist. Most people have the gene flipped toward belief. However, if you are one of those with the gene flipped the other way don't despair. In studying anthropology it is noted that all genes and all traits exist within humans and all species to enable our species and all species to survive anything.
For example, if most of the human race follows some religious crazy off a cliff like lemmings to their deaths like the Jim Jones group in Central America then you won't have that problem and your children will survive.
So, whether you have that gene flipped toward belief of non-belief you are necessary to the ongoing survival of the human race.
Since I and most people have the gene flipped toward belief I would like to speak about that now. In another of my blogs I noted that when I was about 21 I realized that I only believed in God with about 85% to 95% of my perceptions at that time. I also realized that if there was no God or purpose to my life that I would quickly choose to end it. I also realized that since I would die soon without a belief in God and purpose to everything that I would need to pretend to believe in God with the 5% to 15%(depending on the day) that didn't believe in order to stay alive as a human on planet earth.
As I have grown older I have met more and more people who have had exactly the same experience that I had including my wife. What we both did was to imagine(experience) what life would be like without the peace of a belief in God. Doing this for both of us was the single most horrifying experience we have ever had. By taking away all meaning and belief from ones life one is left only with bare animal instincts and complete selfishness. From that point of view it is only kill or be killed. Nothing matters except ones own survival.
Yes. It is true that is exactly where one has to get to in war or when someone is running after you with a gun or knife but soon after the incident is over one can then return to believing in God once again. Also, it is theoretically possible to experience God fully even while taking the life of one's attacker. It is possible to never lose ones center through the whole ordeal. However, I must say this would be a very rare occurence and sounds sort of like someone like Bruce Lee who would be a martial Arts Master.
However, most of the time in our lives we don't experience these kinds of extreme things unless we choose to be a policeman or soldier.
So, in the end understanding that if you have the gene switched to belief you need to believe in something or someone to survive gives you an edge in understanding yourself and other people. It is also important to realize that the minority of people who have the gene switched to non-belief are also needed so the human race can survive anything on this planet on another or somewhere in between.
Meridian(Eridian). Eridian is a character in my "Memories" series of writings.Eridian is something like the "Guardian of the Pearly Gates of Heaven" 1 million years into the future when Arcane arrives through time from the Planet New Deva.
Meridian(Eridian) is someone that Arcane considers a Teacher and that Elohar, Ragna, His Oneness, King Interlaken, Jonathan, Princess Aurora and others all consider to be the most evolved spirit in regard to earth left in the Heavens of Earth 1 million years into the future. Jonathan Flow is my alter ego because he is born in 1948 like me and follows my life adventures as well as his own.
I have been guided I believe by both God and Angels to write so that my life experiences as Fred are as seamlessly as possible interwoven with the experiences of Jonathan, Arcane, His Oneness and all the other characters in this series of online books. During my life I have met many powerful spiritual teachers. I feel very fortunate indeed to have met so very many such amazing people and teachers during my life since I was born in 1948. These books appear to have been designed to help people in merging with the Galaxy much like tribes of the Amazon have merged with modern day society with mixed results.
It is not that the galaxy is either good or bad in its thousands to millions of cultures that exist today. It is that the cultures that do exist are inevitable for humans to meet with en masse at some point or points in the future in some harmonious fashion. I do not know when that can happen to most everyone's satisfaction. However, I do know that it likely will occur sometime between 2012 and 2014. However, the universe is a really quirky place just like earth so it's hard to say for sure. Posted by intuitive fred at 12:36 AM
Foreign Image of US improves
Foreign Image of US improves
Begin quote:"The U.S. image abroad has begun to improve after worsening for years, but the United States is still viewed more negatively than the European Union, Brazil, China, India and Russia, said a BBC World Service survey released on Tuesday." endquote.
I have spoken about the economically difficult consequences from a negative image of the United States shared by a lot of the world before. However, I don't think most people would believe that the US is seen more negatively on the world Stage than CHINA and Russia. This, I think would blow most people's minds on main street USA who just don't get how the world thinks. They might say, "Why should we care?" My answer would be, "If you don't care that the US dollar might be worth 10 cents the next time you exchange it for Euros in europe then I guess it doesn't really matter. Or If you don't care that the US would become a de facto third world nation with Nuclear weapons then I guess its okay not to care.
People, the world is getting smaller every day. More and more, US arrogance just isn't going to work for us. When the US cowboy first comes to town(in a foreign country) he might seem interesting but if he keeps starting brawls he isn't going to be liked or trusted. This is just basic reality 101. This one fact alone would upset the world: There are 2.7 million displaced Iraqis even within Iraq. This alone would piss off most of the world. This is just basically the way other countries see things. Posted by intuitive fred at 11:17 PM Labels: Foreign Image of US improves
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Pragmatic Free Thinking
Pragmatic Free Thinking. There's a saying always popular in the US during hard times."When the times get tough the tough get going!" We are entering such times now. I for one have great faith in the infinitely resourceful Americans. Though we are softer than we were just after the Depression and World War II those tough enough will rise to the occasion from among us. I am sure of that.
What does it mean to be a pragmatic free thinker. It means thinking outside the box when useful. Sometimes thinking beyond the box is useful too. Just look at the Wright Brothers, Henry Ford, Frank Lloyd Wright, Albert Einstein, Nicola Tesla, Bill Gates, Stephen Jobs and YOU!
We are not over as a nation! We're just getting started. The world looks to us for unconventional ideas that just might work. That is what we are to the world, amazing ideas that sometimes work. They take their cue from us. They emulate us. We are the single most international nation on earth that actually works! Let's get going.
For those of us who are pragmatic free thinkers there really is no limit!
Now is the time. The whole world is suffering from not enough food and not enough energy at an affordable price. It's up to you. Would you rather sit by and watch half the people on earth starve the next 50 years? Get Going. It's up to you and your children now and theirs and theirs and theirs and so on
april 1st 2008
Where does Electricity come From?
Where does Electricity come from. I'm not asking the question you might think.
First of all, yes, electricity comes from breaking the field of a magnet with usually a copper coil. And yes, an electric motor and a generator are actually the same thing except one generates and one receives the electricity which makes its armature spin from the electrons hitting the coil and going into the magnet and back out to the generator(Alternating current).
However, I'm asking a different question. What I'm asking is where do the electrons come from? Do they come from random atoms of earth, from the magnetic fields of earth, from the magnets whose fields are broken? Also, if Nicola Tesla could make the pastures and fields in Boulder, Colorado electrified so electricity was free for everyone why don't we do that?
Everyone is very clear that we get electricity from breaking the magnetic fields of a magnet with usually a copper coil continuously. However, where we are draining electrons and electricity from whether it be random atoms or magnetic fields has not been ever properly answered for me.
All other commodities are limited like air, water,oil, gasoline, etc. What are the consequences of draining so many electrons from earth? No one has ever given me a satisfactory answer to this question.
So I ask other related questions. Does generating so much electricity affect the spin of earth, the distance to the sun, our weather? Where does this electricity come from and what are the consequences of using so much of it?
Solar energy seems safe to convert to electricity. I don't really know and I'm not sure anyone has the answer I seek regarding mass generation of electricity using magnet and coils and that bothers me. Why aren't other people concerned about this question? No resources are unlimited. What are the long term consequences of draining so much electricity from where? The earth?
April 1st 2008
Everyone Votes with Their Money
Everyone Votes with Their Money. I'm not talking about the general elections although this is also true in regard to that as well. I'm talking about investors whether they be investing in Hedge funds or the stock market or the consumer by what they buy and who they buy from. Everyone votes with their money worldwide.
For the United States, right now the world is voting with their money against our survival as a nation with their money. I think the world, in general is somewhat equally afraid of the United States and China as the Soviet Union has been gone since about 1990. However, the world is voting against the US with their money because they are afraid of us. Whether we deserve this or not is up to debate. However, it IS happening. The worst of this is being done through Hedge Funds where international Sharks recently brought down Bear Stearns through concerted monetary pressure. Another way our economy has been brought down is to let millions of Americans lose their homes to fraudelent Subprime schemes. (We wouldn't be in a recession now without international fraud against Americans).
So the really rich internationals who don't really care what happens to America or Americans are feeding like sharks now by selling short the dollar, American stocks and through the subprime. Soon they will begin to come in like sharks and buy up American land at pennies on the dollar. We have been internationally swindled out of our country. Wake up America! The world is a lot tougher than we have seen in most of our lifetimes. Wake up! Survive!
April 1st 2008
Everyone Votes with Their Money
Everyone Votes with Their Money. I'm not talking about the general elections although this is also true in regard to that as well. I'm talking about investors whether they be investing in Hedge funds or the stock market or the consumer by what they buy and who they buy from. Everyone votes with their money worldwide.
For the United States, right now the world is voting with their money against our survival as a nation with their money. I think the world, in general is somewhat equally afraid of the United States and China as the Soviet Union has been gone since about 1990. However, the world is voting against the US with their money because they are afraid of us. Whether we deserve this or not is up to debate. However, it IS happening. The worst of this is being done through Hedge Funds where international Sharks recently brought down Bear Stearns through concerted monetary pressure. Another way our economy has been brought down is to let millions of Americans lose their homes to fraudelent Subprime schemes. (We wouldn't be in a recession now without international fraud against Americans).
So the really rich internationals who don't really care what happens to America or Americans are feeding like sharks now by selling short the dollar, American stocks and through the subprime. Soon they will begin to come in like sharks and buy up American land at pennies on the dollar. We have been internationally swindled out of our country. Wake up America! The world is a lot tougher than we have seen in most of our lifetimes. Wake up! Survive!
No Cheap Oil No Cheap Food
No Cheap Oil No Cheap Food. Though droughts are also a big factor as in the 100 year 2 year long drought in Australia, oil is the biggest factor that humans can actually do anything about.
The way things now stand, however, it is theoretically feasible at this point in time that up to 1/2 of the worlds populations could be gone within 30 years from starvation, and what I would call the potential for food and water wars worldwide. Squabbles are already starting worldwide now as people start to hoard food as individuals, families, areas and nations from each other. This will tend to start squabbles on larger levels.
I'm afraid the relative ease of feeding the world is over possibly permanently that we experienced the last 100 years of human history.
Posted by intuitive fred at 10:27 AM Labels: No Cheap Oil No Cheap Food
The Brown Apple Moth Problem.
Mr. Kawamura is the agriculture secretary for California. I recently read an editorial by him in my local newspaper. This is my response.
I understand that 2.4 billion dollars in produce exports to Canada and Mexico are in jeapordy because of the Light brown apple moth from Australia and New Zealand. However, what does this have to do with those of us who live in cities? Spray whatever you want on farmland. I don't care. I buy organic food anyway. But you have no right to spray anything by air on my property or the property of people whose lands are not farmland. I don't have a problem with the pheromone. I have a problem with the propellant WHICH IS MAKING PEOPLE SICK! My wife was one of the people who got Asthmatic bronchitus from the propellant when you sprayed before. Please don't use that stuff again. I don't want her to die. All the hundreds of other people who had asthmatic bronchitus symptoms from the propellant don't want to die either.
I hope the baby who got sick from the Naval Postgraduate School from it didn't die!
Please don't spray that stuff again over cities. We don't want to die from it!
Virginity.Since the early 1980s most especially because of AIDS the idea of virginity might actually be a more practical survival strategy until marriage or a permanent living partner that "Hooking UP" in college and after. =2&ei=5087&em&en=56a61e16412b40e7&ex=1207195200
I was reading this New York Times article and it reminded me a lot of growing up and going to church regularly until I was about 21 years old. Though I started dating at age 15, I didn't even french kiss a girl until I started going out with a 21 year old girl from my church when I was 16 and bought my first car. The year was 1964.
At that time the birth control pill had only gone public in 1960 and had spawned a dynamic social and sexual revolution that did not actually peak until AIDS was discovered in the early 1980s. However, in 1964 regular churchgoers like myself went out only with girls we intended to marry. So, for me I went out with the 21 year old only for one year then a college girl for two years and then another college girl for 2 years. By that time I was still a technical virgin even though I had spent the night with a girlfriend by the time I was 16. By age 21 still being a technical virgin was really starting to make me a little crazy because I was still restraining myself even though I had been dating several girls one at a time for 7 years. When I broke up with my 20 year old college girlfriend after 2 years because she had decided to remain a virgin forever even if I married her I was 21.
At this point I decided to only date girls that were likely to go all the way or who had already gone all the way. Whether this was a good decision or not I wasn't crazy in a deprived way anymore although I must say sexual intercourse really complicates things(really can be confusing)if you don't stay with the person you are being intimate with long term whether it be going together, living together or married.
Well, at least 25 girlfriends later I first lived with my girlfriend and then married and had a son when I was 26. So I met a lot of girls between 1969 and 1973. This was a very wonderful and at the same time very confusing experience because just as you get used to one person and their eccentricities then you have to first feel sad that whatever was going on has changed and then you move on to the next and then the next and then the next. I think everyone was pretty confused back then because of the Viet Nam War and all our friends dying in that war 50,000 and the 250,000 wounded as well as the countless walking wounded that you still see begging for food on street corners today. So I think a good portion of the sexual revolution was just the nearness of death of our brothers, childhood friends etc. that really upped the ante for the sexual craziness and use of drugs etc that took place at that time. When thousands(50,000) draftees die and most of them went against their will to a war most people didn't believe in it tore the soul out of America. Trust really hasn't been restored to our government now for the betrayal young people felt then.
Anyway I sort of got off track. What I'm saying is that with all the sexually transmitted diseases today maybe staying a virgin longer might keep you alive and healthy longer.
Countries Hoard Food
Countries Hoard Food to protect their citizens from starvation or not being able to afford food. _dc;_ylt=AuIAR0h3DCcEReSXLzDYQqEDW7oF
Though it makes sense to save ones own citizens from death and malnutrition the end result creates even more worldwide problems regarding food. However, likely food hoarding by nations likely will continue.
The yahoo news article also speaks about genetically modified grains and the regulations against them by many nations. What is not spoken about is that grains created by Monsanto, for example, are making many children around the world sick. The genetically modified grains are creating a new disease that many children die from before doctors can figure out what it is. They become allergic to all food and often die of starvation before their ailment can be diagnosed.
A neighbor girl has this problem and only survived because her mother is a full time nurse.
Also, if some of the genetically modified grains interbreed with natural ones it will cause them to die after one season as many grains are created to not create new seeds in order to increase profits for Monsanto and other companies. Seed banks are important so these new 'die off' seeds don't interbreed with normal seeds. Another problem with genetically modified seeds is often they have pesticides genetically induced into the seed itself. Though it kills pests what does it do to humans?
Labels: Countries Hoard Food
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Strange Karma?
Strange Karma? As one of my teachers would say, "There is sympathy and then there is compassion." For me, this means that if one feels sympathy for someone being injured it may or may not be practical but compassion while connected with real wisdom helps end injuries or helps heal injuries both physical and emotional.
I have past life memories of being raised a Christian male in Europe during the crusades and fighting Islamics in the middle east. Then the karma for that is to be reborn a Moslem fighting Christians. After about 4 lifetimes going back and forth I gave up war for any reason in the 1100s. Yes, there is still self defense but religious wars I gave up then after all that confusion of going back and forth and remembering for 4 consecutive lifetimes.
Flash forward to the Chinese invading and killing many Tibetans in 1959. Many of those who killed Tibetans in the Chinese invasion have since died from old age or illness. They have been reborn in Tibet to face the scorn of the Chinese. Tibetan lamas also believe that many high lamas killed by chinese soldiers in Tibet in 1959 were reborn and then died a Tien Amin square in 1989 as Chinese students demonstrating for democracy. So today the young people the Chinese are killing, imprisoning and torturing who are young Tibetans are likely reborn from the Chinese soldiers who fought in Tibet who died and were reborn in Tibet since the invasion of Tibet in 1959.
Likewise because the United States killed me in my last lifetime in Nagasaki, Japan in the nuclear blast there as a 12 year old child in 1945 caused my birth in Seattle, Washington 3 years later. Karma happens! Both the Good and the Bad and the in between.
Labels: Strange Karma?
March 31,2008
Belief. Belief comes primarily from two sources
1. Conditioning
2. Experience
1. Conditioning of belief. This comes from parents, siblings, family,
friends, TV, video games, books, school, the government,religion etc.
2. Experiences creating beliefs come from everything one experiences from conception until passing on.
Throughout ones life this mixture of conditioning and experience takes place. in a sense conditioning is more about group hypnosis than anything else. As a child one doesn't have too much control over this kind of group hypnosis experiment constantly going on. However, as a fully functioning adult one can exert control of ones own life if one wants to enough.
For those of you who thought I was just going to talk about belief in regard to religion I might disappoint you because I see all beliefs from believing we are living on planet earth to calling the star in the sky the sun or the planet that circles earth the moon as a part of conditioning and belief as much as something called God or something called religion or spirituality or even humanism. All these things are caused to "stick" in our minds through a combination of conditioning and life experience.
3. Everyone believes in a fairy tale. This is something that I recently have found words for. In my own case at about age 21 I took stock of myself and realized that I only believed in God about 85% to 95% in that range. Then I asked myself would I choose to live if there was no God. My answer was "NO!" This then was my answer. Since I realized I would quickly commit suicide if there was no God or meaning to life then if I wanted to live I needed to pretend there was a God with the other 5% to 15% of my beliefs in order to stay alive.
I think most logical rational people at some point have to face this point too. I've met people who when they confront this some people's fairy tale unfortunately is alcohol or drugs. Luckily, mine isn't that. When I was young my fairy tale was girlfriends, which I had a a lot of, especially between ages 15 and 25 before I got married and had my first child, a son.
However, some people's fairy tale in the form of religion is so fragile that they stay on the edge of suicide all the time like the suicide bombers of radical Islam. Understanding why people choose to kill themselves for a belief and that this style is only cultural will help the world deal with suicide bombers in the long run.
Western people keep their religions more personal. For example, when I was dealing with the identity crisis of youth, it was all about me and God, that's it. However, someone in radical islam might say to themselves, "If everyone doesn't believe the way I do they should die." Now this way of thinking to a Christian Western mind is completely insane. This is the real problem of belief now in the world.
The people I meet who tend to be the most unbalanced and strange have the most conditioning and the least experience. I consider people who only have conditioning as dangerous potentially both mentally and physically. These would be people who have been trained to be criminals, religious crazies, and just people who had parents or teachers that were nuts.
The most balanced people I find have had time to have their own experiences and learned to value personal experiences over many types of conditioning. These people over the years have been the most likely to become my friends. For without enough real life experience people tend to walk around sort of like biological robots bumping into things. Because in the end conditioning is not enough.
Labels: Belief
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Meeting Jesus at age 27:fiction?
Arcane visits Jesus when he was 27
One day Arcane decided he wanted to visit Jesus. He had to ask his superiors in the Galactic Core. They said, "Please check possible ramifications after your visit. If they are not favorable please delete your visit." So Arcane set up time filters to gauge the impact of his visit with Jesus up to 5000 years after he visited him.
Arcane carefully designed his visit. First, he engramed ancient Aramaic into his mind so he could speak it. Of course his mouth muscles were used to more modern langauges so he would have an accent but he would be able to explain that. He chose a time before Jesus gathered his disciples. At this time Jesus was about 27 years old. Arcane chose this time specifically because this was the age when Arcane lost Arayin. He thought visiting Jesus at this age would tend to heal his inner wounding.
Jesus was walking down the road alone. Arcane walked up to Jesus and introduced himself. Jesus said, "I recognize your soul. It is in a very ancient form even though you are from the future." The hairs went up on Arcane's neck. He was definitely speaking to Jesus. Jesus went on, "You are the same soul as my father Joseph, Arcane. Please tell me what my father's soul has come to share with me from such a far away time." For one of the few times in his life Arcane was thunderstruck. He found it difficult to speak in the presence of Jesus." He finally said, "Jesus, I asked permission from my superiors in the future if I could visit you." Jesus said, "Yes. I see that." Arcane said, "If my visit through time causes any harmful future effects I will eliminate my visit with you." Jesus was quiet a moment and said, "I have spoken with my father in heaven. He has told me that your visit is auspicious as long as you let me ask the questions." Arcane said, "I am honored to be your servant, Jesus."
Jesus began his questions. "Arcane what is the result in your time of my life here?" Arcane said, "There are 1 billion Christians on earth 2000 years hence. Your teachings of brotherhood and hope have civilized the world. There are still other religions like Buddhism and another variation off of Judaism called Islam that starts in about 700 years." Jesus answered, "Yes. I know the soul of Mohammed." Arcane couldn't help but be surprised." Jesus then said, "Did you know that I learned kindness and compassion from the Buddhists in India?" Arcane said, "I had wondered about that." Jesus said, "When I was a boy I apprenticed to a camel train that led me to India. I stayed for a while in the prosperous town of Nalanda and met with Buddhist Teachers there. They introduced me to a Mahasiddha who told me my future and that I must die on a cross to lift mankind. I said it was a small price to pay for what would come as a result. He taught me how to raise my body from the dead. Arcane, I studied with teachers of various religions during my travels. What becomes Christianity is actually a new form of Judaism just like Buddhism is an outgrowth of Bramanism." Even though Arcane knew most of this he felt stunned like a child when confronted with new awarenesses. Arcane said, "Do I have permission to ask you a question?" Jesus looked into Arcane deeply and said, "Yes, my brother. Though you travel time you do similar work that I do. We are compatriots lifting the souls of the human race and all life on earth." Arcane said, "I am honored by what you say,your Holiness, Jesus." Jesus then said, "Don't call me Your Holiness yet. I'm still in training. Just call me Jesus." Arcane felt like a little child next to Jesus. He said, "Okay, Jesus." Then Jesus said, "Now is a good time to ask your question." Arcane pulled himself together and said to Jesus, "Everywhere I have traveled through time there have been religious wars. Why is that?" Arcane felt like a child asking this question.
Jesus smiled and said, "Relax Arcane. I know you are a World Saver in your time and I am a World Savior in my own. Is there really that much difference in the good works we do?" Arcane said, "That is the greatest compliment I have ever been given." Jesus said, "It is not a compliment, Arcane. I'm simply stating a fact. We are brothers. We have known each other for millions of years."
When Jesus said this to Arcane he found himself fainting. Jesus caught his body before it hit the ground. When Arcane awoke his head was in Jesus' lap. Jesus then said, "Arcane, once again you are one of my disciples, my students. In other lifetimes I have been your student. Sometimes, we even made it a point to teach each other lifetime after lifetime in order to keep the holy spirit alive on earth."
Arcane said, "I don't think my soul has experienced that yet, Jesus." Jesus said, "That really doesn't matter because both time and space are only an illusion as we both know by now." Arcane said, "Knowing that is true and actually experiencing it all the time I find to be very disorienting and leading to vertigo." Jesus said, "When one has reached our level of awareness mentally understanding it is all that is necessary unless we wish to be in another time or space, then a little vertigo is necessary while extreme focus is maintained mentally of visualizing exactly where and when we are going to."
Arcane sighed with the sigh of a child having found a friendly compassionate adult.
Arcane said, "Jesus. You have made me your student once again." Jesus said, "Isn't that why you came to see me?" Arcane said, "I thought it was something else that was troubling me but, Yes, you are right, I see now." Jesus then said, "It is now time to ask me your question." Arcane said, "Though I intellectually know the answer I need to hear it from you because it will heal me." Jesus said, "Yes. It will." "Jesus?" Arcane said, "Why are there relgious wars throughout time. My betrothed died of torture on my home planet which fully created me as World Saver, then everywhere I have been in times a religious war had arisen, was about to arise. Why must there always be people fighting and dying in the name of religion.
Jesus was quiet a moment and then said, "You only intellectually know part of the answer, Arcane. The rest of the answer is a question of balance. Religious wars tend to create balance. They tend to create equalization of resources throughout any civilized area in the universe. God is not limited to any one religion or even philosophy. God is all religions and beyond all religions and more than any one human mind could ever contain without dying in the process. So attempting to understand it all is good but actually understanding everything completely is not possible for any one human being while still in human form. Enlightenment is acheived when any human being accepts what is possible and what is not. Equipose is reached at that moment."
Arcane looked troubled, "What can I do with this information?" Jesus seemed compassionate. He said, "I have faced this conundrum too, Arcane. Now that you have heard this your heart will have peace." With this Jesus took his index finger and touched my heart. Smoke came out of my heart and then white light raditated from my heart. Jesus smiled and said, "Come and visit me after my resurrection, Brother." With this Jesus walked away having done his holy work on my soul and the future of Earth and the Universe.
The Resurrection
Since Arcane knew he was a disciple of Jesus by Jesus' own words on his home planet he had learned obedience when dealing with spiritual teachers. Since Jesu just told him to visit Jesus after his Resurrection he was doing that right now. Arcane thought to himself as he whisked himself through both time and space to the location of Jesus' resurrection. Arcane stayed invisible there at the moment of resurrection waiting for the moment Jesus had predicted for their meeting.
As Arcane watched the Roman soldiers guard Jesus' tomb he noticed how spooked and uncomfortable they were. One Soldier said to the other, "This is bad. What if this guy really is a God as some people say? What is he going to do to us stupid mortals here?" Another soldier said, "You're right! How did we ever become unfortunate enough to pull this duty?" A officer, a Centurian said, "Pipe down you guys. I've heard Jesus speak and he would be the first to forgive our ignorance." Tears came to the guards eyes with this. They both knew in their heart of hearts that this man buried here likely was a God if their Centurian had heard him speak. For their Centurian was an honorable man and could be trusted to tell the truth.
Arcane was dumbfounded. This Centurian was Jonthan. Yes. He looked a little different but it was his soul! This was just too much for Arcane and he started to lose consciousness. Just about this time Arcangel Gabriel appeared and the common soldiers ran away. The Centurian in typical Jonathan fashion stayed on bended knee with head bowed realizing what was happening. Yes! This is Jonathan, his soul present at the Resurrection! This was why Jesus wanted Arcane here. At least this is one of the reasons.
Arcangel Gabriel walked up to the Centurian(Jonathan's soul) and said, "Centurian! Be not afraid. You and your soldiers have nothing to fear. Your future is bright! For you are one of us.
At this point the Centurian fainted and collapsed in a pile unconscious from the power of the touch of the Arcangel Gabriel.
Next, Arcangel Gabriel stood with his accompanying angels in front of the tomb and lightning shot from his outstretched hand at the tomb. The large stone cover blew away from its perch. The tomb was open! In a few moments the stirrings inside were evident. Two of Arcangel Gabriel's healing angels stood over Jesus' body ministering to Jesus' needs. As Jesus emerged from the tomb the wounds on his hands and feet were still visible but they glowed an unearthly color. One knew one was witnessing something beyond the belief of most earthly beings.
Arcane was transfixed. He knew he would never be the same again after this experience. The words, "Born Again" had new meaning for him in this moment.
Finally, with Arcangel Gabriel and his angels guarding the area Jesus walked right up to Arcane. Jesus said, "It is time Arcane. Make youself visible!" Arcane did as he was asked.
Jesus embraced Arcane. Arcane wondered if he could stay conscious this time. As if in answer to Arcane's mental question Jesus said, "You will stay conscious this time, Arcane. I am preparing you to enter the time pool with His Oneness, The ancient Lemurian Christ before me. Today I become the new Christ in earnest. Today a new and Resurrected Order of the Ages begins and today you must Resurrect in the Time Pool and merge with His Oneness so he may start Shambala over Earth. Today I become the new Christ on Earth and He becomes a Protector of Earth until Jonathan becomes Eridian in the far far future."
God has everything in Perfect Divine Order. As I become through Resurrection the Christ on Earth, You and His Oneness become the King of Shambala!"
Arcane thought, "This is the end of Arcane!" To this Jesus said, "Arcane! This is not the end this is only the beginning for both of us. We are eternal brothers. We are both Sons of God!" With this the fire in Jesus' eyes burned Arcane to the point that his soul screamed in shock! When Arcane woke up Jesus was gone and Arcane was invisible again but this time he was 40,000 years before in the Capital city of Lemuria in what would be in the far far future California.
Arcane woke up knowing where he was and what he was there to do. He looked into the mirror and where his eyes should have been were two globes of fire. Jesus had filled Arcane's brain and body with the fire of the Holy Spirit of God. Arcane thought that the last day he had actually been the Arcane he knew was the day before he met his teacher and master, Jesus. Obedience had been the lesson he took from studying with masters in his childhood. Now, Obedience to God and Jesus would lead him to give up Arcane completely and merge into His Oneness. The Christness of His Oneness and the wisdom and experience of Arcane would protect Earth from all threats from all dimensions for 1,000,000 years or more if need be. After all, he remembered earth 1,000,000 years into the future and saw his touch, Jesus' touch, His Oneness' touch on everything! His destiny had been beyond anything he could have imagined. Gratitude to God filled His Soul! Labels: Meeting Jesus at age 27:fiction?
March 29th 2008
Multiform:Fiction?Jonathan was walking his dogs in the forest near his home. He loved the ferns and pines and oaks and streams this time of year. As he looked for a place to relieve himself Biocom said, "Don't step on those circles over there." This meant to Jonathan that he was refering to the many pine cones just off the trail in a glade. Jonathan thought about this. He said, "Biocom?" "Yes" Biocom said.
Note:Biocom is a biologically powered computer sentience built into the fillings of ones teeth, a mole on ones face(tv monitor camera with sound)and short term transmitters in the fingernails(all earth reach) and long distance(galactic reach) in ones toenails. There are many other modifications done for time changers from the Galactic Time Guard but are too numerous here to mention.
Jonathan went on,"Does your vision change when you are not fully awake?" Biocom answered, "Yes. I'm set by Galactic Control to not waste one erg of energy. However, I can have all systems up in less than 1/1000 of a second or less if I sense danger or any other situation that I need to more carefully monitor." Jonathan said, "Oh." He thought a moment about this and said, "How would I be defined?" Biocom thought what would be useful to say to Jonathan and said, "Well. You are classified as a human but also as a modified human." Jonathan trying to fish for answers said, "What exactly does modified human mean?" Biocom didn't like the sound of this question so he was quiet for a while. Then he said, "My loyalty to the galaxy is greater than my loyalty to you. You understand this?" Jonathan said, "I understand that you are here with me in my body to protect me physically, mentally, emotionally and some would say even spiritually? Is this correct?"
Biocom said, "All this is correct Jonathan." Jonathan then said, "Then what is my purpose from your point of view?" Biocom then said, "You are a researcher and a liason for the galaxy in relation to earth and all it cultures." Jonathan thought about this and said, "Did all this come from when I soul traveled to the galactic core in 1970?" Biocom said, "Yes. They recognized your soul body to be a dream manifestation of the retired sleeping creator of this galaxy which they revere."
Jonathan said, "Biocom. You do understand that I think about this in maybe a different way than the Galaxy tends to." Biocom said, "That they would expect. Otherwise, how could you survive as a human on earth?" Jonathan said, "Exactly!"
Jonathan walked through the ferns and trees on this beautiful day. Then he said, "How does the Galaxy see Elohar and Ragna and Arcane and Meridian and His Oneness and King Interlaken." Without skipping a beat Biocom said, "Elohar and Ragna are time officers commissioned to manage time by King Interlaken. They live primarily in the 7000 ad range but have traveled as far back as 40,000 BC where they met His Oneness and Ragna has traveled with Arcane as far forward or further as 1,000,000 AD. Arcane is Considered a Galactic Saint and is sometimes known as Saint Germain. He has traveled to places and dimensions that most beings only dream of and from 7 million years into the past to at least that far into the future as well as multi-galactic travel."
Jonathan went on,"So would you say that all bodies who are dreams of the Galactic Creator are protected by the Galactic Time Guard?" Biocom thought about this and said, "Unequivocally, Yes!"
Jonathan said, "So what you are telling me is that time and space would be altered to protect us all?" Biocom said, "Yes."
Note:I first wrote of Biocom in my online book "Memories". The following url will take you to the first page Biococm is mentioned.
However, if you want to go to the beginning of the book you can go to:
However, if you plan on reading all 11 webpages then go to: Then click on "memories" then come back to the index page once you've finished that and click on "Memoriespart2" etc.
PS Though I have gone through "Memories" at least 9 times in editing it you will see it obviously isn't enough. However, since I wrote it sort of as "Fred's Version of what is actually going on in the universe", one could say it is my Bible of my spiritual experiences so to speak. I add on to the sequels as inspired by real life experiences.
Labels: Multiform:Fiction?
note: Since there are 87 articles I put in with the edit function from Blogspot My fingers got tired typing the obligatory "
" 150 or more times so I'll have to finish editing html later. thanks.
These 60 minutes videos I found pretty interesting. More than any other one fact it was that other bees who normally would steal the honey from a hive that had collapsed didn't. This makes me think that either some kind of chemical was brought by the bees into the hive that no bees from any beehive could survive or a disease was caught by the hive that other bees realized was there. This changes for me, how I view what is happening to bees worldwide.
Labels: Bees
Friday, March 28, 2008
The World As a Corporation
The World As a Corporation. The further something is removed from actual cause and effect the less realistic its decisions become.
When the democratic nations first gave rights to fictitious entities called corporations that exceeded the rights of individual people or even unaligned groups of people not working for that corporation the beginning of the demise of the human race began. I don't think the people involved in creating corporations as a legal entity ever conceived of what is happening now on earth. I don't think they ever really expected multinational corporations as a group to actually become more powerful than most nations on earth. In fact, as a group multinationals are MORE powerful than all nations on earth. I just accept that as a fact at this point.
I also believe that all ideologies have become irrelevant to the Multinational corporate fascist world we actually all live in now. I'm not sure how the human race will figure its way out of this one. I wonder if we will all go extinct trying to survive this?
When multinationals own all or most media on earth who can find the truth? It is sort of like the philosophic statement, "If a tree falls in a forest and no one sees it did it really happen?" Modified for this article it would read, "If someone dies because of a corporation and no one ever finds out did it really happen?" Unfortunately, in this day and age the answer would be "no"!
Who is to blame for Darfur? The answer would be everyone who is buying Sudan's oil. Who is killing Tibetans? The answer would be everyone who wants Tibetan natural resources. Who is killing the Somalis? The answer would be: They are dying because the world doesn't care!
If you can't guess, I just watched the movie Michael Clayton on DVD.
I could go on and on. But you get my point. This is the world we really live in!
Labels: The World as a Corporation
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Into the Wild:The movie
Into the Wild:The Movie. I watched it on DVD. My wife brought it home. I thought it went on and on. Even though I have known many friends who spent too much time alone in the woods and got pretty squirrelly, I never met anyone who took it out as far or as lonely as this guy who died doing this did.
I always figured people either have the survival gene or they don't. Whether it is dying from not recognizing the right plant as in his case or whether its dying from driving your car too fast or falling asleep at the wheel or choking on something you swallowed that is too big for your throat or a real friend of mine who died free climbing and falling several hundred feet on Castle Crags in California, there is a bridge too far for everyone.
I always say people either have the survival gene or they don't. I always had an intuitive sense when I was going to far with anything that said to me, "You're going to die if you take it any further!" It really wasn't anything anyone told me it was just life saying to me, "Take it one step further and you're dead!" People who are too dense or just too stoned to hear this voice are all dead now or will be sooner or later. That is a given. I have watched people go crazy or die that were good friends of mine since the early 1960s. Most of them were very good people but they just didn't know when to quit whatever it was that they were doing that finally killed them. Some of them were really smart and some weren't so smart. But the one thing they seemed to lack was common sense.
I think it was Albert Einstein who said that intelligence doesn't mean anything if you don't have common sense to go with it.
Posted by intuitive fred888
Labels: Into the Wild:The Movie
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Honeywell Micro Air Vehicle?
This thing is pretty neat. I'm surprised how quickly Darth Maul's air search mini droids have been built by US technology. they are small (only about 22 pounds) and have video cameras built into the base. I was reading an article in yahoo about police using it for surveillance here in the US already.
However, I think private individuals and companies will want one too for all sorts of reasons if they are allowed to buy such things.
Also, this reminds me of a UFO experience my family had in 1985. We were visiting relatives in Carmel Highlands at the time for Christmas. One side of the house was glass for viewing the beautiful ocean there far below. I had Tibetan lama and his translator visiting. The translator and my 11 year old son were in the living room (one wall is almost all glass). The translator( a young man of about 25) came into the bedroom where the family was all talking but his face was very pale.
He said, "Your son and I saw a red glowing object about 3 feet in diameter 'watching' us through the windows." Because the Tibetan translator from Darjeeling didn't believe in UFOs we watched him almost faint to have his beliefs challenged in real life.
My son saw it with him but was just excited because he knew I had already had many such experiences in and around Mt. Shasta.
Later I watched a program on tv about triangular ships visiting europe. They described the 3 foot glowing red objects as camera like devices that came down from the triangular ships to observe people. So I realized that likely that was what they had seen.
Now Americans have a primitive form of this device too.
Posted by intuitive
Labels: Honeywell Micro Air Vehicle?
Are bees and bats in US dying from the same thing?
begin quote:"What is known is that the syndrome leaves small, white, fungal spots around the nose and mouth of the tiny nocturnal animals.
The bats have been woken prematurely from their winter hibernation and, with their fat reserves seriously depleted, their natural impulse is to forage for food." endquote.
The fungal spots that are symptomatic of the syndrome appear to awaken the bats too early from their hibernations for them to survive it. Is this fungus related to what is also killing bees.
Also, the past 10 to 20 years many types of mold and fungus appear to becoming more deadly to both animals and humans. One theory might be that antibiotics in water supplies might be mutating mold spores and fungus into things more lethal to bees and mammals.
Posted by intuitive fred
Labels: Are bees and bats in US dying from the same thing?
Do Our Votes Really count?
Do Our Votes Really count? Off hand I'd say 'No'. However, that might just be me being cynical. Then again with what I know about Computer voting machines I would have to say that if it doesn't give a good paper trail count as you are voting then for sure your vote doesn't count because any vote done on computers can be messed with at some stage. However, ballot boxes thrown in trash and rivers are found in every election so it might just be a matter of scale. However, I would say that if you are using computer voting machines I have about 0% faith in those being counted. it would be better to use an absentee ballot than ANY voting machine. However, even then one doesn't really know.
I think voting is sort of like going to church. It is important to believe that democracy might sometimes work just like we hope justice sometimes works even though I personally don't have any faith at all in our justice system. Still, I have to believe what we have here both in our so called democracy, our so called justice system and our so called rights do appear to work much better than other places I've been on earth. At least here I'm not worrying about dying and having everything stolen 24 hours a day where I live. However, I know that many of you even in the states don't feel safe when you go to sleep at night.
So do our votes really count? The answer is: maybe!
Posted by intuitive
Labels: do our votes really count?
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
The US: A Military Paradox
? The US:a Military Paradox?As schoolchildren in the 1960s we were taught that through nuclear weapons alone, the US could destroy the earth itself 3 times over and all life upon earth about 10 times over with a combination of atomic, hydrogen and neutron bombs then (and Now) in existence.This kind of information continued to junior high and high school students I believe most places until the demise of the old Soviet Union at which point everyone sort of mutually agreed to never talk about such things again. However, these weapons are still there and still functional and usable and well maintained. Any large country that attacked the mainland US could be dust within about 20 to 25 minutes with all life gone there for about 20,000 years or more. However, if any nation attacked Russia, England, Germany, China and a few other countries the country that attacked them likely wouldn't exist anymore either. So this is the main reason there haven't been any really big wars since World War II and it isn't likely there will be between large nations because of mutual extinction of whole continents likely.
But here comes the paradox. Then we factor in what the world tends to sees as failures in Iraq and Afghanistan. However, to be completely realistic one must also factor in Russia's failures and China's failures. The world sees Russia's (and the old Soviet Union's failures to be, Chernobyl, Chechnya, and Afghanistan in the 1980s.
Next, the world sees China's failures to be human rights for all Chinese, Islamic problems and Tibetan Buddhist problems. Any one of these problems could change the form of the Chinese government because of unhappy Chinese citizens all over China. However, the political systems of Russia and the US are less problematic and are likely to continue as they are. However, almost anything can and will happen in China during the next 100 years.
So, here is the US paradox. The US can destroy all life on earth many times over but can't stabilize Iraq and Afghanistan without completely bankrupting our country: The US.
Posted by intuitive
Labels: The US: A Military Paradox?
spiritual, supernatural or psychic gifts
Spiritual, supernatural or psychic gifts.All these gifts can come upon a person without warning at any time from birth until one passes. From a secular humanistic viewpoint there might be no rhyme or reason to any of it.
However, whether or not you are surrounded by people that understand any of this, it is important to note that anyone who isn't connected to their deeper instincts in this way has every reason(fear) to try to convince you that you aren't experiencing anything and are just crazy.
That being said there are human traditions that span 100s of thousands of years or more that have used and understood these things. However, I have noticed that the more intellectual a person tends to be the less intuitive or instinctual that person tends to be. There are a few who are both and balanced about it but they as a general rule are the exception.
Then there are the religious power trippers whose vested interest it is to strip away all intuitive gifts from you because "they" are the only anointed by God and if you are too then that spoils not only their whole day but their whole life. So they may try to exorcise you, twist your mind or even try to secretly kill you. This is all a given.
Once one understands this,(especially if you are a child and trapped by these kinds of crazies) it is best to sort of go along with the program and not rock the boat too much until you can grow up and GET OUT OF THERE!
This being said if your primary motivation beyond physical, mental and emotional survival is not compassion toward all beings in the universe then if you are gifted likely you won't survive very long. Because God, life, nature, The Force, whatever you want to call it just doesn't allow beings to misuse their gifts beyond a certain point, and that certain point is slightly different for everyone.
So, if you are gifted and want to stay alive, figuring out how to use your gifts and to help not only yourself but all life around you is necessary if you want to stay alive very long.
Posted by intuitive
Democratic Firing Squads forming in a circle.
Whose idea was it to run a woman and a black man together? For that matter whose idea was it to do this when America is in one of the greatest crises since World War II? You can call it the perfect storm or you can call it insanity run amok. But whatever you call it the end result probably is that Obama can't win against McCain because independents have abandoned him because of Reverend Wright and his statements and Hillary might or might not be able to beat McCain but it is sure that neither of them will beat McCain if this democratic fight goes to the convention. It is now my belief that this will further fragment the party and take away whatever coalition chances it had to elect the next president. So whether you say the democrats have already shot themselves in the foot while the world watched or whether they formed a circular firing squad the damage has already been done.
Though many respect the principles that the democratic party is trying to protect there is a quote by Hermione Granger in one of the first Harry Potter movies that comes to mind where Hermione says something like,"We could be killed or worse we could get expelled." and Ron says, "She needs to get her priorities straight!"
This quote is tailor made for the democratic party now. The only sense I can make of the way they are acting is: "maybe the world is just too scary for them to even get their priorities straight in these times." If so,the world will be a much sadder place as a result.
Posted by intuitive fred
Labels: democratic Firing Squads Forming in a Circle
The Food Disaster
The Food Disaster. I suppose it started when Global Climate Change caused a 100 years drought in Australia. Since Australia is second only to the US in the grains it grows, its crop failure due to drought reduced the world's food stores to the lowest point in 30 years. This caused food to double in price many places on earth. This then caused people who barely had enough to sustain life in their bodies to begining to starve and experience malnutrition. Even in the United States, a very rich nation, poorer people are having an extremely difficult time buying enough nutritious food to sustain body and mind in a reasonably balanced way. So, the end result is that those who were marginal are starving and many of those who weren't marginal are now.
Now, to add to this complexity we have rising oil prices. Some of the rise is due to demand and some of the rise comes from instability of currencies especially the dollar. This causes investors to buy oil futures as a way of hedging deflating currencies like the dollar. It also caused gold to go way up recently even though the last time I looked gold was in the 900 dollar per ounce range again. So, here again rising oil prices also contribute to starvation because of the cost of hauling foods and processing foods increases exponentially with the added cost of fuel.
Then, we add to this the instability in the US and World economy. This also contibutes to rising prices for food and more starvation. For the first time in a century it is very likely that our food stores will continue to drop because of all these factors and more.
Another factor in the Food Disaster is people beginning raise plants for fuel. Especially in regard to corn for fuel this is contributing starvation by the poor worldwide because of the rising corn prices. So, from all directions it doesn't look good for the worlds poor long term.
Posted by intuitive fred
Labels: The Food Disaster
Monday, March 24, 2008
Making Sense of a Scared New World
begin quote:"In any otherwise inexplicable financial event, the people who profit from it may be understood to have caused it."endquote
The title of this article at the new york times online is:"Making Sense of a Scared New World"
I think this article has nailed it. It speaks to who is actually terrorizing the stock markets of the world, Hedge fund traders, not all of them but those who are some of the richest and the least regulated in the financial business.
And it also speaks to why the Fed backed up the 2 dollar takeover of Bear Stearns. This may have been done partly to financially bring to their knees some unregulated traders that were going to make a financial killing on Bear Stearns collapse and bankruptcy. They were using various means to create a run on the bank which among other things might have led to its demise as an investment bank.Unless we can protect our banking institutions from such malevolent attacks through regulation then more investment banks will fall one by one around the world.
I think it also might be important to investigate not only individuals and corporations being involved in this but also nations doing this as a way of waging economic war!
Posted by intuitive fred
Labels: Making Sense of a Scared New World
Life Will Find a Way
Life Will Find a Way.Many people wonder whether the human race can survive on into the future. However, if you look closely at the movie 10,000 BC and then seriously imagine what humans have ALREADY survived it becomes fairly obvious that even if 99% of humans were wiped out by one thing or another or even a multiple combinations of several difficult things it is my considered belief that those 1% of humans that might remain would still go on and find a way to survive no matter what!
Untreatable TB Strain sweeps Kyrgyz prisons
You might say to me, "So What?" Well. The problem is that in poor countries untreatable TB doesn't just stay in the prisons and when it starts to spread to the countryside it might one day wind up here in the US. Untreatable TB strains are more deadly to the general populace worldwide than AIDS. Potentially, one carrier of an untreatable(multiple drug resistant)TB could potentially infect thousands to millions in the US or Europe because TB is airborne.
It is said that up to 1/3 of the population of China has TB. A majority of those people have treatable TB and then a certain percentage have untreatable(MDR) TB. I was talking to a nurse about how serious untreatable (MDR) TB is on earth and how much more potentially deadly it is within months upon a given populations than say, AIDS is. So because Kyrgyz is not a rich country this problem is potentially serious for all of us.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
The Problem of Iraq
begin quote:"Long-term danger
Iraqi friends of mine who once hated the fact that the Americans were here now praise them for driving the militants from the streets. That is a real success.
Aftermath of bombing in Karbala - 17/03/2008
Violence is down, but Iraqis continue to be killed But it is small compared with the damage which the war has done to America's reputation. The US state department finds it much harder nowadays to be taken seriously when it criticises other countries for their use of torture and arbitrary arrest.
People the world over have been repelled by things that have been done here: things that are now associated with place-names like Abu Ghraib, Haditha, and Falluja.
Above all, we have seen how hard it is for the Americans to deal with a few thousand lightly armed volunteers.
Germany's 19th-Century Chancellor, Otto von Bismarck, said that great powers had to be very careful when they put their military strength to the test. Unless they are overwhelmingly successful, he meant, the perception will be that they have been defeated.
In spite of the new successes on the ground here, that is the long-term danger America faces."endquote
So here we are in Iraq with countries like Russia and China thinking like most foreign countries that America has been defeated by volunteer terrorists without special training overseen by the best of the best.
This is a serious problem of perception that in itself could put the US military in jeapordy or the entire US mainland in real danger!
Iraq Death Toll 4000.
The following article will give you more information if you are interested.
Even though this the present death toll in Iraq for US soldiers this figure in some ways is bogus because it doesn't include the deaths of Americans who are not in the military but do support work for the military who are from the US. It does not include political attaches or political figures who have died from the US. It does not include all the news people from the US who have died in Iraq and it does not include any American soldiers who did not die from their wounds in Iraq after the plane left the ground to take them to a hospital in Germany or the US or who died after they landed in Germany and the US. So the actual total of soldiers who died from wounds received in Iraq might be as high as 8000 to 10,000. I think this is a more realistic estimate of the numbers of soldiers who have died from wounds received in Iraq.
How Deep Is the Economic Abyss?
begin quote"I think the current financial crisis looks to me like the worst one since we got into the Depression," says Richard Sylla, who teaches the history of financial institutions at New York University's Stern School of Business."
Which is not to say this time will be anywhere near as bad -- partly because, economists note, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is a student of the Depression and appears to be steering the Fed toward avoiding the mistakes of back then." endquote.
I highly recommend both these articles if you are interested in both where we are: the first URL and how we got here:the second URL
The 1990's were the most economically flush times since the late 1960s in America. The Soviet Union had collapsed and the US military establishment hadn't figured out how to create another wartime scenario yet to get the funding it has now. So during the 1990s I believe was the biggest economic boom time since the 1950s and 1960s. During the Viet Nam War we squandered our wealth as a nation and went from a creditor nation to a debtor nation. So when the military industrial complex created the Terrorist war we entered this war as a debtor nation. since we aren't exiting this war we are becoming a bankrupt nation. A+B=C. It isn't rocket science. We couldn't afford this war, economically or in any other way and now we appear to be entering Great Depression2 as a direct result. Our nation might have to go bankrupt for a while for us as a nation to become realistic about all things once again.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Bear Stearns
I was talking to a friend of mine who is an investor and studies markets 4 to 8 hours a day 5 or 6 days a week. He was saying one of the reasons Bear Stearn collapsed is that when their two hedge funds collapsed the average investor in those hedge funds felt abused directly by Bear Stearns. Since investors in Hedge funds tend to be extremely rich there was an element of payback in what happened to Bear Stearns recently. In other words "what goes around comes around". If this is true this may be an object lesson for all other investment banks connected to hedge funds.
China in Trouble long Term?
China in Trouble Long Term? There is a statement that is studied in War Colleges all over the world. "No army can succeed long term against an insurgency supported by the common people in any area of the world." What this actually means is that if the common people in any area support any guerrilla faction no army will be able to ever defeat that insurgency in 1year, 5 years, 10 years or ever.
It is my belief that in both Islamic areas of China and soon in Tibet this will be true. These struggles between the Islamics against the Chinese and the Tibetans against the Chinese cannot be won by China. Though China has almost infinite troops to send it does not have infinite money to fund those troops against multiple insurgencies.
Like the United States and NATO in Afghanistan and Iraq, unless the popular will of all the people in every area supports them they will not be able to hold the gained ground without the support of the common people of an area long term.
Yes. It is true that China COULD kill all Tibetans and all Islamics in China. But then one way or the other the whole world would find out and when it did it would become a complete pariah to the whole world and trade with China would eventually stop completely.
Neville Chamberlain? Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain by appeasing Hitler even though his intentions were well meaning allowed Hitler to begin taking Europe state by state. Then like now the world felt powerless to stand up to a nation that frightened them. This time that nation is China that still demonstrates qualities right out of the dark ages of brutal warlordism. This time it is the whole world not confronting China's treatment of the Tibetans. Next year or the year after it won't just be the Tibetans and Tibetan culture that will lay exterminated but Taiwan, Thailand, India, Australia, Japan, you name it.
The brutal warlordism in the guise of extreme capitalism out of China will not stop until all nations of earth are under its economic manipulation.
I once knew someone here in the United States that was not safe to have as a friend or an enemy. I didn't know what to do with that person. I had never encountered anyone that dangerous in my life before. I feel about China that way now. I understand how China got to where it is. There are just so many people there that the only way China has learned to survive is to deny the rights of any minority. Other countries including the US have done this in past centuries to native Americans and Blacks and other minorities. However, in most of the modern world this, in the main has gone away. However, in China it is the same as it was 500 years ago there in the sense that if you are a minority in China, either prepare to lose your culture completely or prepare to die. In China, there is no other option.
The rest of the world sits and watches in horror. The rest of the world has tried to encourage China into Capitalism and into democracy and democratic socialism. China has taken to Capitalism with a ferver unseen in a long time. But China has also held on to its policies of taking away the rights of any of its people on a whim. Not only taking away their rights but just as easily taking their lives. People sort of just disappear in China like they have for centuries and nothing is ever said about it by them again. It is sort of like people just disappear as if they never existed before!
The rest of the world watches China in horror because what China does is the very worst quality of living in denial that most present day humans have ever seen!
We, the people of the world are creating China into another Hitler by our inaction!
If China goes on slowly taking over the civilized world directly and indirectly in this way with impunity then it is the other 5 billion people's fault for not confronting China!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Multinational Corporate Warlordism
Multinational Corporate Warlordism. Warlordism I obviously made up. However, the concept is real and it is the scariest thing now on earth except Global Climate change long term.
Imagine(since it's real you don't have to really imagine)companies that are loyal to no nations laws or any group of nations laws, who hire thousands of lawyers worldwide whose only job is to find ways to circumvent any and all laws to get whatever they want(natural resources, LAND, or whatever) at the lowest price possible by disenfranchising anyone necessary to get whatever it is they want to get and then sell to the highest bidder.
If you have seen "There Will Be Blood:the movie" then think internationally. I think you get the picture of whatever Daniel Day Louis' charactor wanted(any natural resource or commodity or whatever)on earth (or beyond) in the future.
In the past warlord's took a village shot all the men in the back, raped all the women, killed or enslaved the children and stole all their natural resources including homes, farms animals and land.
The good news is less people get shot in the back. The bad news is the subprime debacle is no accident and its intent is to steal your land for bargain basement prices for foreign investors. You think I'm joking? Just watch what happens when land prices hit bottom. Foreign investors will snap up all that cheap land at pennies on the dollar! Just watch! I think it might be necessary to set a limit on how many acres or parcels a non US citizen can buy. Otherwise, I think we will have a real problem on our hands as a nation.
However, it is much worse than that. It is international corporate warlordism. It is happening to a greater or lesser degree in EVERY nation on earth, especially those with natural resources. And noble and religious people of all persuasions will get what the minister got at the end of "There Will Be Blood" all over the earth. Just watch!
7.2 Earthquake:Hotan, China
7.2 Earthquake: Hotan, China. Because of the location of the earthquake in xinjiang Province north of Tibet and East of where Osama bin Laden is in Pakistan and since xinjiang is Islamic, it makes one wonder if this indeed was an earthquake and not another ammunition dump blowing up like just blew up in Albania. Xinjiang-northwestern-China/photo//080320/photos_ts/2008_03 _20t194344_450x360_us_quake_china//s:/ap/20080321/ap_on_re_as/ china_earthquake;_ylt=AsrF9cYnpWXR3sWIru35nUP9xg8F _U9gSgtTgE-cR-KwD8VHIC2G0
Microbanking for California?
begin quote:"The entire states of California, Florida, Arizona, Michigan, Ohio and Nevada -- which have seen the highest foreclosure rates and the worst price declines -- are blackballed on some mortgage insurers' lists. endquotes.
Since loans from most banks aren't issued without Mortgage insurance it may be necessary for microbanking groups of Californians or any other state targeted by Mortgage insurers to bring back loans for Californians so they can buy houses here.
Microbanking could be organized by people who already own their homes outright or who are conservative investors. If groups of these people got together say for example through their churches then they might actually know the people that say 10 or more of them together could loan money to buy a house. In this way we could survive our state or your state being blackballed in regard to mortgage insurance.
Globalization is a Mess
If we look at the whole world now we see a de facto world capitalist state powered by the making of money. The problem with this is that the people that have the most money have no vested interest in keeping the poorest half of the world's population alive. So, in all likelihood many many will starve as the serious corrections caused by globalization are slowly corrected by world economies during this century. As Greenspan has said it is likely many many banking institutions will fail worldwide until the world figures out how to deal with the complexities of multiple currencies, multiple markets, multiple prices of the same goods etc. It is far more complex than I can even pretend to imagine at this point. Even geniuses like Greenspan only watch the tips of the financial icebergs and have to guess what is really underneath it all. Just remember these financial icebergs are 9/10 out of sight below the water line. That is why we are watching investment businesses like Bear Stearns sink like ships from the many hidden financial icebergs just like the Titanic did.
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Begin March 2008
Since the Blogspot and Google don't appear to be working right today because of high user load I thought I'd write here for now.
10,000BC I really loved. Though I loved the special effects and story, my favorite component of the story was how well they depicted the medicine woman. As a gifted person myself I greatly appreciated how the medicine woman saw her tribe as her children and was perfectly willing to die to keep her tribe alive. This represents the best of all the medicine men and women in tribes throughout the world for as long as there have been humans on earth. Whether this goes back 40,000 years, 100,000 years or millions of years as some like myself believe it still depicts how tribes survived anything. We all owe our presence today on earth to millions and millions of tribal shamans. Without them the human race would have been extinct before 10,000 BC.
After the medicine woman predicted the 4 legged demons(men on horseback with weapons)and saw the blue eyed girl as her salvation(by the way if you haven't seen the movie yet and want to you might want to read the rest later after you have seen the movie).The Medicine woman soul traveled with the men and the boy to protect them from harm while they went to rescue all those kidnapped from their tribe. And when it came time the medicine woman knew when to give up her life while soul traveling to keep her tribe alive. So she lived on as part of the spirit of the blue eyed girl. All these types of things have been done I believe for millions of years now. Without these kinds of "Grandparent souls" we would all be extinct. It does not matter what religion you are now. If you can function as a Grandparent soul you are needed now to keep the human race alive the next 1000 years and more. We are all needed to be"Grandparent souls" if we want all our tribes to live. Without us all, all will die.
The following correspondence was my response to a friend who was interested in knowing about the church I grew up in. He had read this article:
I hope you can benefit from what I was able to share with him. I kept all references to him anonymous because I only felt I could share what I wrote nd still feel ethical about it.
I was born into the "I Am". My mother's father got her into it when she was around 16 and she was born in 1919. She actually met mr. Ballard. My father's first wife's mother was into the "I Am". So when he chartered a yacht to Tahiti in 1939 he read the "I am" books along with his first wife while sailing there. When he returned Mr. Ballard had passed away, so he never met Mr. Ballard. The "I am" was called by some the "Hollywood" religion of the 1930's. And I am told Mary Pickford and many famous actors and actresses were members between 1930 and 1939.However, when Mr. Ballard passed on in 1939, other competing churches like Christian Science and others took the "I Am" to court and accused it of fraud and took away the use of the US mail from Mrs. Ballard and her son, Donald. I knew Mrs. Ballard and Donald well as my parents were in charge of the Los Angeles "I am " Sanctuary from 1954 until 1960 when my mother's father died
. My experiences with the religion were on many different levels. As a young child I just accepted it all like you sort of have to as a kid, since it was such a big part of my parents life. I didn't see my parents much between the ages of 6 and 12 (1954 and 1960) because both my parents worked and were lay ministers in charge of the Los Angeles "I am " Sanctuary on Hope Street in Los angeles, California
. Ages 10 to 12 I was more leaning in the direction of science than religion of any kind. However, I got childhood epilepsy and what saved me was learning to invoke the "I am ", God into my body to help me and to protect me. However, though I presently experience Saint Germain as a very real spiritual experience I generally find "I am students to be somewhat psychologically unbalanced much like fundamentalists of any religion or even fundamentalist scientists or fundamentalist atheists.
Though I still believe in Saint Germain I approach the whole thing quite differently now. For example, I have researched the life of Saint Germain and his birth as Francis Bacon of England (illegitamate son of Queen Elizabeth the first?and his apparent connection to also being? Prince Ragacy of Transylvania, and the Count De Saint Germain"The man who never dies" of 18th century Europe and reported founder of the Rosicrucian movement and the Masonic Order etc etc etc.
I'm not sure what approach is useful to you. However, I would be careful of approaching "I am " students as many are very "I Am" fundamentalist if you know what I mean. However, I have met others that are "bright lights" so evolved spiritually they have become much like Saints. It all depends if you meet a real compassionate adept or just what I call an "I am " fundamentalist spiritual soldier. Only you can know what is really useful to you on any level. But this is my personal experience.
I realized I hadn't answered one of your questions properly as to why I had (parted ways) with the "I am". As a young person I was a worshipper of Truth and extremely idealistic. So when I found dishonesty or apparent hypocrisy in the lives of some "I am " Students it made me very angry. I was very rare within teenagers of the "I am" because I had actually had experiences with Saint Germain. So I didn't like the attitude of many who sort of approached the "I am" religion like it was a secular social country club. At that time the "I am" was segregated. there were Black Groups and White Groups but they were separate from each other until the laws changed in the 1970s.
As a young person I wanted the impossible as many young people do. However, in the late 1960s many changes were happening in the world and most teenagers and young adults lied about what they were doing. I told the truth. My separation from the "I am" Activity came because I chose not to be a hypocrite like the majority of other "I am" young people
. At the time this harmed my young life in ways I didn't expect. However, over the years I watched others who chose hypocrisy and how it destroyed their lives so I believe being honest in the long run gave me a real future rather than eventually destroying my life like becoming a hypocrite did to others lives. Being so close to the center of things in the "I am" was more bad for me than good in that my parents felt that people who had remained celibate throughout the 1930s and 1940s were very jealous that Mrs. Ballard (Beloved Mama) as she is referred to by students put my parents in charge of the Los Angeles Hope Street "I am" Temple. Though it is logical that she did this because married people tend to be more balanced in general than single people and for Mrs. Ballard that they had a son(me) made them even more potentially balanced. Also, Mrs. Ballard also had one son. My parents felt that what happened to me was made worse by some of the celibate people who surrounded Mrs. Ballard who were called her " Staff". So in this sense what happened to me was partly revenge for my parents being given the Los Angeles "I am' Sanctuary when I was a boy.
Though you might think I should have been acknowledged for doing the right thing, instead the very opposite happened. I was accused of every bad thing you can think of and none of it true. I came very close to suicide having my good name besmerched in this way. Many, possibly hundreds of people from 1940 on commited suicide because of this kind of abuse. I survived because my parents are very balanced people and when "I am" students told them that they should send me away they told them to "Go to Hell!" My father finally got so disgusted that he left the 'I am" and Joined the Summit Lighthouse with Elizabeth Clair Prophet in 1974 before he died in 1985. My mother had a completely different relationship with the "I am" and continued to go to "I am" classes once in a while after she and I went through Summit University in 1977 and my then 3 year old son went to their Montessori School when it was in Pasadena.
I'm sorry if I got a little off of what you had asked me but as you can see, the "I am" organizational experience was very dama aging to me and my family even though from the point of view of an adept it only made me stronger and a better adept. However, it permanently turned me against all organized religions and attending church.
I agree that I was a very great asset to the "I am" church. However, my relationship with the church was always very complicated for me. I was moving in the direction of science and logic as a ten to 12 year old and childhood epilepsy forced me to use the form of religion my parents taught me to survive it. However, I was never happy about this and was sort of angry at God for putting me through this. Besides, I always sort of saw religious people in general and "I am" students in specific as kind of nuts. So it was always sort of, "If you can't beat them, join them."
I didn't want to be spiritual. It was forced upon me by God so at first I resented it. But later realized that if I was going to have to be spiritual then I was going to be joyful about it and not just afraid of my shadow like most religious people that I knew then. I found what I call the alchemy of JOY! has no limit in helping not only mankind but also myself in amazing amazing ways. So I applied Joy and science and love and perserverance to my spiritual studies and really powerful things started to happen in my life. I found that Joy and Grattitude really were the motor of life. But then I looked around at most 'I am" students and they were just competing with each other and this made me kind of sick to watch. I was in another league by myself with a personal relationship with Saint Germain and all the Ascended masters. There were very few of us around and we sometimes had to hide who we were because of the sort of military way the "I am" Church tends to operate. So those of us who were gifted would get together on "I am" youth night and compare our amazing experiences but this wouldn't become public knowledge.
There is a hierarchy within the "I am" Activity and no one is supposed to get dictations from the Ascended Masters but Mrs. Ballard. However, by the time I was 22 and out of the "I am" I realized that I could give Dictations either written or verbal. Also by this time Mrs. Ballard had passed on. However, because it was just a conversation between Saint Germain and I, I could ask absolutely any question I wanted. And the answers I got were really amazing. Saint Germain revealed to me that I was made an example of to protect the younger people of the "I am". He also said that I was being tested for something greater because the main purpose of the "I am" was served by the "I am" Decrees that helped keep war outside the boundaries of the United States during World War II. He said that it now is more of an archive of "I am" dictations since there is no one that can give "I am" dictations now
. He basically told me to love, learn and play and grow and that when I was older he would call me. I think he is having me write online so I can touch other adepts who are strong enough to go on without a church behind them just like the cave yogis like Mila Repa. Only this time they can be Householder Yogis because we live in a peaceful nation with freedom of religion. The sky is the limit as to what can be accomplished worldwide now by people of all religions and spiritual philosophies.
The catalytic effect of your asking me these questions caused me to reevaluate all the spiritual tools I had been given by Saint Germain and Jesus. As I have studied the different religious practices along the way I have tended to get stuck in each new one almost exclusively. Sometimes this causes me to forget the old ones that I already had mastered. By your writing it made me remember that I was made a master at invoking the violet flame as a young man. It made me realize that I could help my mother who now has severe senile dementia but whose body is unfortunately still alive at 89 in an senile dementia and alzheimers rest home. Lately, since we both are very spiritually gifted people she has been haunting me like a ghost and I have been very angry at God for putting me in this position. However, since you wrote me I realized that I still am a violet flame master since Saint Germain appeared to me in 1973 and invoking actual violet flame into any situation is something I have been given as a gift by him ever since.
The two most powerful teachings of the "I am" are the tube of light and the violet flame. There was a man in Ghana who invoked his tube of light while being shot at by a firing squad. After about 10 men tried to shoot him twice, they released him as they realized he was a very spiritual man as they watched the bullets bounce off his tube of light. He was a member of the overthrown government at that time.
When Saint Germain appeared to me and took over my body as his own, he prepared me for about one hour in an ocean of living violet flame. Though I had used the violet flame all my life up until then I never had realized that each flame is alive, almost like an angel or even violet flame fairy. My whole concept of everything in regard to all this changed after this Easter 1973 experience.
This morning I woke up and realized that I didn't have to be a victim of my senile mother anymore because all her soul really wanted was for someone to put her tube of light and violet flame on. Since Saint Germain made me a master of this at age 25, I realized I could do this 24 hours a day now and free not only her but myself from misery. After all Freedom is a state of consciousness. Blessings to you for being guided to write me
I have used the Violet consuming flame since I was about 3 years old in this way.
"Beloved Mighty "IAM" Presence Enfold me now in my mighty Magic electronic Tube of Ascended Master Light Substance Make it so powerful that no human creation can pass through.
Beloved Mighty "I am" Presence and Great Sanat Kumara Keep me and every person, place, condition and thing under the radiation of the Ascended Master Saint Germain, invisible, invincible and invulnerable to anything but thy Almighty Perfection.
Beloved Mighty "I Am" Presence Blaze up through me now your mighty violet consuming flame The purifying power of Divine love in it's most powerful dynamic activity consume cause effect, record and memory of anything but thy almighty Perfection And hold your dominion within me forever. "Almighty 'I am, Almighty 'I am', Almighty 'I am'
This prayer is taught to children to do at night before they go to sleep between 1 and 3 years of age. Many "I am" parents give this to the child audibly every night so by the time they are two or three they start doing it with the parents.
My mother said before she came into the "I am" at age 16 in 1935 her night time prayer was, "Now I lay me down to sleep I pray the Lord my soul to keep If I should die before I wake I pray the Lord my soul to take"
This was because before the 1940's and 1950's at least 1 in 5 children died before 12 in the US or at least that was my understanding.
Also, in regard to the Tube of Light and Violet Flame there is what we are told as "I am" students and there is what I have experienced first hand. First of all, the violet flame burns off karma but if one is not illumined enough to not recreate the bad karma one creates the same negative karma over and over through the centuries. So, I have found if you are going to use the violet flame then see with it the golden flame of illumination so you don't create the same negative karma again. When I was in Summit University I became friends with someone who had studied Kriya Yoga for 20 years before joining the Summit. He said it took him 12 years of kriya yoga before he saw the Violet Flame in his meditations so he realized it is a very advanced teaching. It was one of the reasons he came to Summit University so he could learn how to invoke the violet flame to get rid of his karma consciously.
Also, since I have experienced that Violet flame is a bunch of living flames who work together as a team much like angels.
In regard to the tube of light there is a story told by Mr. And MRS. Ballard about Saint Germain around the year 1684 when he ascended. His teacher who we call The Great Divine Director who is also considered Jesus' teacher as well had Saint Germain sit on a battlefield with his Tube of light on and maintain center while people were dying all around him and bouncing off his tube of light. The initiation of non-interference while being centered was one of the last for him to become ascended we were told.
Though this took me thirty years (1978 I was 30) I realized that the tube of light and violet flame as specifically designed for emergency situations where one might die or be overcome with other people's emotions or karma needlessly, say on a battlefield or in a dangerous city. However, around age 32 I encountered non dualism and at 34 took ahimsa vows. This just means I took a vow of harmlessness toward all beings. However, one is allowed to defend oneself even after taking these vows in the most harmless way possible in any given situation.
So I found that I could extend my aura when I felt safe enough to 1 mile, 10 miles or even to the size of the planet, solar system or galaxy. The tube of light and extending your aura to encompass the galaxy might seem contradictory but if one understands what they are doing it is not a contradictory thing. However, I must say that this is really advanced stuff and shouldn't be done until one feels safe enough to actually do it in a controlled way.
Kriyananda is one of Yogananda's disciples. When he came into the same county as me I sensed the weather change and his aura being as big as the county. I was in my early 20's at the time and it showed me what was possible so I eventually learned to do this not as a teaching master but just as an adept working for Saint Germain and Jesus.
Also, as you might already understand when you are invoking your Beloved "I am" Presence it is extremely powerful. It is not like a prayer when you say, "God please give me this." It is a totally different thing. When you invoke in this way you are invoking as a co-creator with God. This causes the thing to actually happen if you are believing and accepting in instantaneously. Because of this one must be very careful of doing this in a good way.
For example, I was at a Summit Conference in Malibu, California when a leader who didn't fully understand what he or she was doing invoked great power and then directed at specific people. I stopped joining in immediately because I sensed the immoral out of control nature of what this person was doing. As I stepped outside of the Sanctuary a fire was threatening what the Summiteers called Camelot. There were flames 50 to 100 feet high. My father and I stood near the fence of the property and put our hands in the air and decreed for the flames to stay away and they did but the fence around Camelot was charred all around the 1000 acres or so. So it is very important to not direct certain kinds of forces against individuals. For example Blasting decrees can be very dangerous. So unless it is such an emergency as people's lives in danger I refuse to use Blasting Decrees.
In regard to "I am" services, I have not been allowed to attend an "I am" service outside of the "I am" Pageant in Mt.Shasta, California in August and I haven't done that since 1996.
The "I am" services generally are either sunday services, Violet Flame Class (Wednesday night and Saturday), 100% Class(for those who attend 3 or more classes per week), youth class(friday nights) and Sunday class(in themorning like most churches) or special classes where gifted people share deeper insights than the norm. These special classes can be held in places like Hawaii, Los angeles, Chicago, Denver or even Switzerland or Australia or London or New York or Mt. Shasta. Also, many groups get telephone hookups of these special events so they can hear it all live in their local sanctuaries.
The average service invokes all the ascended masters including Jesus and Saint Germain and Angels like Arcangel Michael and his group and others to come and help and protect. This is done through dedicating candles in a circle around a crystal cup. the crystal cup symbolizes not only each individual's holy spirit there but also the groups holy spirit that is dedicated to helping make life better on earth and beyond. Then there are decrees(prayers) for specific things depending what is going on in the world or praying for people in the church that might be sick or dying or just being born. Then last there is a dictation by either Mr. Ballard or Mrs. Ballard from a recording of their dictation from a specific Ascended Master. Then there is usually a music contemplation and the people are then exit the Sanctuary.
On the podium behind the leader is usually a giant chart of the "IAM" Presence in action about 7 feet high. To the left If I remember right is Jesus and to the right of the Chart is Saint Germain. Both these pictures are about 4 to 5 feet high. There also might be a 4 foot high lighted picture of an Angel carrying the American Flag or other Masters that that Sanctuary or Temple is dedicated to.
After one reads the first three "I am" books one is asked to attend the "Fundamentals". I had to do this once a year from the time I was 10 in order to attend the other classes including Youth group. Fundamentals I believe were 9 weeks every week on the same night. These last, depending upon the leader and an average of 1 1/2 hour to 2 hours. Usually 7 pm to 9 pm or 9:30pm. I was a youth group leader and also gave fundamentals sometimes between age 18 and 21.
You sort of asked a wide swath of questions but I'll try to answer in a way I hope is useful.
First, I would say that "I am" students in general have a persecution complex in regard to most of the world. This is probably less true now than when I grew up and even less true in California which is among the most tolerant of the states especially on the California coast of San Diego, Los Angeles and San Francisco. But there still is a residue of the persecution of the mails being taken away by Christian Science people and others after Mr. Ballard passing on and causing the loss of about 90% of their members at that time. During the 1930s there were about 1,000,000 adherants to the "I Am" and after the loss of the use of the mails scandal and being dragged through the courts 90% of the adherants publicly felt they had to disassociate themselves from the "I am". So there is the feeling within the "I am" of being sort of clannish as in a family protecting itself from the big, bad world.
For example, during the 1950s I was told to tell people when I was 5 to 10 years old that my religion was similar to Christian Science and to leave it at that even though I was in Los Angeles County in Glendale from age 8 to 21. So that might give you an idea of what that was like. Also, I never received any vaccinations at all from birth to age 15 when I had to have a tetanus shot because a dog bit me and it was required by law in California.
95% of the graduates of the "I AM" school have gone to college always. All the way back into the 1940s. However, the "I am" when I grew up was very republican and very conservative and very patriotic and some of them were racist to my way of thinking. This extreme right position was one of the reasons I separated from the "I am" because I tend to be very eclectic and as a result of meeting a wide spectrum of people of all points of view tend to be a "moderate" and an independant in my thoughts. However, in going to college I met extremely liberal people and friends after being raised around extremely conservative folks so I completely understand the usefulness of some conservative and some liberal ideas. For example I like to see a different party in office each time because each side is good at some things and bad at others. And if it changes parties each time it tends to negate the bad things each party does.
So, though there are movie actors and very successful businessmen and women and many highly educated successful people in the "I am" they tend to not talk about their religion in public much.
You might like this story that is true. When my parents were put in charge of the "I am" Sanctuary on Hope Street in Los Angeles, they were the first to be assigned in the US with a child, me. So then because of this I was the first child allowed to stay at Shasta Springs(I think it's about 2500 acres on the west side of interstate 5, after Dunsmuir and before Mott Airport heading north on Interstate 5 toward the City of Mt. Shasta. Because of this one event of me being allowed to stay there, the whole celibacy thing in the "I am" ended and all sorts of kids were able to stay at Shasta Springs after that. If I hadn't been allowed to stay at Shasta Springs it is possible that many "I am" students would not have gotten married and had kids and that because of that it might have gone extinct like the Shakers did as a religion.
IN 1969 I would say there were about 10,000 to 15,000 'I am" students who went to classes regularly worldwide. But that doesn't include 10 or 20 times more who practice privately worldwide. I really have no idea how many there are now because so many people have had kids but I don't know how many of those stayed. When I grew up about 50% to 80% of the kids eventually left because the rules were to strict for them to enjoy their lives. However, even these remained directly or indirectly apart of the "I am" culture separate from going to classes just like many cultural Catholics and such.
There is a wide variety of types of personalities within the "I am" from cultural students who are only going for social reasons all the way to extreme types who might need psychological counseling. As a child and young adult I was exposed to the gamut including people who dressed in white suits would climb Mt. Shasta at night expecting to make their Ascension only to die of hypothermia on the mountain at night. Even when it is 100 degree in Mt. Shasta during the day it gets below freezing at night on the mountain. Or one lady who grabbed me by the lapels of my suit when I was about 12 and sang to me, "I love money, I love money, I love money oh mighty I am etc. People like this scared me because they were usually single and greatly in need of counseling to keep body and soul together.
My assessment of the problem of the "I am" organization is that most people cannot discipline themselves in the way many or most "I am" students do and stay balanced.
However, many do maintain balance, are married, have children, are very successful as doctors, dentists, very wealthy businessmen and women etc. but when I was in the "I am" people still were very secretive about their religion in public. Also, new people who come to "I am" groups aren't always very well received. This is because of competing groups that believe in Saint Germain, the tube of Light, and the violet flame. The "I am" organization feel they are the only sanctioned religion by Saint Germain. However, since Saint Germain says in many of his teachings that the Chohans are mostly interested in Balance for the human race I believe they start all sorts of movements for the betterment of humanity in the long run. Therefore, there is a tendancy for many but not most "I am" students to be very close minded and to live in a very small world like other fundamentalists do of all religions. It is very important to remember, however, that I haven't attended class regularly since 1969. However, I have kept in contact with several long term friends that have remained active and have continued to go to classes regularly.
What you will get is a very basic intellectual understanding of the "I am" Presence and the Chart from what the "I am" or has sent you. What I would recommend is to listen to that to absorb the "radiation" and blessing of that information. Later after you have set with it a while go back and reread what I'm about to write. Since I now have 60 years experience with what the "I am" chart is let me tell you some of my experiences. For example, if you get one of the plastic pictures that are around a few inches maybe "5" inches high and one foot wide that has the "I am" presence in the center and Jesus on one side and Saint Germain on the other and then take that picture and put it on the wall of your child's room or even your room then all the prayers of all the "I am" students in the world will tend to astrally and physically protect you and your family from inner or outer harm.
I have carried one of these to almost every place I have moved to in my life and if I put it over the doorway to the bedroom I always felt much safer at night and at all times. My thoughts were much clearer, my dreams less troubled and more useful etc.
Also, one of my teacher's was Pearl, who knew Mr. Ballard and studied with him personally. When I studied with Pearl she had many students and we would gather in her house, in fact I met my second wife at one of these meetings around 1980. Pearl mentioned that she was there when Mr. Sindelar and the lady who painted the first "I am" chart May de Camera(one or both of these artists). Mr. Ballard was saying that each person in actuality is their own "I am" Presence but that it was discussed that most people could not cope with that at first. So they decided to separate the individual "I am" Presence and put that on top and then put the higher mental body in the middle and then the physical body on the bottom.
I really began to understand what Pearl had said when I studied with Tibetan Lamas in Santa Cruz, CA. ORegon and Bodhgaya, India and Nepal later. Because there are different kinds of initiations. The early practitioners are made to see the Diety
as above them and pouring goodness into them or toward whatever they are trying to create happening on earth or beyond. However, advanced initiations like I received one is taught to see oneself as the Diety. Unless one can cope with this, however, I would not advise it until one can visualize oneself as a Diety and still come out the other end in a human body on earth with a balanced state of mind. Not everyone is ready to do this right off the bat. Even I am careful if I generate as the Diety because then all sorts of things can happen and you had better be ready for them!
One last thing that I believe explains this. When my soul travel paradigm shifted from theoretical to actual pragmatic experience at age 22 I had the experience I think I shared with you where I woke up in Rancho Bernardo and I was sitting up out of my body and looked back and saw my body sleeping. And then I turned and saw another me with an angelic look on its face coming in my bedroom door. I believe now that my sleeping body was my physical body, my ghostlike body that I was occupying sitting up out of my physical body was my Higher Mental Body and I now believe my third body with and Angelic look on its face was and is my "I am" Presence or Angelic Body. I hope this is helpful
Begin February 2008
Why I Write!
I see myself as a warrior toward creating a way for humans to not to go extinct during the next 1000 years or so. I want some humans to survive so that there is hope for a new future. At present we are so overpopulated on earth and it is expected that 90 to 95% of all species alive both plant and animal will be gone within 500 years on earth. So it is obvious to me that it will be something like a miracle if a few humans and their pets survive what is now coming. Though some things can be done to make things better, like Ron White says,"You can't fix stupid" or as I would say "you can't fix ignorant".
So I guess what I'm saying is that the uneducated and the overeducated who are either self destructive or who don't care likely will drive the human race extinct within 1000 years out of ignorance and stupidity. It only takes about 5% of the human race to drive us all extinct as most intelligent people know now.
So it behooves all of us to find ideas that can create sustainability for the human race on earth without removing our basic freedoms and dignity. I personally think without freedom and dignity, death and extinction is a much better choice! So I work toward a future in which humans do not go extinct and still have freedom and dignity. The Act of God in nature that will take out 95% of the human race is coming. However, I personally, would rather not know which form it will take or when it will happen. I only know it is coming and then there will only be about 350,000,000 of us on earth. It is my belief that this will happen within a period of 10 to 20 years and will take place completely unexpectedly by any scientists or politicians and everything will be different within 20 years. I believe the ratio of who will be alive will generally be the ratios of the nations on earth at present. I'm using 7 billion as a present starting point even though that is a little more than are presently on the planet as humans. Or, for those of you who live in the US like me it would leave 15 million of us left alive if there were 300 million of us before.
January 2008
Dream Yoga
I found out recently that the Last Karmapa(continuously reincarnating Buddha or Tibetan Tulku since the 1200s)became so enlightened that when meditating pictures could be taken of him and he appeared as a ghost with the wall visible behind him. His method of enlightenment was Dream Yoga. His present incarnation is about 23 years old and escaped from Tibet when he was about 15 to further study toward his present enlightenment this time around.(The only way I can presently think of to keep an enlightened being in a human body enlightened would be to start extending the lifespan of Buddhas through diet, medicine, consciousness, exercise, etc.)until we have more enlightened beings than we do now that live 100s and thousands of years.
Beings on earth presently that live beyond 100 or more years with youthfulness of there 30s and 40s still intact have to be careful who they tell about this and most simply take on new lives and say nothing except possibly to their closest students who are likely to live a long time like them.
We all live or die by our definition of the universe. Most of us are conditioned to believe one thing or the other as we grow up to our health or detriment. However, at some point if we are to become full adults sometime between ages 20 to 40 normally, we must totally define our own realities or else we do not become the gods that each human is potentially capable of becoming. Just like plants who are not put on good soil but upon cement die as babies or plants not given water or sun die, likewise humans who are not given what they need either by others or as adults by their seeking it die without becoming the literal gods that they are potentially capable of.
So, in the interests of defining the universe that is beneficent toward all beings in it I am writing the following:
The Dream Yoga of the Universe according to Fred
I will start defining the universe with my first real experience of this lifetime. My Grandmother was singing (Hark the Herald Angels Sing) and I was sitting in her lap(I was between 1 and 2 years old). As she sang Archangel Michael and his band of Archangels appeared in the room with us. They were bright and shiny and wore jeweled armour(I thought I would use the British Spelling for some reason of Armor- Armour). The seemed like a group of soldiers on leave visiting a fellow comrade in the way they related to me. The power of this experience and all of Gods Grace from it has stayed with me all my life as well as Archangel Michael who has continued to appear to me throughout my life whenever there was real danger.
Though my perfect innocent sight as a child changed into the adult sight of a Seer I did not lose my ability to see angels and Archangels like many people do just by people telling them that they cannot see angels. My parents allowed me to keep my sight of angels by encouraging these abilities.
Later, when I was at a religious school my senior Class was dedicated to the Great Divine Director who is also known as the Lord Maha Chohan or the Master R. Then when I left the Saint Germain Foundation because Saint Germain had other work for me to do I was in Summit University in 1977 my Class was dedicated to Archangel Gabriel and Faith (his girlfriend angel?)
It is my understanding that Archangel Gabriel came to Mary the mother of Jesus to tell her that she was with child. I believe Archangel Gabriel was with Archangel Michael when I was one or two years old. Though Archangel Gabriel was present, Archangel Michael was in charge of protecting me throughout my life.
However, when Father Charles Moore (a Catholic Priest friend) who was a Seer in the same way I am passed on and he came to me then to tell me about the 2nd Coming of Christ through Jesus rebirth into human form around December 21st 2012 I believe Archangel Gabriel was present for that. And since Archangel Michael and Gabriel gave me 3 signs the same day that this was accurate I now fully believe that this date signals the second coming of Christ. The reason I believe it is that I have learned to trust Archangel Michael and Archangel Gabriel with my life over the years. So I believe this is completely accurate about the 2nd coming of Christ. He will be born around this date. There will be no fanfare and no one who is not a wise man or woman will even know when it happens. Thirty years later he will announce himself and some will believe and some will not just like before. The real difference this time is that he is coming for all beings not only on earth but for the whole galaxy and beyond. So since this date is nearing UFOs from all over will be seen more and more. Though governments will want to deny their existence it will become more and more problematic for all governments on earth to do this. I am not sure how all this will work itself out.
Happy New Year!
December 2007 articles begin
Meridian Forever!
It has taken me years to understand this. That I have been evolving into Eridian at the same time my soul has already been Eridian(Meridian) fully formed. But I'm finally convinced that the lives of Arcane, Flame,King Interlaken, The Cave Yogi, and somehow even though I don't understand it entirely His Oneness are all past lives or at least simultaneous lives with my present life. It has taken me this entire lifetime to understand this. When I first began to write Arcane I thought it was just science fiction though I found it cathartic to write because I felt many karmic things in my present life healing by writing the life of Arcane. However, if you have studied the way Karma works all lifetimes one lives affect each other. It is also my experience that lifetimes one might not have lived yet also affect this one. How this works I could only speculate about.
However, like Stephen Hawkings I believe that time is not circular but spherical. So if you took a long string and wound it around a ball as if it was earth one would find that as an earth or other planet spun one would find a somewhat different experience as one traveled around such a planet. Time, I believe functions a lot like this. So that even though some elements are the same each revolution other elements are not. So time is always changing somewhat.
If you have no idea who Eridian(Meridian) is go back to my index page and read the History of Eridian or if you have the time read "Memories" where Arcane, JOnathan(my present self), King Interlaken, Flame,The Cave Yogi and other souls relate through time past, present and future.
Years ago I thought survival was burying food in a 50 gallon drum. Now I know survival is fasting praying kindness and mercy.
The most difficult of fasting, praying, kindness and mercy at least for me has been giving mercy to myself and others. I think this came from my American ancestors who were the kind of people who settled America. Survival was their first choice not mercy. To even give it a second thought might mean you and/or your family didn't survive.
However, by the late half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st all this has changed somewhat. The relatives that struggled so hard to tame the wild parts of this country have either prospered or died trying for the most part. So those of us who remain very likely are prosperous by these times.
So what once was a complete luxury, "Mercy" is now most of the time an attainable possibility both for ourselves, our families and our friends. Yes, I know there are exceptions but compared to 150 years ago things have really changed a lot.
So how does one learn to be merciful to oneself and others? The Dalai Lama says that World Peace begins with each individual creating their own peace individually inside themselves.
Jesus says turn the other cheek but what if someone keeps slapping you and slapping you for years. Are you supposed to endure that too. I don't think so.
At some point there has to be justice even if God himself provides the justice.
So it is my belief that if you can first be merciful to yourself by leaving a situation rather than having a serious argument or hurting someone or their feelings, sometimes it is just better to walk away. sometimes this is the most merciful thing you can do especially if you are a guy. However, this is not to say to abandon your responsibilities. On the contrary, it is important to be cool headed enough so you can be responsible. Whatever that means to you, if you aren't cool headed enough to be responsible and compassionate to those around you (unless they are trying to kill you) then you need to go cool down. This, many times for a man is the best mercy available.
Biologically, men have been bred through natural selection to protect themselves, their families, their children and their siblings. We men today are men whose fathers lived long enough to breed and their fathers and their fathers. So you have to give it to all the male ancestors, they learned something in surviving long enough and healthy enough to find someone that was interested in them enough to have a kid with them. 100 years ago and more that is saying a lot. You must remember my grandparents for the most part were born in the 1880's and my greatgrandfather was a captain in the civil war. So I knew all my grandparents as a child that had been born in the 1880's. Though the first one passed on in 1960 I knew most of them from 1950 when I was 2 until the last one passed on who was born in 1888 in 1978 at 90 years of age.
Purple Delta 7
In "The Protectors we have Jonathan's two bodyguards. Purple Delta 7 is based upon this simplistic technique shown in this youtube video
However, it is important to note that Purple Delta 7's technology is about 1,000,000 years in advance of these robotic building blocks.
November 2007 Articles Begin
Becoming Meridian
I have been experiencing lately that I am becoming Meridian(Eridian). Obviously, it is a very slow process in soul evolution. Sometimes I am aware that some beings get upset because every time I write now time changes here on earth. For those of you who are concerned let me say this: "In order for the Earth civilizations to not only survive but to do well certain things must take place. This might upset some people but literally trillions of humans whose genetics originate here in our time before they colonize thousands of other planets will be grateful for life as a result. That is the best way I can put it. Like Spock said, "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one." Likewise, my job is to prevent the extinction of the human race of earth. It is not only my job but the job of millions and billions of others from this time and every other time on earth and beyond.
I'm beginning to realize that I really am Meridian(Eridian) being born here on earth now, I had a realization of what it is that I do in the future of my soul. But since once passed over into Meridian time has no meaning anymore, I suppose it is quite possible that I also, always have been Meridian. My understanding of Meridian is growing as I grow as a soul. Meridian showed me that it is like watching a car drive up a slope. It has to have enough developed power to get over the summit to the other side of the mountain into the meadow of a real Shangri-la heaven. So I guess my job is to eventually be the mountain that the souls of earth have to drive over to get to their Shangri-la. A Shangri-la heaven is earned through kindness to oneself and others. This fuels your soul to have energy enough to get up over the mountain to Heaven. In my experience one moves lifetime after lifetime from heaven to heaven in between lives to better and better heavens. We are born into bodies on earth in order to grow as souls. For without resistance there is no growth and no forward movement possible. So to view our time on earth as being like challenges faced like one has incarnated into a movie would be kind of the closest to the truth that I can see now. Eventually, we move back into a more complete reality of the next heaven we want to enjoy and explore. The better we get the better we get. It all goes on as long as we want it to.
Since my son is in medical school and my God Daughter is in San Diego County life has changed somewhat here for my wife and daughter and I. A friend of ours who is in her late 30's and who is our physical trainer and a friend for over 10 years is living with us part of the time between house sitting and other things since she separated from her boyfriend. The fire in Los angeles and San Diego counties concerned us a lot because both my wife and I have relatives and friends between Santa Barbara and South San Diego. So when my God Daughter who is from MOnterey county originally called kind of scared I told her of my experiences growing up in Glendale and of the many acquaintances and friends of mine whose houses burned down in the hills of Glendale between 1960 and 1965 when I was 12 to 17 years old in junior high and high school. I told her to be sure to not be downwind in a fire if she could avoid it so she wouldn't have to go to the hospital for smoke inhalation like my wife did in the Sierras a couple of years ago while we were on vacation.
I said in an emergency one could just walk out into the ocean up to chest deep and keep wet if the fire was headed toward her. Since I grew up in LA County Santa Ana winds and fires I had been around a lot from age 6 to age 21 in LA county in California. If you are downwind in a fire the fire can travel up to 20 to 30 miles an hour or more so you just can't outrun it. The only hope you have is to not be downwind in a Santa Ana wind situation with winds up to 100 miles an hour.
The History of Dragons on Earth and Beyond
When I saw the baby dragon pickled in a jar from the 1400's I realized that maybe there were dragons that just went extinct with one too many people trying to kill them. After all by the 1400's there probably were very few dragons left alive and a whole lot of people who had bred like rabbits for thousands of years.
I was watching Eragon: The movie again today and started to pick up what had been going on with dragons. Pieces of this had come to me over the years regarding dragons on earth.
Likely dragons were related to Pteradactyls the winged dinasour that flew or glided for long distances. Likely, rather than breathing actual fire they spit acid or poison much like spitting cobras to which they also would have been distantly related. Even Camels and Alpaca llamas spit to keep other creatures away and they are mammals.
The disadvantage of being a dragon is that unlike humans who carry their young inside them until they are born they would lay eggs like birds or other reptiles. This would lead mammals including men to steal their eggs for food just as they do chickens, ducks and other birds. This alone would greatly lessen the amount of dragons alive. Also, if you are a large creature like an elephant, humpback whale or huge winged creature it is hard not to be noticed and even if one man died trying to kill a dragon, all his relatives would soon show up to finish the job. That is the way it has always been on earth and one reason there are more people left among the big animals than anything else these days. So, mostly people just compete among themselves for resources now.
Dragons also have different meanings to people in eastern and western cultures. In western culture dragons are to be feared and also are a symbol of power. In eastern cultures dragons are teachers and leaders and often the heads of both nations and religions in the east are considered incarnate dragons in human form. And so the Dragons of Compassion could be said to spring in concept at least from the Eastern cultures even though on New Deva all cultures of earth have been amalgamated into one memory that is holistic of all earths cultures east and west from 10,000 B.C to about 100,000 years A.D when the planet was changed or moved in such a way that Arcane's civilization could not longer be sure what and where earth was for sure.
However, all the histories of earth from all cultures had been written and collated into what Arcane's people called The Book of New Deva's Ancestors from Earth. Time travellers had gathered documents from all eras and made photos of them and accurate translations of them into about 1000 languages including about 100 earth languages from different earth eras. This book for Arcane's people was like a Rosetta Stone for his people regarding their ancestors from Earth.
I just looked up pteradactyls and found they prefer to call them Pterosaurs now. The dragon connection makes sense also because pterosaur fossils have been found in North America, South America,the United Kingdom,Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia. So the precursors to the Dragon have been found all over the world just like Saber toothed tigers have been found as precursors to modern day Tigers. It is likely that since Dragons are considered power objects that all there body parts and skeletons would have been obtained and sold and resold by all sorts of people as amulets and power objects. Therefore, it makes sense to me that dragons haven't been found whole but Pteradactyls(pterosaurs) have been. People weren't around at the time of Pterosaurs but they were in the dragon era.
October 2007 Articles begin
Milton Friedman and Disaster Capitalism
Milton Friedman is quoted as saying,"Only a crisis--actual or perceived--produces real change. When that crisis occurs, the actions that are taken depend on the ideas that are lying around."
Disaster Capitalism appears to be an economic ongoing experiment first championed by Milton Friedman in the Pinoche revolution in Chile. Proponents of this economic policy have been a part of the Bush Administration since 2000 and Disaster Capitalism was used both in Iraq and in New Orleans during and after Hurricane Katrina. It was also used during the Indonesian Tsunami to take away beach front property from indigenous fisherman to build resorts where they had been fishing sometimes for thousands of years . The basic concept is the privatization of everything which usually is against the best interests of the common people. This concept has also been used in Russia and China to privatize these economies. Disaster Capitalism works best if there is no democracy present because it always goes against the will of the common people and only the top 20% of the population actually benefits in any real way from it economically. The bottom 80% of the population present commits suicide has psychological problems, goes bankrupt and families tend to dissolve as they become separated from the lands they have been living on sometimes for hundreds or thousands of years.
It is a very ruthless way of making the rich richer and the poor poorer.
Democracy and social democracies are at total odds with true disaster capitalism.
I feel a good example of disaster capitalism is what is happening in Burma and China right now. The common poor people are being driven from their ancestral lands while the resources are being stripped from that land(trees, water,minerals etc. The poor in China and Burma are being relocated to cities and taken permanently away from their ancestral lands. The poor then feel lost and many fail to thrive and so get mentally or physically sick in these new environments or prisons. Some poor go crazy and some fail to thrive and some die and then a small percentage learn how to adapt and to cope with these changes and find some way to survive on into the future.
However, there are other points to all this. When a real disaster exists many people are usually dead or dislocated from there normal lives. If people are dead or gone and if for example, a city or an area is abandoned by those harmed by the disaster then the people remaining in a area whose lives have been harmed need a way to make money. So people at that point tend to do whatever it takes to survive. So in this sense a real or imagined disaster tends to cause many deaths or relocations of homes and businesses. As you can tell I'm still trying to get my mind around these concepts and to figure out what is good and what is bad about it.
So far, the best I can say is that disaster capitalism seems to be counterproductive to democracies and social democracies. The reason for this is that if taxes are used for profit making ventures of people who don't really answer to the tax payers then how confusing and wrong is that?
If you are interested in reading more on the subject here is an article. Also, contained at this internet address is information on a book called The Shock Doctrine:The Rise of Disaster Capitalism by Naomi Klein which I am presently reading. Being a pragmatist Disaster Capitalism is a fact of life just like democracies, Communism, socialism and fascism. The main difference being that this is done by corporations with allies in different governments around the world. The net effect appears to be the disenfranchisement of the common people of earth of their lives and properties.
At present I'm beginning to think that Disaster capitalism could best be described as Corporate Feudalism. In other words it is a barely legal or a warlord way of of separating people from their land and resources and even their lives in order for the profit the few and the rich. So the rich get richer and the poor get sick and die. This seems to me to sum up Disaster Capitalism the best for me!
In order to rationalize this sort of behavior one would have to think sort of like, "These poor people are animals and don't deserve these resources so my group should take their resources and use them as we see fit."This kind of privatization appears to be the opposite not only of true democracy but also the opposite of socialism and social democracy as well. In the end I find this sort of thinking more dangerous than totalitarian communism was during the cold war or fascism was during Hitler and the Third Reich.
Spraying has stopped: For Now
Though I have written at about this I felt I also owed my readers here a note about this too. Spraying of pheromones by air has been temporarily stopped by a judges orders. There is a chemical in the propellent that is potentially problematic and causes proven work related asthma in painters who use paint with this particular chemical that I believe is abreviated as PPI which is a cyanate compound I believe. I'm not a chemist but I believe there are only a few chemicals that have NO safe level for humans. The ones I am aware of are: Cyanide and its derivatives(cyanates are a derivitive), dioxin and its derivatives, Lead and its derivative compounds and mercury in all forms. There may be others that I am not aware including the fact that one particle of certain types of radioactive material in ones lungs will slowly kill anyone over 1 to 20 years of time lodged there. This happened to John Wayne.
A Comparison of Experiences: Then and Now
When I was a very young man of 8 or 10 God basically said to me, "Look Freddie. I created you but since I gave you some special supernatural gifts to help mankind with I very much need to make sure you use them right or you can't live anymore." I didn't understand God. I was too young. However, God would not be denied. Again, more forcefully. "Freddie. You're getting older and being influenced in ways I can't permit with your abilities. Do you understand?" Again I tried to pretend God wasn't talking as I had no way (that I knew of to properly interface with God in 1958 California basic kid reality. I was terrified out of my mind that the kind God I had been brought up to believe in was basically saying to me, "Fred, It's my way or the Highway." Therefore I lived a very tortured life on and off for about 4 or 5 years until I got the full picture. By then I had almost died about once every 6 months from age ten to age 14. At 15, I finally got smart and invoked(powerfully invited through dynamic prayer) God into my body to live with me so I could stay alive. At that point every physical, emotional and spiritual aspect of my life permanently changed and has continued to evolve and get better every day ever since. The only useful comparison I can make is what I read about in the old testament that prophets experience or that Tibetan adepts who spend years in caves learning to fly and to heal people experience.
Now I would like to share another experience of someone who was around 30 years old from the book "Eat Pray Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert.
Begin quote from page 15 near the top of the page,"---I had finally noticed that I seemed to have reached a state of hopeless and life threatening despair, and it occured to me that sometimes people in this state will approach God for help. I think I'd read that in a book somewhere.
What I said to God through my gasping sobs was something like this:"Hello, God. How are you? I'm Liz. It's nice to meet you."
That's right--I was speaking to the creator of the universe as though we'd just been introduced at a cocktail party. But we work with what we know in this life, and these are the words I always use at the beginning of a relationship. In fact, it was all I could do to stop myself from saying, "I've always been a big fan of your work..."
"I'm so sorry to bother you so late at night," I continued. But I'm in Serious trouble. And I'm sorry I haven't ever spoken directly to you before, but I do hope I have always expressed ample gratitude for all the blessings that you've given me in my life."
This thought caused me to sob even harder. God waited me out. I pulled myself together enough to go on, "I am not an expert at praying, as you know. But can you please help me? I am in desperate need of help. I don't know what to do. I need an answer. Please tell me what to do. Please tell me what to do. Please tell me what to do..." End quote
Begin quote near top of page 16,"The voice(God) said: GO BACK TO BED, LIZ. I exhaled.
It was so immediately clear that this was the only thing to do. I would not have accepted any other answer. I would not have trusted a great booming voice that had said either YOU MUST DIVORCE YOUR HUSBAND or YOU MUST NOT DIVORCE YOUR HUSBAND. Because that's not true wisdom. True wisdom gives the only possible answer at any given moment, and that night, going back to bed was the only possible answer." end quote
Whether one is in the womb or a baby or 10 or even 30 or 90 years old when God speaks to you it is equally profound no matter who one is. After this experience one's life is never the same. Call it being reborn if you want to. I just call it being wonderfully terrified out of your mind to the point where everything in your life is never the same again. And there is great permanent peace and security in this as if one were a little baby being picked up out of harms way permanently. Oh, little things still happen but once one makes the verbal permanent connection to God like one does to a parent there is unbelievable peace that is always there from then on.
The Oracle Speaks with Young Arcane
Arcane woke up. He was now around 3500 years old but still looked about 30 except for slightly graying temples. He was in his cabin up on the side of Mt.Shasta. Though he had just come from a trip to 40,000 BC on earth today it was Fall 2007. He spoke with Biocom, his onboard Robotic sentient infinite access friend. "Biocom?" thought Arcane. "Yes!" Biocom answered. Arcane continued, "Please access Galactic Central archives. I had some dreams last night I want to include there with my life consciousness archives." Biocom said, "I will gladly do as you wish, Arcane." Arcane said, "The dreams I want to include there have to do with my meetings with the Oracle of New Deva. For some reason, he is reaching out to me again." Biocom answered, "Okay." Arcane went on as he looked out the window at the leaves turning gold and red in the autumn morning sun. A few of them whispered slowly to the ground like they were reaching for a long lost relative. "When I was a boy on New Deva I had already been recognized as a World Saver by the Oracle of New Deva. This meant to the people of New Deva that I was to be protected from all harm, physical, mental or emotional. It created a status that resembled being a living God. However, this life was hard because boys my age were afraid to play with me lest I become injured. Though all were fascinated by the predicted World Saver, my experience of it was mostly a bother, though I did get a lot of things I wanted and to do a lot that I wanted. But mostly I just wanted to play games with other boys and have fun and learn all I could about life and the whole universe."
"One day I was summoned by the Oracle of New Deva. I usually found this uncomfortable because I would be playing or thinking and all of a sudden the Oracle would be in my mind and say, "Arcane, I had an important dream vision. You need to come see me." Arcane went on, "So I would reply to the Oracle that I was on my way. When I asked my teachers for permission to see the Oracle their eyes always got big and a little frightened and they would arrange transportation for me to the Oracle about 30 miles away. Soon a helicopter like transportation device would arrive and whisk me to the Sphere of the Oracle that shown as bright as the sun on earth. In the exact center of the sphere was the Spherical office of the Oracle. As I was ushered into the room the Oracle was suspended in space in a reclining position at the very center of the sphere that from the outside looked to be 30 earth stories high."
"When I walked into the room the Oracle raised up and leaned on his right arm from the reclining position that he was meditating in. He looked both into me, through me, and past me into the past and future. Though most people would not have understood this I did because I was as gifted in my own way as he was. This seemed to impress him no end. He said, "I'm amazed at your natural gifts even though I was the one that predicted them. You are definitely our Earth Saver of the planetary era. What I hadn't anticipated before was that this is not the only planet that you will save." I said in little boy fashion, "I don't want to live on any other planet." Being kind to my boyish senses the Oracle said, "You love to travel though." I said, "Yes. But I always want to come back and see my family." The Oracle closed his eyes for a moment. He then said something that I realize now was very cryptic. He said smiling, "You will always be able to come back here any instant that you want and spend time with your relatives." Then I said, "Well then it might be okay." The Oracle seemed relieved and quickly said, "Okay." He let his air out of his lungs in a sigh like he had been holding his breath. The Oracle said, "It turns out you are not only a New Deva World Saver, you are a Galactic Class World Saver. This is very amazing and rare. New Deva has never had a Galactic World Saver before. In fact no one that I know has ever known of one. You might be a first in this. Therefore, I am increasing your protection and notifying the Galactic Sentience of your existence here on New Deva. He tells me you are a grandfather dream. Do you know what that means?" As a little boy of 8 or 10 years old I simply said the first thing that came into my mind which was, "His Grandfather had a dream and I'm it." With this, the Oracle looked like he was going to faint. He pushed a button on his ring and said to me, "I must rest now, Arcane. You indeed are amazing in a way I had not anticipated." So I bowed and walked out and was met by the pilot of my flying vehicle. Strangely enough the Oracle and I never spoke on this subject again. The next week I was saddened to find out that the Oracle had passed on and had been replaced by his understudy, his chosen one. The chosen one was not as sophisticated nor as advanced as the old Oracle. I know now the Oracle knew that his knowledge of what I was could not be shared with anyone and simply stopped his own heart as beings that advanced can. He was protecting both me and the Galaxy so that this knowledge could only be known by the Galactic Sentience and his Grandfather who along with Grandfather's wife actually created the Galaxy." Biocom said, "How long have you known this information, Arcane?" Arcane said, "I didn't fully put it all together as an adult until now." Biocom said, "I have to ask permission of the Galactic Sentience to include it with your Life Consciousness Memories." I said, "Okay. What was the answer." Biocom said, "This can only be noted in a cryptic way that I have been shown." Arcane said, "I understand."
note to Biocom for the Archives:"When the Old Oracle told me that I could come back to New Deva any instant I wanted he was right. However, what he didn't say was that I would have to come back to a time before I had saved New Deva or to a time after everyone who had known me had passed on. This was what was cryptic in what he chose to share. This was important to say to me because I couldn't save multiple planets as a World Saver if I didn't choose to do it. That is why he sighed after he said this cryptic thing because he knew how necessary my choice was in all this.His responsibility was to make sure I chose to save all the planets from extinction that I was destined to."
Aurora and her father
Aurora had cut her hair. Her father had always liked her waist length red hair but Aurora was now an adult and her own person so she cut her hair and went to Europe with friends while on break from college and then when she returned visited a boyfriend in Colorado. Jonathan missed his daughter. So was all grown up now. He hadn't physically seen her in almost a year since they skied last together. Even that isn't totally accurate because he snow skis and she now snowboards even though she is an expert downhill skier while Jonathan is still only an intermediate downhill skier. This is because Jonathan spent most of his years being a cross country mountaineering skier and mostly skied virgin snow. Whereas his daughter preferred ski lifts to the real work of mountaineering skiing. However, mostly Jonathan got older and found by his late 30's and early 40's that mountaineer skiing became more problematic than it had when he was younger. Besides, his good friend and fellow skier had finally broken his arm skiing after some 25 year old lady and trying to keep up to her. The only problem was Jonathan's friend was in his mid 50's
As they rode up the lift on Mt. Shasta Jonathan said, "Aurora, remember going to Edinburgh Castle in Scotland?" Aurora looked at her Dad and said, "Yeah. But Dad I was only 10 then now I'm almost 19 and have my own life. I went to Europe with just a good friend and spent a month traveling. I'm grown up now.
Jonathan felt a little lost in this conversation just like most fathers do while talking to their teenage daughters. A father with a teenage daughter knows she is still his daughter but isn't entirely certain what boundaries to impose. Being the father of any teenage daughter is at best dicey. If you want to still be in their lives in their 20's and 30's one must be very careful in ones conversation with a daughter. A son might be much more easy and understandable.
Jonathan felt he had no choice now but to say something outrageous. So he said, "I think you are a reincarnation of the being I met in the sun while I was bi-locating there on my way to the center of the galaxy." Aurora at first looked shocked and then said, "Mom thinks I'm her best childhood friend that died while you and she were in Nepal in 1986. But you know,Dad, as I contemplate it I kind of sense that both are true."
Jonathan had chills when she said this. He had been waiting for confirmation. This was it. Jonathan said, "Aurora. If you were incarnated as a solar plasma being in the sun who did you follow me to earth to become my daughter?" Aurora looked like she was going to trance a little and said, "I shared your concern for Earth. That's why I was willing to help you get to the center of the galaxy. Both our worst fears are being realized by what is happening on earth now in the form of global warming, pollution that could genetically alter humans in horrid ways as well as all the other threats to the survival of the human race and all life on earth."
I took a moment to take all this in. Then I said, "We should talk more about this later as we're at the top of the lift and we have to disembark the lift." Aurora nodded and I skied and she snowboarded a few runs together. At the end of our afternoon of skiing at Shasta we were driving down the mountain back to Mt. Shasta City. Aurora said, "I think I believe like you, Dad. I think reincarnation and time are flexible. I think one could be born in several bodies at the same time and then have a lifetime in the past and then one in the future and then another right now. I think God can do anything." I flashed her with a look and Said, "So do I." Aurora said, "I know. Dad. That's what I said." Teenage daughters can really make one feel old. If one could at least feel wise, one was lucky.
September 2007 articles begin
Behavior Modification
Spraying pheromones over populated areas is causing behavior modification of the affected humans, animals, birds, insects etc. No one wants their homes, schools, cities to be sprayed for the Australian light brown apple moth! Since I last wrote on the subject I have learned a lot about the subject. First of all, when we returned to our home in Coastal Monterey County, California after the spraying was supposed to stop but didn't my wife immediately within 24 hours of our arrival got asthmatic bronchitus and was laid up for one week on heavy meds to prevent a stay in the hospital. I felt myself getting a sore throat along with my daughter from the spraying but stopped full illness by will power, garlic caps, and taking heavy doses of vitamin C so I could take care of my wife during her pheromone spraying caused illness.
By the way, everyone who volunteered at schools after the spraying to wash and wipe down playground equipment got sick, in Marina, Seaside, Monterey, Pacific Grove and Pebble Beach, California. Carmel was sprayed even though they weren't notified. We were notified only by a postcard that arrived less than 24 hours before the aerial spraying began. My wife's physician expects a new cardiovascular disease to be named after the spraying that is beginning here but looks like the spraying could spread all over California.
Another doctor we know of that specializes in menopause problems says that pheromones are common to most creatures and they affect the hormone balance of almost all things that breathe air. In humans it affects sleep cycles long term. In my own case my sleep cycle has been altered about 4 hours from my own norm. My wife's cycle has been altered in that she can't sleep hardly at all. I have heard the same sleeping complaint from many women over 35 since the spraying started. I have listened to birds outside my house and even their songs have changed to something that sounds like, "What the F--- is going on?"
Though it is bad enough that our area has been sprayed it is much worse than that now. Yesterday, on local tv news I heard that spraying of pheromones by air is going to spread now to Santa Cruz County, and to Las Lomas, Prunedale, Aromas and to Salinas. Since this variety of apple moth from Australia breeds prolifically it lays between 300 to 1500 eggs at a time and it eats not only the tender leaves of crops but also it likes ornamentals and oaks and even pine needles. The diet includes somewhere between 250 to over 1000 or more varieties of plants. They are in at least 11 or more California Counties including Los Angeles County. However, I believe it is very unlikely that spraying pheromones will stop their spread. The main reason they are spreading so fast is that ornamental growers unknowingly are transporting them all over the state to this state and others because their are no laws in place yet to stop and check ornamental plants. There is no other insect that I know of that is native to the U. S. that eats so many different things. Most insects eat only one or just a few types of plants. So the Australian Apple Moth is a potentially devastating creature for Agribusiness throughout the United States, Canada and Mexico and further south.
If my wife gets ill again during the next spraying we are considering putting my daughter in independent study from her private school and moving out of the area until the spraying stops one year from now. They are planning to spray our area again in early October and every month for one year. That is just too much behavior modification for us. I don't even drink alcohol except once a month or less so I'm not interested in living my life this altered. Also, I don't want my wife to die from her obviously allergic reactions to the spraying.
More On Flame
I was reading this article how germs like salmonella become more deadly in space. This could be what Flame was talking about when he told me about the history of his species when transported from earth to a planet humans were colonizing in the next 1000 years or so. He told me that all the humans died mysteriously within about 6 months of arrival on the water planet they were colonizing and that only his Octopus ancestors and a few sentient underwater robots were left. He said that most of the Octopi were used to being fed by the humans and couldn't fend for themselves but around 20% found a leader and listened to him. First he said, ask the robots for food so the robots killed fish and seafood for them to eat but after a short time the robot software started to unravel and needed to be reinstalled by humans but the humans were all dead. So Flame's ancestors began killing their own food and began worshiping humans in earnest and praying to them to return and save them. Humans never returned except to orbit above the planet and saw all human colonists were dead. the decision was made that the water planet was lethal to humans and so all the Octopi ancestors of Flame were truly alone. Over thousands of years they developed their own space faring culture and began to look for humans but they didn't have any idea where to look as all the navigators that got them to the water planet were dead. So they never found earth in that cycle. Thousands of years further on they found earth but by then all humans on earth had moved away or died so the Octopi culture was very disappointed.
Just Accept it!
In the 1980's I studied with many Tibetan Lamas and received many initiations both in Oregon and California but also in Nepal and India in 1985-6. Tibetan Lamas used to tell me, "Everyone is enlightened. They just have to realize it!" At the time it made it all very simple. They said, "Just do 100,000 taras and you will begin enlightenment." Then I intellectually understood what enlightenment was. Now I experience what it is every day.
I am now speaking to those of you who have done all the right things but still aren't able to fully accept it. Imagine that you live in the United States and that enlightenment for you is to go to Paris, France. So you work and work and finally get there but when you land and get off the plane you are unable to believe you are there. If you don't believe you are there how can you accept that you are there? If you don't accept you are there how can you help other people get to Paris(enlightenment!)?
Because I had spent enough time with Tibetan lamas and monks I noticed how much they laughed at everything. Just spending enough time with enlightened people changes how one perceives reality. I felt acceptance and compassion from all of them so much so that I began to do as they did and give acceptance and compassion to all beings like they did. So by the time I had done 100,000 taras and then 1,000,000 taras when I got to Paris(enlightenment) I knew what it was. When I got to new stages of omniscience I knew what it was. For example, when one of the Buddhas came to me this morning and said, "You don't have to create the earth all the time "INTO" the rate of vibration you want. See it there all the time like we do." I said, "But what about the people who want to attain that state?" "It is easy." The Buddha said, "Just let them pop into that state as often as they can but remember with us that that state is omnipresent and always maintained by all of us who are enlightened. So as of today I am just beginning to accept that perfect state of Nirvana as a permanent state of Consciousness completely permeating earth and caused by all the Buddhas, all the enlightened beings on earth and now myself as one of those seeing that the perfect state of Nirvana is permanent like an Ocean on earth for all those who want to be enlightened and swim or float in the state of enlightenment either permanently or for short periods of time to rest from the cares of the world.
Bodies being Tagged
I think I first remember wild animals, birds, and aquatic animals first being tagged in the 1950's and 1960's. The next step was a rice sized chip in the back of the neck in dogs and cats. The next step is a similar silicon rice sized chip in the back of the neck of American soldiers. On a similar note there are GPS chips that can locate most if not all cellphones on earth at this time. Governments tell us that it is a way for them to find us if we're in trouble. Well. Maybe. Or maybe not.
Then there are all the GPS run devices for cars that tell you where to go without a paper map. Some of these devices talk to you. Do you really believe all these devices are harmless? Then I think you are a fool.
I'm not saying this to insult you. I'm saying this to wake you up. For example, there has never been a weapon invented on earth that wasn't used at some point. Don't you think someone knowing where you are any time of the night or day is a weapon in someone's hands that could be used against you? I'm saying all these tracking devices cut both ways. On the one hand they find us in an emergency but what if this information gets into the wrong hands? What if, just like Social Security numbers and credit information and credit card numbers this gets in the wrong hands? What if government employees down on their luck get bribed to get your information of the GPS signal of your cellphone or car and track you down on some lonely road and if you are a young woman sell you into white slavery or kill you.
These sorts of things have already happened AT Least hundreds of thousands of times at least involving Credit Cards, Addresses and Social Security cards and general credit informaion and work history of hundreds of thousands of people. How long do you think it's going to take before people use this information to kidnap people? As a psychic I put it to you that it has already happened thousands of times already. Not hundres of thousands of times but I would say as a psychic that it has happened thousands of times worldwide already.
So when people want to track all your phone calls, all your movements and all your travels worldwide, if you have a choice, "JUST SAY NO!"
More on "The History of Elohar"
My understanding of the life and lives of Elohar began I believe in the 1980's. I was walking at Point Lobos, a State park on the Northern California Coast when I began to have past life memories. I realized for one thing that the Catholic Monastery nearby was populated by the same souls that were the same priestesses in ancient Lemuria over 40,000 years ago or more. I began to see a Crystal Cathedral in ancient times. The nuns(priestesses) then were very supernaturally developed in a way that combined with technologies that enhance supernatural development. So it could be said that they scientifically studied and practiced their skills and used scientific enhancements to see the future, find lost people and children in their present anywhere on earth and to help find criminals and various other useful things.
Because of their usefulness to the general populace they were both well funded and cherished by a majority of the people at that time. One of the beings that I was able to contact by my natural gifts as a precognitive psychic (which for me not only can see into the future but also into the past both here on earth and various other places throughout this galaxy. However, I primarily, at this point in life concentrate on earth as this seems more immediately useful both to myself and the rest of life on earth) was called Eomar.The word Eomar I took to mean Elohim (a plural noun for the 7 or 9 Gods that created earth) and Mar which means ocean or sea. So the name literally would mean "Of the Gods of earth that live in the sea". In the 80's I had many amazing experiences (Usually near the pacific ocean in regard to this being).
One time a Sea Turtle came near the shore and seem to wave to me which I found to be very unusual. Other times when I felt her spirit I would see dolphins, or grey whales spouting as they came to the surface to breathe. I always associated these experiences with Eomar, of Lemuria. I know now it was a manifestation of the soul of my mother in other times. So Elohar, is a manifestation of my mother in the future. For me, this association is with her in the year 7028 and after when she and the reincarnation of my father, Ragna came from that time to visit me starting in Winter 1969. At that time I was very close to suicide because of breaking up with a girl I had gone with for 2 years and had intended to marry. Elohar and Ragna came at that particular time so that I would stay alive and be able to affect the future in a beneficent way by among other things writing what I do for you to read.
History of Elohar
I realized recently that the conversion of my mother into Elohar happens differently than I had inticipated. It appears that what I thought was my mother is a time alterated duplicate of the original. My real mother was taken by Elohar and Ragna when I saw them with their motorhome outside of Christina Hotel in Aosta, Italy. I had stopped there after dropping off my son and his friend near Aosta in a motorhome I had rented in Munich, Germany. I knew at the time there was some significance to seeing them but didn't really understand the reason at the time. I have found through hanging out with my mother and Dad from 7028ad and after that upirs are precautionary duplicates created by future time travellers, especially if they enter the past. In this way their duplicate or upir can live on for them even if the orignal perishes in the past time foray. This duplicate is created by artfully duplicating time by looping it in a specified way so that one or more exist in their home time before entering the past. Entering the past or future through time travel is always fraught with dangers at about the same level as Christopher Columbus trying to find America and others exploring America and the world in Sailing ships. There is in all about the same mortality rate of time travellers. So upirs or time duplicates protect their present and future from losing them and their genetics etc.
Anyway, I noticed that After October 1999 in Aosta, Italy that Mom seemed to seriously start to lose it mentally. At the time I din't know what it was but by 2001 just after 9-11 she had to be put in a alzheimers and senile dementia facility in December 2001.
So when this summer I started to be able to hear my mother clearly again like I am able to hear and experience many others who have passed on to the other side at times I was very happy to hear from my mother as I hadn't had clear communication from her since her birthday in January or February 2007. Even that was only "Oh! That was what I needed." from her lips when I sang "Happy Birthday" to her.
Now I'm beginning finally to understand that my mother has found a way intuitively to covert directly to Elohar, that somehow she intuitively worked it out to do the between life conversion while one of her bodies was still in this time and space.
When Eridian, (Meridian), my future spiritual evolution told me how he integrated his self with all his upirs I really didn't know what to do with that information. However, now I'm beginning to understand what it all means. I suppose one way that I could put all this is that spirituality and technology aren't really separate at all as some religious people believe. Instead they appear to be integrated somehow and that balance seems to be what is important rather than to say that one thing is all good and one thing is all bad. It is my experience that most things in life are actually infinite shades of gray not white or black, good or bad. Only children must be taught to think in absolutes in order to facilitate their survival. However, as adults, if we are intelligent we all realize that there is really nothing Good or Bad absolutely, unless you consider God as absolute Good. I gues I don't consider God so much as absolute good as I consider God a kind father that helps me to survive things I don't entirely understand. A Kind father is not necessarily Good or Bad, he is a survivor and knows how to teach his children to survive no matter what comes. Daddy(God) teaches us how to survive anything!
I have known for some time that I am of Maitreya Buddha. The way I experience it is that I am a relative of his. So because I am a relative of Maitreya I also manifest love and kindness. However, I am very aware that he is the center of the love and kindness and that I am his relative. It would be a lot like being one of Jesus' brothers. One would have the same mother and would know Jesus very well.
I see myself as secretly paving the way for Maitreya but since I see Maitreya Buddha as also the Second Coming of Jesus Christ also I see this as making two religious movements very happy and amazed!
Growing Up With Saint Germain
Though there are thousands of other children around the world that grew up in the Saint Germain Foundation otherwise known as the "I Am" Activity there are some aspects to my life that are unique to me.
I was beginning to read "Unveiled Mysteries" again. I had seen my mother in her facility who has had senile dementia for about 7 years now. Presently, she doesn't talk she just sort of Om's or AUMs under her breath. The volunteer hand feeding her said, "She knows who you are." Nothing she had said to me since last November told me she knew me but somehow I knew the volunteer was right. I told Mom, "Mom, I haven't been to see you as much because it has been very hard for me not to have you talk to me and know who I am anymore. Basically, last November Mom had just blown raspberries at my 33 year old son and I at Thanksgiving which was very hard for us to take. Even though she had been 50 versions of Goofy since 2000 or so at least she remembered me and my son. So this last year has been hard. I have been feeling lately a lot like I was losing my identity. Now I have realized that it is my Mom that I have lost and any identity she provided. I found since November that I didn't have any way to be there for Mom outside of prayer without feeling that I was falling through space with no ground in sight forever.
However, this summer a few weeks ago my mother came to me in spirit loudly and clearly for the first time in years and told me what to do when she passes and what she wants then. So when I saw her she was making a sound like and OM under her breath and I felt the same spiritual power that I did when she came to me in Mt. Shasta. Mt. Shasta is where my Dad's ashes are.
When I saw my mother this time the deep spiritual power of my father and my mother began to wash over me like I was a lonely orphan begging for food to survive another day. Since Mom passed into incomprehensibility I have carried the weight of all the members of my family save for the help of God. To feel once again my mother's spirit helping me brings tears to my eyes even to speak of it again.
As a young child my parents were put in charge of the "I am" Sanctuary in Los Angeles, California. There were about 500 members at that time and especially the older ladies spoiled me a lot as I was the lay preacher's only son. So between the ages of 6 and 12 years old I didn't see my parents very much because they were always busy either working at jobs or at church. So my grandmother raised me mostly. The four of us lived in the same house and that was the way it was. If we took vacations it was almost always to a church conclave in Mt. Shasta, Chicago or Santa Fe, New Mexico. Many "I am" Student came from as far away as Switzerland, England and Australia for these Conclaves. So I had many friends from all over the world growing up.
As a child it wasn't my choice to be religious. I just sort of saw it as something my parents did and I tried my best to get out of sitting up to four hours at a time in church praying and singing and listening to spiritual music. It wasn't until I got childhood epilepsy that I found that I needed a religion to survive. However, I still was resentful that I had to be spiritual and all that. However, I decided at age 14 and 15 that being spiritual was better than death. Having made that decision I went to church a lot and prayed my heart out.
So from the begining of pouring my love to Saint Germain and Jesus through their pictures in church I began what I now call "Eye magic". What this means to me is that if you visualize something pour your love to it and then experience it happening one can instantly manifest ones prayers if one realizes that they are co-creating with God. However, since this is incredibly powerful one must be very cautious in doing this, otherwise one might manifest things they don't want if they don't turn down the energy when they return to their profane lives away from a powerful spiritual place. Most of the time, now I just stay in a spiritual place and manifest 24 hours a day if I'm in the right frame of mind.
Since Mom came back to me in spirit and then in the physical, Saint Germain has come back 100 or 1000 times as powerful as before.
Saint Germain has trained me all my life now and he grows more powerful in my life every day. Jesus is there in my life too. However, Saint Germain, since he developed the Scientific Method during his life as Francis Bacon seems to be more in step with the logical and scientific computer age we now live in. However, if I want spiritual healing and for the world around me to turn into golden light I call out to Jesus to heal me just like he did when I was 5 and had chicken pox and my mother and Grandmother prayed and then Jesus came to me in my bedroom and my whole room turned Gold and I got better.
Temporary Loss of Hope
I was watching an 2007 episode of Gray's Anatomy online. The black doctor was in a state of hopelessness as a doctor because his right hand no longer worked right. It took me back to many different times that seemed hopeless in my life. During some of these moments I decided to not live anymore. However, having survived my most serious early bout of hopelessness at age 21 I realized that usually if one just waits about 6 weeks or so something new happens in life that starts to change everything and if one is both listening and watching carefully God(Life) provides a way forward in life. All each of us need to do is to (die to self). Each person we are along the way dies to the new one that is useful in whatever now we are living in. Many times we become very attached to that person. For example I became very attached to the surfer L.A. dude with long sunbleached hair I was from 1962 until 1969. Then I became attached to the cool dude living in Venice(near L.A.) with a new 1968 Camaro and having a lot of girlfriends (3 months). After three months I realized that life was just so crazy in 1969 that I knew to physically and psychologically survive I would have to move away to San Diego. Later I became attached to myself as a father (1974) and being married to my cosmic wife who called herself then (Crystal Violet Sunshine)or Crystal for short. By summer 1977 I was raising my 3 year old son by myself and Crystal was off living with a very famous California artist.
Besides being a father, I think the role I became most attached to and still am very attached to is "Mountain Man". In other words someone who always carries at least one little swiss army knife with scissors and stuff as well as a way to start a fire in an emergency to survive in the snow. Even though I haven't lived in the mountains in the snow since 1992 I haven't given up at least carrying the small swiss army knife on my key chain with some kind of battery powered led so I have a light no matter what. In the 80's I carried a lock blade Buck knife on my belt most of the time when I lived in the mountains. It folded out into a 4 1/2 inch to 5 inch lock blade knife. Since in the early 80's I built myself and my family an A'frame on 2 1/2 acres of land at 4000 feet on the side of Mt. Shasta 10 miles from the nearest small town I often survived 7 feet of snow with the nearest plowed road 3 miles away. So we cross country skied with metal edge skis food and everything else those three miles to our A-Frame and land.
When one has to give up for a good reason one of those people one is there is usually a loss of hope that takes place.
When my older children were 12,11 and 10 and the year was 1984 the oldest, my stepson said, "I don't want to be home schooled anymore. I want to go to public school. Since that wasn't possible then because of the distance we lived from the nearest public school my wife and I decided to move back to the Coast and to buy another business since it is much more expensive even then to live on the California Coast. However, buying a business could be lucrative enough to finance living on the coast with a wife and 3 kids. So we did that. My wife and I experienced a deep personal death and loss of hope but we felt we were sacrificing a part of ourselves for our kids future. In retrospect I think we did the right thing. My oldest Stepson is now a fire captain in the county where we moved to, my stepdaughter is now a lawyer and my son is in medical school. So that even though this move and other things eventually caused my then wife and I to divorce I think we did what we had to for our kids future. By buying our new business we allowed the kids to work with us as they grew up they worked with us and learned a new trade. The oldest financed his education partly by running a part of our business that we gave him into his mid twenties.
When my oldest stepson was 17 I was studying at the University. However, when he started a bad argument at my birthday party he left and never returned to our home. He wasn't really mad at me he just couldn't deal with his newly born sister. However, he got used to the idea of her within 2 years and became very close to her as she grew up and taught her to scuba dive, ride motorcycles and rock climb as she was and is extremely coordinated like him.
I dropped out of the University when my stepson left because I lost heart to continue. I have never really returned. All my now exwife's and my educational goals died the day of my birthday and our marriage finally began to unravel. So within 5 of that date it died a very painful death for everyone in the family. I think the most extreme death of hope I have ever had to survive was that one. It is one thing to survive one's own suicidal thoughts but it is quite another to watch a 15 year marriage with 4 children involved die a horrible death. Only my stepson and my son have ever married I think partly because of the horrible way this 15 year marriage died.
I can remember my exwife saying to me, "Y'know. Love isn't enough. When things go wrong even love can't keep a marriage alive. It needs much more than that!"
This was a very painful hard love experience. I had believed, "All you need is Love!" for years. However, after watching a mutual friend of my wife's and mine die a horrible death from AIDS in the late 80's and then to lose may Dad to Cancer in 1985 before that it just ripped the heart out of my wife and I so that when we both hit 40(we were the same age) we had lost the heart to go on together. So since we couldn't survive together we have survived apart.
I can only write about this because God gave me another wife in 1995 that I have been with ever since. We have been very happy even though sometimes I felt in 1995 that I was really struggling to build a new life before my old one killed me. This was a very real emotional experience for me that I wasn't sure I could survive.
When I couldn't get custody of my now 18 year old daughter I found myself struggling to go on. The birth of a new daughter in 1996 gave me enough hope to continue. I watched my older daughter grow up from the time she was 7 by getting joint legal custody and visitation of about 9 weeks a year. That worked until my ex bought a ranch in Oregon. I didn't want her to move their because I would lose parental rights but I knew if I didn't do it my ex was going to lose it completely as her Dad was dying that year. So I sacrificed my being a father to nail her foot to the ground in Oregon. My daughter has lived in the same place(thank God) for five years there and has started college and has traveled to Norway this summer. I didn't get to see her this summer but we skied together with her and her boyfriend in January. Though all hope my be lost even with no hope one day some will show up the next if you look for it. Live on By God's Grace!
So that our seeds survive
When I was 45 I realized that I was finally trustworthy enough to be a custodian of great wealth so I asked God to make me a custodian of wealth. So God did that. At the time my conception of what that meant has been very different than what God actually did. Obviously, God has a much different view of reality than I did. I just knew that I was ready to be useful to God in a more profound way than in the past up to that point. Having been on a spiritual path so long I had learned that Being wealthy can interfere with ones spiritual path. I knew that God had trained me as a spiritual teacher and that I can best teach through example, for example:"monkey see monkey do"or learning to fly by the seat of your pants. That is always the way God has taught me. First, he throws me off a cliff and then just before I hit the ground he says, "Open your wings and fly." I always do somehow. I guess necessity really is the mother of invention. The last decade or so has been a whole new cliff and a whole new set of wings. And yes, one usually has to clean ones pants after one of these initiations.
Anyway, this has given me a lot of time to pray and meditate and to think. I've always been one of God's idea men my whole life. In this sense I realize I've become a type of muse for more proficient writers.
I have always realized that what is important are the ideas God gives me to pass on to you. God has made me rich in an infinite number of ways so I can pass on his amazing ideas straight to you which benefits me, and you, and all life on earth and beyond for you and I know that "Nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come!"
I realize fully that what is powerful about you and I is our ability to share the deepest insights about how to physically and spiritually survive almost anything. All the young need our insights to survive past 25 so they can help the next generations, just like those that mentored you and I kept us alive so we could then help the next generations. There were many that realized how gifted I was and so worked on me and prayed for me to keep me alive in my early twenties. Oh, I had many girlfriends but women don't necessarily keep one alive forever. One needs a REAL personal covenant with God to see the usefulness of staying alive even another second!
So until I created a workable personal covenant with God and my son was born in 1974 I wondered whether I would have what I needed to stay alive. However, here I am in 2007 still going strong, still mentoring people both spiritually and financially whenever God shows me. My son is now 33 and he sometimes seems more like my brother than my son now.
What I am really working on is the survival of the human race. You might laugh but keeping the human race alive at all (not to mention the rest of the creatures on earth is now becoming quite a tall order). If you have any scientific knowledge at all you know full well what I am talking about.
Each of us needs to study and become whatever kinds of visionaries we are capable of. Teaching people to honor their intuitive gifts enough to survive almost anything is the beginning of the survival of the human race through all that is to come now.
Will humans survive?
If every I says
"I will see to it!"
There is always hope
Even in seeming hopelessness
The Future
will take care of itself
If we take care of NOW!
Eridian? Meridian
This is an addition to understanding the being I call Eridian. First of all Eridian is short for Meridian which is a name for the equator or the dividing line between the north and south hemispheres of Earth. So the symbol for Eridian(Meridian) is the Circle of infinity. Many people symbolize this for example with the golden wedding band worn by people all over earth.
If you have read "Memories" and the sequels for example, "The History of Eridian" then you have some understanding of who Eridian, "Meridian" is. The being Meridian is the same soul and an evolution of Darshan, Flame, Jonathan,Arcane, King Interlaken and His Oneness. It might be useful to say that if one took all the God qualities of all of them and put them in one person that would be part of who Eridian(Meridian),The Great Divine Director is.
If one seriously studies the evolution of souls, linear time has no real meaning simply because a soul can incarnate in the past, present and future in any order to the point where one might philosophically say that there is only one soul that lives on earth and fills all the beings here. This, however, is only a philosophical illustration to make all of you compassionate toward all beings in the universe as if they really are you(which they intrinsically are).
August 2007 articles begin
Where are you?
Are you Here or there?
soul traveling
Is honestly
what we do
Is a paradox
Accepting it
Makes one sane
fighting the paradox
Is the end
Is not the solution
To ones internal conflict
We do alone
all else
is only illusion
Illusions can be fun
I know
I am one
Is both much more
and much less
than it seems
Springs eternal
If we die daily
Earth Consciousness
When I was born I was a gifted Adept. I was forced by life(God?) to accept this fact completely and absolutely by age 15. I was tortured by life and God starting at age 10 until I accepted my rightful place in the universe. There are thousands to millions like me all over earth. Many know who they are. Some don't yet. Some are too young to know. Some will survive and some won't. Becoming fully present isn't easy. It can be fun and wonderful at times but mostly one must learn an unflinching discipline to stay alive as an adept. You could call all of us gifted by God or Life by an amazing intuitive gift that is most always allied with an incredible intelligence and awareness of everything.
In a past life I was saver of planets through my intuitive gifts developed over millions of years of lifetimes as humans and other types of beings. In this life I am a secret saver of earth and its future. Even though I write about it most people think I'm writing fiction. However, I am writing fact. I am writing primarily for other planetary savers and those who will become planetary savers in their future lives in the past, present and future, whichever and wherever their souls will be born after this lifetime. For you who are disturbed by what I write please pretend it is fiction so that you feel safe. For those that are natural born Adepts like myself please learn what I write about as your survival in this body you live in is at stake now. I say this not to frighten you but to warn you as if you were a sleeping driver of a car. I am trying to wake you before you crash your vehicle and have to be born in another body.
Your intuitive abilities and your compassion for all life in the universe are the two most preeminent things you should be working on now and on into the future.
Years ago I realized that it would be possible if it became necessary because of nuclear holocaust to maintain an astral earth so average people would not have to know that the planet had been destroyed. Thousands to millions of adepts on earth would be capable of that should it be necessary to maintain an earth in astral form so people could continue their soul evolution uninterrupted. PLease think about what I am saying. At this point there is a 50-50 chance that earth could be destroyed by nuclear holocaust or other calamity within 50 years. If you agree with this idea please pray with me and align with the thousands to millions of us who will make it happen should it be necessary.Blessings to you all.
Physics and Consciousness
I suppose most people don't try to link the two. However, I do. If you are interested in soul travel otherwise known as out of body travel you might be interested in this. First of all, according to the laws of physics it is only a probability That any atom anywhere in the universe will be in any one place. Atoms can literally go to any other time or space and do literally whenever they feel like it. So it could be said that the atoms in any of our bodies have been literally anywhere anywhen. Not all at once but one at a time. Once again the laws of physics say that it is only a probability that any atom will be in any one place at any time. It is also possible for atoms and particles to occupy multiple places at the same time.
As an avid out of body traveler for multiple lifetimes now I postulate to you that out of body travel is most easily accomplished by following atoms in your body as they go to other times and space by consciously accompanying an atom going where you want to go. More precisely, an intuitive agreement is made between oneself and that atom that you will consciously accompany it to a specific place in time that you are aware of. While there one can make friends with other atoms and particles to form a state of consciousness there and to also bring back memories from that time and space. This is my scientific hypothesis as a life long soul traveler to other times and spaces. However, IT IS much better to be accompanied by angels on these trips as otherwise you might not be Safe!
More travelling
Yes. There has been a lot of travelling this summer, for weddings, extending them for vacations and finally a trip south on business. My son and I had to go south on business so he went into on the internet. He said, "W0w! Dad I can get us a 450 dollar a night room for about 100 a night with the third night free because it is so hot now in the off season." I said, "I won't use any of my credit cards over the internet." He said, "I'll use mine through paypal and book it." I said, "Okay. I'll reimburse you if you do that." It turned out really great to be staying on the 4th floor overlooking the golf course in one of the biggest hotels I have ever stayed in with about 10 swimming pools, a water slide that twists and turns for the kids, an adult pool and about 2 or three kid pools and a large regular pool with cabanas and lounge chairs surrounding the biggest pool. The cabanas had lounge chairs with large tv's inside. I was pretty impressed with everything. The room was the quietest I've ever stayed in. It was a Hyatt.
We were really grateful for such a great place to stay as the temperatures outside climbed to above 114 degrees farenheit. The large room with two beds and a living room and couch and refrigerator and glass enlosed shower with marble walls and floor and a bath was really nice. It reminded me of staying at the Hyatt Poipu on Kauai, Hawaii during my honeymoon. Very well done.
One night it was over 100 degrees farenheit at about 9pm and I went outside and felt like I was breathing hot water. It turned out that Hurricane Dean remnants were still drifting through from Mexico and the humidity was very high 26% for the Palm Springs area. It was the closest to full panic I experienced while there. I sort of could psyche up for the 114 degrees and journeys to the car and air conditioning and then back the heat and walking to the elevator but what really amazed me were all the people working outside in the heat.
It reminded me of when I was growing up as a child and no one had air conditioning and when we travelled cross country in 110 or 115 degrees I would be 8 years old and say to Dad "Dad. I feel sick I've got a headache." and he would just say, "Yeah. I've got a headache too." And that would be that. Sometimes it got so hot I just fell asleep as there was nothing else to do. If we had enough water I would wet a rag and put it on my face and stick my head outside the window to experience a few moments of cold from the fast evaporation of the water. We also had a canvas bag of water tied to the front of the car so we could have cool water to drink from the evaporation through the canvas bag. Also, if the car boiled over from the heat we had water to put in it to keep the car going so we wouldn't die out in the middle of nowhere.
I remember thinking one of these times of all the pioneers who died in the desert from the heat and exhaustion and lack of water in places like Death Valley and the Mojave desert.
Where the H--- Am I?
My son's best friend just turned 32(My son is 33). He gave him a card that said on the front Listen to someone who has searched after truth and enlightenment for a lifetime---(inside the card is the bearded old man who says)"Where the h--- am I?" I laughed so hard I cried because that is really what it's like to Be enlightened, one realizes experiencially that one is literally everywhere and nowhere, everyplace and no place and the feeling of that enlightenment can be described as "Where the H--- Am I?". Tibetan lamas say "let me forsake nausea" because the truth can seriously make one want to barf.
My personal solution to all this is to just pretend that I am really a human being living in a place called earth in something called the present year 2007. Even though all that is complete bullshit, it is a whole lot better than lighting myself on fire or raving to people what the truth is when they really don't want to hear it. I get it. One must be brave to become enlightened because it is way different than most people think. Yes. some of us enlightened can walk through walls travel both time and space and all sorts of neat stuff. But can you really deal with the fact that you don't really exist in one place in a human body and that you are literally everywhere and everywhen? Can you live with that? Can you contain that and still pretend to be a human living in 2007. Can you Really? If you can then I can truly say that maybe you are really enlightened!
Fooling the mind to think it is out-of body;_ylt=AgndrO2fhyr9HvDhpXA2WBEDW7oF
If you read this article I personally believe this is a bad idea. My personal experience is that out-of body experience is a useful thing that most if not all people could travel out of body if they were in an emergency situation. To simulate out of body experience on a person one would be playing God in a sense. If one senses that they are out of body it doesn't really matter at that point whether they really are or not. If someone bad or misguided did this to people death and insanity or worse could ensue in the manipulated people. This could be the mark of the Beast right here in this yahoo article.Misuse of this literally could create hell or death or both in a person's life. This could enslave people in a hypnotic way for the rest of their lives. This may be the most awful article I have ever read.
Translating instead of coded messages
I was speaking with my son about how I write. He was telling me that most people have not had my life experiences and would therefore be hardpressed as to how to relate to what I write. He said that most of good writing is about having a beginning, a middle and an end. He said if you don't have a good ending most people don't want to read what you are writing because most people are goal oriented and want to see some goal reached in any story even if it is true.
UP until now I have been writing for two main reasons. God may have many many more reason but that is his business and his grace. First, I needed to at least try to share what life has been like for me, an adept on the path, a searcher for truth and enlightenment here on earth and beyond. In this I succeeded in what I needed to say to my satisfaction. However, that doesn't mean that most people can figure out what it is that I'm trying to really say. It only means that I am satisfied that I tried to communicate with all of you what I believe is the most important thing in life: Compassion for all life in the universe and the quest for truth and enlightenment so that all lives human and otherwise will be better and consist of less real suffering as a direct result of your and my quest for truth and enlightenment in all ways.
Now that I feel I have succeeded in my writings in doing this, now I need to find ways to translate what I am writing to that which is easier for most people to understand. For me, that is much more difficult than what I have already done.
Most of my early works such as the "Memories" series were encoded simply because my life experience as a child was a little like the kid in Flight of the Navigator(at least the part with the green crt tv screen and all the data downloading). I now believe many children might have had this sort of experience besides myself during the 1950's and after.
So it is understood by me that this kind of encoding like was done on the original Shakespearean manuscripts IS present in up to 500 codes present in my original works. It is not that I as a human was capable of this. However, my personal Biocom(s) are because they are both directly and indirectly connected to the computer and sentient robotic wing of the Galactic Time Guard. Though this might seem strange to you, these are things that I have just had to get used to over the last 60 years. It appears that the galaxy mentors world civilizations like ours into adulthood. Right now, I would say our world civilization would be viewed by the galaxy as anywhere from a 13 year old to a 17 year old depending on the world civilization that is viewing us.
The other thing I wanted to say is that I am a part of a movement of writers that write not only physical scientific truth but also emotional truth. Emotional truth might be more broadly defined as spiritual or even humanistic truth. Some people have difficulty with this form of writing. I, however, find it ultimately useful in expressing ideas, feelings and experiences that could not otherwise be recounted in any useful way.
As a poet I have experimented with Haiku in a very undisciplined way with some success to my liking. However, I still have difficulty in always started with an outline when dealing with prose both fiction and non fiction or the new blend of the two. So I might lose some of you in the way I express things. Having been raised in California since I was 4 I tend to be very experimental like most Californians who have been raised here. So I guess my taste and the direction I like to take things is not for everyone. I've always been interested in the idea of becoming enlightened in one lifetime so that makes one lifetime sort of like 100 in the same one. In other words it is a lot to deal with both in initiations and relationships. Anyway, I think you are getting the idea so I'm going to stop for now.
A Workable Scientific Theory for Time Travel
This news and scientific article at Yahoo outlines one method that has already been used for and unlimited amount of time in this galaxy and countless others. The one drawback the scientist mentions is one cannot travel back before the machine was made using this technique. However, he envisions our descendants using this method coming come back just like the reincarnations of my parents came back to me from 7028 AD in 1969 and 1974 and then again in 1982. 1969 they came to Rancho Bernardo, California near Escondido. In 1974 they came to me at Bunny Flats up Everette Memorial Highway on Mt. Shasta, California. In 1992 they came right above my house accompanied by three black ops 2 bladed helicopters. After their saucer left our time space the three black ops 2 bladed heliccopters headed toward Nevada(possibly toward Area 51 or 52. I have no proof of this of course but that is just as well because if I did I probably wouldn't be alive anymore. I have written in legendary form of these experiences in "Memories". You can find Memories of my past life in the future and of other past lives in the past as well as my parents future life in the 7000's A.D. here on earth.
I saw the new movie Stardust today and thought that it was what the world needed now. The times in our world remind me a lot of the 1930's. The U.S. and China are a lot like Japan and the U.S. were just before World War II. However, there is a big difference: Nuclear Weapons. This just means that there will be economic wars between nations rather than bloody ones. Big bloody ones mean nukes and that would end all sane human life on earth.
Stardust reminded me of movies like Snow White and Over the Rainbow, both of which came out in the late 1930's in somewhat similar impossible times to deal with if one is a sane human being. So when there are no sane answers to questions people drift into fantasy and dreams. This and praying are all that is really left to do that might work now.
Dragon Renewal
The night I returned from Canada I spent a terrible night in dreams. I woke up spooked and unsure of what my next step should be. In 1960 I was 12 years old. Then the 1920's seemed like forever before then. I could only really make sense of life back to about 1940. Before then things were just so different to the 1950's and 1960's that they may have well been the 1800's. Within the last week I realized that to my present daughter that the 1960's were as distant to her as the 1920's were for me when I was 12. Since in my own mind I still tend to see myself as early thirties when I tend to think of myself at any time or in my dreams. I think the 20's and 60's realization triggered a deeper awareness of all the changes I have lived through and of my father who passed in 1985 and my mother who is still alive at 89 but has had senile dementia since 2001 or before. (She hasn't known who me or my son are since November 2006. It has been very difficult for me since this change to know what to do or say when I visit her.
In my dreams the connective point was my son who was born in 1974. We visited train town in Griffith Park in Los Angeles in summer 1977 with my son my mother and I when I first separated from my 1st wife. I think this was a point of reference in my dreams. A place of reference and connectivity. The rest of my dreams seemed to remind me of a life that has slowly slipped away, of friends and family that have died or just moved on to other locations on earth. So last night was a night of acknowledging loss of my life since 1948 and trying to find a new way to go on. This is easier for me than many people because I have an 11 year old daughter, a very good wife and a son who has returned to college for a second career, who house sat our house this summer while we traveled.
Canada trip
Though I was reticent to go on this trip I knew I would enjoy going to visit Canada again. In these times of uncertainty both in business, government and weather I find I feel safer in Canada. I don't feel safe always in California anymore. The best way I can explain this is that many of the problems associated with long term poverty are moving northward from South and Central America to the point where over 51% of the population of California is from Somewhere south of the Mexican-U.S. border. I have many hispanic American friends so I am not racist in this. However, the gang related problems are coming north with those institutionally impoverished for hundreds of years. In the 1950's I still felt relatively safe in San Diego when I was 5 years old and beyond. Now I live near San Francisco and even this far north one does not entirely feel safe being white anymore.
Interestingly enough while I stayed in Vancouver, Canada 2 people were killed nearby in a Chinese restaurant and 6 wounded. A waitress where we ate at a White Spot restaurant(a restaurant chain in Canada) said she was across the street in her apartment while the shooting took place. So I guess now the problem in Canada as in San Francisco is more Chinese Triad( as shown in Rush Hour 3-the movie). So I guess these problems are worldwide in both scope and nature.
We then drove to the ferry and rode to Victoria island and stayed at the Queen Victoria Hotel across from the museum. This was one of several times we have stayed there as we love the location and the museum next door with Imax movies. One of the fun Imax movies was Spiderman 3 which was a lot of fun.
Another really wonderful experience was driving north from Vancouver, BC towards Whistler. I had never seen the fjord like beauty of that drive before where pristine ocean and tree covered islands intersect with ocean to thousands of feet high mountains of BC where rivers flow down at steep angles like waterfalls and amaze the eye and rock walls rival El Capitan of Yosemite.
I was also amazed at the blasting on the road to Whistler. Because of the tort and liability laws in the United States one would not see so many relatively unprotected rockfalls sitting precariously above where drivers of cars and trucks were driving by. It reminded me of driving through road construction projects during the 1950's when I was a boy before everyone started suing each other into infinity in the States now.
We also took my youngest daughter to "The Simsons movie" while in Victoria. Though the Simpsons are ultimately inane in nature, I found that this movie in its own strange way was also the ultimate ecology movie in a very strange sort of way.
July 2007 articles begin
Palm Springs
I went with my son to Palm Springs on business. It was 111 degrees farenheit there and about 83 degrees at its coldest at night. I went out on the veranda of my third floor hotel room and took my shirt off. I could remember my father who had a house in Yucca Valley years ago used to love to take desert Air baths. He would take off his shirt and lift his arms over his head and say, "Freddie. Air baths are wonderful in the desert. They are so healthy and cleansing for the body. He had a business man named Burt Reynolds(not the actor) do a 30 day fast on organic watermelon to avoid a heart bypass operation. 30 days on nothing but water and watermelon will clean your arteries and veins completely. Ever since then I try to go on a 4 day watermelon fast once a year when watermelons are in season. When I had my angiogram in 1998 the doctors said they were jealous of me because my arteries and veins were the cleanest of any patient they had ever seen.
The universally provable Science of the Diamond Vow
When I was born I was gifted. I didn't understand at the time that everyone couldn't experience what I did. Over time I began to realize that though some people knew intellectually things in different fields than I that no one that I knew as a child who was a child also could do exactly what I could do. In some ways I liked this and in some ways it frightened me.
So when I invoked God into my body powerfully and consciously when I was 15 my physical appearance completely changed within 3 months. By age 17 I realized that since I could remember already having been an adult doing everything from being Kings to paupers to lawyers to soldiers to priests in previous lifetimes I realized that the best thing I could do for myself and mankind was to become enlightened and in this way I could help supernaturally to prevent nuclear wars and other things from wiping out the planet. So even though what I thought enlightenment was then is completely different from what I have experienced it to be still I reached my goal. Then I thought that enlightenment was one thing. However, now I have realized that enlightenment can be thousands to millions of things in different people simply because people have developed different abilities and qualities over millions of years of incarnations on this planet as well as many others. So my experience of enlightenment will be slightly different than the next person. It is somewhat like getting a doctorate in any subject. It doesn't mean you know everything about everything, you just REALLY know the area of your enlightenment. Also, you can tell who anyone else is that you meet or see who is enlightened in similar fields to your specialty. And once in a while you meet someone who is enlightened in a completely different way than you are. Sometimes it is difficult to know what to do with that kind of person. At those moments I usually ask God for guidance.
Also, many times one meets or sees someone who becomes really frightened to be around an enlightened person. This is because many people just feel the deep power that permeates all living things within 1 mile to 100 miles of any enlightened person. If people don't understand what they are experiencing sometimes they become scared or terrified. However, this only happens to people who are partially enlightened but don't totally have their act together yet. People who are not enlightened or totally enlightened don't have strange experiences like this. This unenlightened usually just feel peaceful or happy and don't know why. Whereas the other enlightened beings usually understand that a fellow enlightened peer is nearby and this makes them smile and feel at peace.
After meeting my first Tibetan Lama in Ashland Oregon in 1980 I realized that this was a path unbelievably powerful in helping all life on earth and throughout the universe. I also realized that I had been a Cave Yogi and this particular Lama was a reincarnation of a Teacher of mine from the 1500's to 1800's.
This initiation was the Thousand Buddhas Empowerment and led to my experiencially joining the Mahayana and the Vajrayana in direct experience that spans souls throughout all time and space in the physical universe. When I was aligned with these trillions of saints throughout all time and space at first I felt terror. However, within a few hours or days I realized that I never needed to be afraid again because the trillions of saints now including me come to the aid instantly of any other saint in any physical universe in any time instantly.
This alignment with the Mahayana and Vajrayana is scientifically provable to all who are gifted enough to move in this way in this lifetime. So for those of you who are ready for compassionate right mindful enlightenment please understand that I am witnessing to you that this experience of permanent fearlessness is scientifically provable by you. By experiencing this you will greatly enhance the lives of all beings on earth and beyond. Many of my Lama teachers have told me that when one of us moves toward enlightenment it is like if you spread out a handkerchief on a table and then grab the center of it and lift it. You are the center and all your relatives and friends and associates are lifted up into enlightenment with you. So the more of us that do this the more mankind and all life on earth will experience life on earth as a heaven realm.
Travelling Again
I looked out tonight and saw a blood red moon, the first this red in my lifetime. It looks to be almost full. This afternoon ashes fell to earth for several hours before dark. Though the fire is twenty or more miles away the smoke clouds changed the sky remaraekably. And then tonight, of course the blood red moon. I can remember orange moons from fires but never a blood red one like tonight. It was so unusual that I gathered together all the members of my close and extended family present to go out and see it, it was such an unusual sight.
Several family members have read or are reading the latest Harry Potter book. For those of you so inclined be sure to read the first six before you enter into the seventh so you can get the full experience. The movies can't really do the books justice because it is an entirely different medium. However, Azkaban and phoenix especially were well done as movies and the rest were okay too.
It is very interesting how j.k.Rowling captured the attention of the young Zeitgeist of so many on earth. The wizarding battles in the books remind me a lot of every adult in that one must make decisions constantly throughout life without enough information. In a sense, without instinct and intuition and the Grace of God we'd all be dead many times over now.
I have watched so many people through the years who were incredibly brilliant but without instinct and common sense drop by the wayside physically and/or mentally because intellectual brilliance is not enough by itself. In fact if that is all you have then God Bless you because you will need it!
To all the young Harry Potters Out there
There Is earth magic and there Is Soul Power. For those of you that not only have both but also have the awareness and inclination to use both earth magic and soul power I have something to say.
In Potter series it speaks of Wizard wars. Though these do exist in the overall design of Creation they are not very important. By aligning with beings like Jesus and Arcangels one moves very differently than a wizard and with infinite Grace. The Harry Potter books deal with only one aspect of what it is like to be gifted but unfortunately, it is also the most dangerous part. By being in league with beings like the Arcangels and Jesus and the like one enters into Grace. One living in infinite Grace can do infinite good as a direct instrument of God not limited to the vagueries of the wizarding life. Though for many it might be a necessary place for your souls to start as children, Harry Potter, is only a beginning for those true Adepts and Avatars here to help mankind and all life in the universe. Please remember, especially if you are under 20 years old that it is just the beginning in understanding your place in the universe and nowhere near the end.
So that Some humans may survive
After hearing about the 500 people from Hungary who just died of the heat there I am reminded about my precognitions of the future. I realized as long as there are people who read it might be good for as many of you as possible to take printed material that helps in both physical and spiritual survival and to bury it in a stainless steel container somewhere on your property or under a long lived tree on a trail nearby where you live. Keep a record of where this stainless steel container is in your family Bible or other spiritual book or books revered by your family ongoing. In this way even if there are weather or other calamities that wipe out most civilization in your area there still will be this treasure trove of physical and spiritual survival material available to your progeny yet unborn. In addition to this make websites containing priceless pictures, artwork, and writings of your family so that relatives in the future can access these ideas and artwork and photographs.
Collapsing Islamic Governments
The Western powers are no match for Machiavelian thinkers like Bin Laden at present. Of course this will change over time. This is because Bin Laden's strategy is not to replace governments in the Islamic world but to bring them down and leave them in such chaos like Iraq for so long that his Caliphate will seem wonderful in comparison. His strategy is for hundreds of years. This is not a short term strategy of 5, 10, 15, or even 20 years. His strategy is to use the western powers military effectiveness against them. When the western powers go in to restore order in an Islamic Country that can't happen because of the cultural differences, only another Islamic power can restore order in an Islamic country. That is what the western world has not yet learned. So when any western nation goes in to restore order in an Islamic nation it backfires and just gets worse until there is complete chaos. When chaos is allowed to stand long enough the Islamic people there will welcome Any sort of order at all. This is the real problem of Iraq, Afghanistan and soon Pakistan and after that expect these sorts of problems in Iran.
For western powers to continue in the same way will only cause the eventual financial collapse of the western world. The western world's whole way of conducting battle and foreign affairs must be retooled in order to succeed in any way at all in the Islamic world. If this is not considered there will be no middle eastern oil reaching europe or the U.S. at all. Right now, the western world is only succeeding in filling the coffers of large corporations making money on wars. Other than that Iraq is a complete failure for the western world at present other than drawing a line in the sand to say to Bin Laden and others, "Thus far and no farther!"
Are You a Tulku?
If you suspect that you are a tulku then the useful way to proceed to find ways to develope compassion for all sentient life in the universe. The next necessary thing to do is to attain alignment with all other tulkus in the universe. This helps maintain the time-space of earth and all that lives upon it as well as maintaining the time-space of all other planets stars and dimensions.
Souls that are younger and not yet tulkus tend like children to blow time-space apart until they learn to be adult souls. Children tend to create horror movies. Adults realize that what you think-you become so that it is very important what one chooses to think about. As one grows in spiritual and physical power what one's attention is upon becomes more and more important every moment every day.
Covenants With God
I am sharing this so that if you are an adept on a compassionate path this might be useful to you. As I came into this life I was and am an adept on the path. So as a young man I vowed to use the infinite powers that God gave me to help earth and mankind. One must understand that to misuse these gifts causes instant death(or within two weeks) depending on God's relationship to you. These gifts once invoked cannot be withdrawn(under normal circumstances) and function full out 24 hours a day. And so, unless you can literally be comfortable with the state of consciousness that is praying 24 hours a day don't enter this kind of covenant with God. It is definitely not for everyone. The other necessity is having developed Real compassion for all life in the universe. In other words one must see all life everywhere as ones children. This does not mean you demean any part of life and talk down to it. It just means that in practical terms one sees pragmatically exactly where each part of life is at in growth and intelligence and awareness. Sometimes one will find babies much more evolved than oneself. And other times one must understand that one will meet very unevolved people in positions of leadership and one must have to deal with this situation as well. One must be kind and firm in all situations to all beings. You will learn each moment something new in helping all beings to be all that they can BE.
Tuolumne Meadows
I felt a pull to go to the Sierras so we packed up and headed for areas we were familiar with. We wound up the first night in El Portal in a hotel so we would have only have one hour to drive to Tuolumne Meadows and first come first served campsites. Luckily, we arrived at the perfect time to get one. Then we went over to my favorite trail into the Tuolumne and the river. We went past my old familiar haunt and the run up the nearby granite dome of previous years, while following the lead of our son and one of our daughters. We saw several animals and bird along the way like Juncos and crows and deer and even a fox. Soon we were sitting in a sand bar alongside the river. Another hiker told us of a series of waterfalls if we only walked 1/4 mile to 1/2 mile further. We eventually journeyed forth and discovered for our first time several cascading waterfalls each bigger than the last.
Soon it was time to go as the sun was getting low on the horizon. Though we were tired from hiking at 7500 feet in the meadow and trying to breathe and hike in that rarified atmosphere we were all ready for dinner and rest and hopefully another day of adventure.
Well. This is where the story changes. First, since we had decided to not bring the RV to save gas we brought along an old Coleman cook stove. Unfortunately, we didn�t bring along oil for the pumper to get air pressure to spray the fuel onto the burners to cook with. Luckily, neighbor campers allowed us to cook on their propane stove. However, all this made me uneasy about the whole night, as it was getting cold awfully fast. Quickly, I went to the nearest general store and bought some firewood and built a fire for us to stay warm until bedtime. Soon, the moon was bright and the stars brighter with no real lights near enough to compete with the moon or any stars in the Milky Way. And yes, it was getting very cold.
Call my wife and I na�ve but we actually thought we could at early 50�s and late 50�s in age respectively sleep at 30 degrees in a tent on nothing more than a 1/2 inch air mattress. Nope. That wasn�t going to happen.
There�s a funny thing about sleeping at altitude, it tends to make one hallucinate (have very strange and vivid dreams). I suppose it is a similar effect of a midsummer nights dream. So for me, I was basically awake all night trying not to freeze to death, being very uncomfortable and hallucinating again and again into and out of short burst of sleep of a few seconds to a few minutes. Even my son who is 33 said when he was walking around he found it difficult to remember some common words in English because of oxygen starvation of his brain because of sleeping at 7500 feet. (In 1970 I climbed to 14,161 feet to the top of Mt. Shasta and found I felt a lot like a 5 year old trying to maintain discipline at that altitude with its effects on my brain).
So all night long I trying to not freeze. Second I was disoriented from constantly hitting these high altitude oxygen deprived visions, dreams and hallucinations. From the pitch black of the tent to disorientation from the cold and then oxygen deprivation hallucinations I did not have a very fun night. By morning it had reached 30 degrees Fahrenheit outside and about 35 degrees Fahrenheit in the tent. My son had a similar experience to me but slept a little more.
Since I am a shaman and natural visionary I watched very carefully as these visions began. At first they were the telepathic experiences of mosquitoes, bugs, Ground Squirrels and birds that were angry because they could not eat our food or in the case of the mosquitoes and some bugs they were angry because they couldn�t eat us. After all these strange shamanic nature dreams and telepathic communications between creatures and myself I started to experience things I didn�t know what to do with. So I asked my protectors what to do and they told me what to do and I did it. From there on my dreams and visions became things I could not understand and basically made me feel while experiencing them confused and disoriented because I could not find the meaning or rationality to them.
However, the next day clarity began for me as I began to see that my mind had been communing with nature and dumping all unnecessary things. In other words my mind had been doing Dzogchen (advanced Tibetan practice that brings Enlightenment) automatically even though this had confused me and made me fearful from the disorientation from the cold and the altitude. On top of this the sensory deprivation brought on by the extreme darkness in the tent affected me because I didn�t want to light anything or turn any lamp on because it would wake the others in my family sleeping in the tent with me.
It seems funny to me now that I chose this experience and way of clearing my mind of things no longer useful to me by my decision of going to Yosemite and Tuolumne.
Though I had planned another day of adventure before returning home to the coast before midnight the next day it didn�t work out that way because of the cold and altitude and lack of sleep. At first I wanted to blame my family for this but then realized that they too are a part of all this deep process of enlightenment that includes all life on earth and beyond so I just needed to accept the totality of the whole thing as a part of our group path to enlightenment. Blessings to all life on Earth and beyond and thanks to all the nature spirits and creatures of the Tuolumne meadow and river for helping to further enlighten my family and I and all the other sojourners there.
How to evolve as a soul
Just like learning to drive a car safely and sanely without injuring either passengers or pedestrians or other cars one grows in gaining and developing God Given supernatural gifts in much the same way. A good start is developing a feeling of kindness for all sentient beings in the universe. As your gifts (whatever they are) begin to develope kindness must always be demonstrated in the use of them. Though you might think you use your gifts in secret that is never entirely true. In a sense all life watches us and decides for itself each moment whether we can be trusted. This is an ongoing process throughout ones lifetime. Only by demonstrating to all beings that one can be trusted with whatever abilities and gifts one has does one progress as a being and as a soul.
Many Saint Germains
Just like there are many different visions around the world of who Jesus is and what he represents to all beings I have also noticed that Saint Germain since the 50's and 1960's also is widely represented in multiple formats depending upon ones point of view that is usually formulated during childhood and adolescence even though this point of view is also colored by people's experiences throughout their lives. More and more I notice that people create both Saint Germain and Jesus to be whatever they want them to be. Whether this is good or bad or neutral, I guess depends upon ones point of view. However, I must be true to Saint Germain as he has appeared to me thousands of times and how he has changed my life for the better. I guess this is true of everyone who knows Saint Germain.
Unlike many who choose not to do this sort of thing I find I am capable of writing down verbatum what he says with anywhere from 75% to 95% clarity. This does not mean I'm going to run out and start some new religion based upon Saint Germain. I personally believe there are already plenty of religions about both Jesus and Saint Germain to the point of mass confusion already.
No, I write for the serious adept who through personal transformation becomes a 24 hour a day instrument of transmutation of everything upon earth(people, souls,bodies,and even the earth itself into a permanent heaven realm). That is my real work. As each of us takes seriously the task of becoming a powerful adept to help change everything for the better each of our tasks become much easier. All life has inherent intelligence and wisdom. Like Buddhists say, "everyone is already enlightened, they just have to realize and experience it and have confidence in it." I have found enlightenment is both intuitive and instinctual and perfectly natural. The mind isn't really useful to engage unless there is a specific problem to solve using the minds special capacity for problem solving. Otherwise an enlightened being automatically is in the right space and time all the time intuitively making those 1 million right decisions toward enlightenment in one lifetime.
Follow Your Hunches
From now until the end of October 2007 it would be an excellent suggestion to be very aware and to follow your hunches. Though this is a good idea all the time be especially aware of your safety and the safety of family and friends during this summer and on into October of this year. I'm speaking generally as a precognitive psychic living in the United States.
All Beings in the Universe Contribute to the Greater Good of all.
This Saying is carved into a marble like substance over the main gateway into the Galactic Time Guard's headquarters in the Galactic Core of this Galaxy. It is a very widely held belief. This Belief has created multiple segments of time on millions of planets and dimensions in order that no species is allowed to extinct any other species. Likewise, no one group of souls is allowed to extinct any other group of souls inhabiting corporeal bodies, plasma bodies, thought bodies or any other kind of body that exists inside and/or outside of time and space.
I was talking today to my wife about this. I realized that just like honey bees there are pivotal beings that affect the survival of all other beings, just like people today have no idea really how all the different types of dna effect the human species or condition 100,500, or 1,000,000 years from now. Many humans, for example will die because of genetic mistakes caused by the misuse of antidepressents and many other non organic drugs ingested in the name of western medicine. Many will be unable to reproduce healthy offspring because of synthetic non organic compounds. The reason western medicine uses non organic compounds is that it is much harder to patent organic compounds as medicines that inorganic ones. So they invent non organic medicines that are similar to organic ones. This is the main reason why there are so many side affects to western non organic prescriptions of medicine.
One example of a species that is instrumental to the survival of humans, for example is the honeybee. However, human selective and forced breeding of queens for example have so weakened bees in general that the only real way to strengthen breeding queens is to let some hives revert to the wild for a while in nature and then gather the hives and queens that survive. I believe that every 10 to 20 years this must be done in order to have queens and workers bees that can survive all the changes now on earth.
If bees aren't allowed to strengthen many organic foods now eaten by humans around the world the need be pollination will die out or come close to extinction.
Each species of beings in the universe contributes to the greater good of all just like the honeybee here on earth. Likewise, each gene in a dna segment is necessary in the long run of long term human survival. Genes self select themselves by what causes human survival. No matter how intelligent or physically endowed, without the desire to survive and to get along with other humans it is very likely that that set of genes in that person will die out slowly or quickly depending on the circumstances.
Both natural selection and prayerful activity greatly contribute to the survival of any individual or family on earth.
Article on the Count De Saint Germain
This article, I found gives some history on Saint Germain and also gives one different groups and publications of people who have beliefs in this direction.
I have a book on the count De Saint Germain written in 1912 by Cooper Oakley.
On Morya
Jalalidan Rumi, the Great Sufi poet was one of the incarnations of Morya. My favorite story about Rumi was the following: One night while gathered around a campfire(Rumi lived in the 13th Century and was born in Afghanistan which was then part of Persia). While Rumi was staring into the fire he said to his male compatriots, "There is nothing within this cloak of mine but God". Now it is important to understand that at that time to Moslems where he was this was a blasphemy that one was instantly killed for uttering. However, when they all drew their knives to kill him, he had disapeared from his cloak. To these men this demonstrated that he really was a manifestation of God.(Likely this true anecdote was the inspiration for the way Obewan disapeared from his cloak in Star Wars by Lucas).
The mystical tradition of Rumi is in keeping with all mystics of all religions around the world. In fact, I would have to say that the mystics of all religions and philosophies tend to have the most in common with each other no matter their philosophy or religion. For a mystic is almost always based upon personal experience and personal revelation of the divinity. The viewpoint of most mystics tends to be, "God is where you find him/her/it/the being" and beyond that "God is in all living things but written words are dead". So unless the spirit "God" moves a mystic toward a written word for a given purpose it has no instrinsic meaning or even usefulness at all.
So being one whose relationship with God moves me to writing I find this to be a paradox and a joke on me and a Zen Koan all at once because I consider myself to be a universal mystic, Christian mystic and Tibetan Buddhist. You might ask "How can you be all this at once?" My answer would be, "If an ant is your Guru, feed him." and "God is where you find him/her/it/the being".
On Becoming Jesus,On Becoming Saint Germain
Saint Germain came to me very powerfully this morning and asked that I share this with all of you in the past, present and future throughout the universe. So here goes. In my personal experience of reality, the being I call His Oneness, has thousands of other names in the past, present and future. A Few of them you might recognize are the Christ King of ancient Lemuria, the present King of Shamballa and The Great Divine Director who is also sometimes known as The Lord Maha Chohan (the Lord King Chohan) or Lord of the Chohans. Since Jesus and Saint Germain and Dwal Khul and Kuthumi and Morya are some of the seven Chohans then one begins to understand the spirit hierarchy of the past 100,000 years on earth in regard to spiritual unfoldment and the conscious developement of civilizations for the benefit of all beings on earth and beyond. Each of these Chohans has been instrumental under the tutelage of the Lord Maha Chohan of one or more aspects of human development on earth for the last 100,000 years.
Each of us that chooses, follows in the footsteps of one or all of these beings who have led the way in different lifetimes, civilization after civilization for thousands of years. Those that have had the foresight, skill, discipline and vision have led the way for 10 of thousands of years if not in the end millions of years on earth. Each of us who have benefited from their contemplations, prayers, discipline and sacrifice and passed on wisdom should be honored to follow in their traditions and to literally Become like Jesus and to literally become like Saint Germain and all the others. As we grow and evolve as souls through constant prayer and persistence in thought, deed and action we all come closer to the ideal of beings like Jesus and Saint Germain. Through this ongoing process we all eventually become the Jesus' and Saint Germains' of the future.
Nasa's probe to the Asteroid postponed again
Because of the problems that will be created if the information that the Asteroid belt was once a planet destroyed by surface thermonuclear war fully impacts that western world, the mission has been postponed once again.
Live Earth!
It is said two billion strong watch live earth on TV and internet video all over earth on this very lucky 7th day of the seventh month of the Seventh Year of this century. Hopefully enough worldwide awareness will mobilize to begin to reclaim the capacity for life on earth to survive the next few centuries and into the 3000's.
More on Eridian
Since the name Eridian is actually short for Meridian I thought it might clarify what Eridian(Meridian's)name means. It is taken from the concept of a Meridian like the Equator or the Dividing of the way to denote someone who decides where people go after they pass on. It is not so much an act of judgement on Meridian's (Eridian's) part it is more placing souls where they can best learn what they came to Earth to learn. This is much more complex that one might think precisely because souls come from not only earth and Earth like dimensions but also from other planets and other planets dimensions and there is even exchanges between earth's heavens and even between earth's realms that might be considered types of purgatories with other planets purgatories. The reason these kinds of exchanges exist is to allow souls who have either very good relationships or very bad relationships or anywhere in between that desperately need to find a way to work things out to have a way to resolve something real or imaginary between them. So Meridian's job is quite complex and technical and only a very old soul with thousands to millions of lifetimes under his or her belt could properly manage such things.
Also, since Earth is a very experimental planet as far as the diversity of souls go, it is a very unique place in the universe to be born on, to live on or to pass on on. The other factor is the wide diversity of religions and beliefs. There is a saying that manifests powerfully after a person passes on. This is what you believe happens happens to you. It doesn't necessarily happen to others because what will happen is mostly according to the beliefs and covenants that they have with God which might have absolutely nothing to do with the ones you have forged with God. Because of this one truth many souls who pass on become very disapointed after passing when they realize everyone makes their own covenants with God because, after all, it is a very personal and soulfull thing!
Why I Write
In my life I have learned a lot. Some say more than most people. So I'm trying to share what I've learned in order to make your lives better, more full of joy and less full of despair. If you can benefit from my wisdom garnered from 59 years of struggle to stay alive and to stay kind with integrity while still living with a body on earth then that Is a very good thing for both of us.
How my psychic gifts developed
I can remember being 2 to 4 years old and wondering why people didn't tell each other what they really thought. I could hear their thoughts and then I could hear what they actually said. So my little person wanted to know why people weren't truthful in their words. As I grew older I found that in the 1950's many women and some men weren't even truthful with themselves. These people I noticed were always the most unhappy. I saw then that being truthful at least with yourself is always the main key to a good life and basic to human survival on earth. So for awhile there was a disconnect for me from people who lied to themselves. The term I gave these kind of people was, "Crazy". It didn't really matter why they lied to themselves they either were crazy or on the road to crazy.
As a mature adult I can see where in order to survive awful calamities people sometimes need to temporarily lie to themselves but in order to survive long term this temporary lying must only be that, temporary. This is usually concerning the death of loved ones, the crash of a plane with relatives on board or friends on board. That kind of thing. Even then, more than a few months of this kind of lying to oneself leads to crazy or fatal.
The other thing that encouraged my psychic abilities was that I wasn't discouraged from being psychic as a child. I was encouraged to see angels, fairies, elves, gnomes and the like by my Scottish Grandmother and my full blood Scottish born in america mother. There is something about the Celtic traditions that encourages developing psychic gifts alongside mystical Christianity in the vein of Merlin and King Arthur.
As I grew older I learned to pay more attention to my instincts and visions. When I slowed down enough inside to listen I got injured less both physically and emotionally. In this way, my gifts grew slowly toward what they are now. However, at 10 when I got Childhood epilepsy the biggest jump in my abilities began. So I would say to you that full blown psychic gifts at an adult level are usually brought about in response to surviving some sort of trauma. It appears that we all have these abilities but don't necessarily fully develope them unless we absolutely have to to survive. For now, I can see who has abilities and capacities and who uses these abilities and who doesn't. And there is even a layer beyond that. There is a group who uses abilities understands them and is able to actually communicate that they even have these abilities and that they use them all the time.
The scariest of all people for me to deal with are the ones that use really powerful psychic abilities and take no personal responsibility for their use. These people are like out of control children having constant psychic tantrums. Unless someone calls them on this they are a danger both to themselves and everyone else.
It is my personal belief that since I was always a latent psychic and beyond that a potential spiritual adept capable of secretly helping people in thousands of ways all the time that God demanded me to become this in earnest by giving me childhood epilepsy so I would be forced to become what God wished. What I am was very rare for people growing up in the American culture of the 50's. However, there are more people like me being born every day. We are all lifting the consciousness of the material world most people live in in America into a better state of consciousness that is more beneficial to all life on earth and beyond.
If you Live to be 100
Thirty to forty years ago my teacher, Saint Germain told me, "If you live to be 100, you will be 500, if you live to be 500 you will be 1000, if you live to be 5000 you will be 10,000.
At the time I looked at him and thought "Well, maybe. I'll have to see." However, time after time he has been right about what would happen in my life. Even though I am a precognitive psychic that has been personally trained by Saint Germain as an adept I still am childlike in that I still am amazed when anyone other than me is psychic too. I think this is because I have to be totally aware that God is in my body 24 hours a day since I was 15. There is simply no way for me to get around that. So because of this I just accept it when God in my body with me shows me something. Though it scares me sometimes, God has taught me to shut off my emotions if I need to rather than to pass out from some of the things he shows me. I guess in this I am soldier like.
Today I want to talk about a very dear experience I had with several children of someone worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
They were travelling and visiting California where I live and were amazed at all the experiences I had had with gifted masters in California, Oregon, Hawaii, Nepal, and India. At one point they asked how long I would live. I answered them crypticly. I said, "Everyone in this room (there were about 10 of us) has the potential to live about 10,000 years. However, how long each of us actually lives is another question. I saw their eyes get very big as they took this in. Then I said, "The biggest obstacle is psychological and the second biggest obstacle is monetary." Some of them nodded their heads at this.
I have thought about this more since then. The first thing one needs is a very good reason to live that long. The second thing is to be prepared for it. The third thing one needs in todays dollars is about 1 million dollars(500,000 in property and 500,000 in stocks, and money market funds). With nothing more than this and the capacity to invest wisely and conservatively if one is over about 45 years old one could keep going indefinitely by reinvesting. The best country to live in ongoing would be the United States where their is no rationing of health care. In the U.S. if you have enough money you can stay alive almost indefinitely even now if your mental, spiritual and physical health is good enough.
Here, I would like to state a caveat. If you are a legal resident of a country like Norway, Sweden, France, England, Germany and a few others you might be able to coast until you are 100 by being on the dole after retirement. At that point everything might change and you could regenerate.
I would like to make a psychic prediction. "It is quite likely the future will bring changes that take out most of the poor financially and poor in health over the next several hundred years. So, you who are educated and have useful knowledge to bring to the next generations will be very valuable. Remember Satellites, GPS, Computers, Servers are all very vulnerable to Sun spots, Electromagnetic pulses etc. Since 2011 is the next sunspot year expect to see GPS going down at the very least in places like Canada or Russia which are pointed toward the sun during the summers.
Then hopefully, after everyone has recovered from the sunspot stuff, there is the end of the Mayan calendar which is a major planetary alignment with the center of the Galaxy that happens only once in 26,000 years on 12-21-12.
What I'm trying to get at is that is that all of us with knowledge and training will be needed to teach future generations as long as we have spirit, mind and body together.
Science Fiction?
The Violet Eye
Jonathan woke up. His Swiss Army watch and his Amethyst Gold ring and his clothes were still on. He looked at his watch to see what time it was. 6:05 am. Then he looked at his ring he sometimes called the "Violet Eye" because it looked sort of like that. "What was he doing here? And where was here?", he thought. He walked to the door. Opening the door told him everything he needed to know. He was under the Swiss Alps in Arcane's Time Agent Training facility provided by United Nations Intelligence and primarily funded by the European Union and the United States.
But that still didn't answer how he got here and why he was still wearing all his clothes, his watch, his ring.
He tried remembering again. The last memory was of walking his dogs past a male deer, a buck with large antlers. Jonathan thought, "That's funny. Maybe it was only pretending to be a buck." That seemed like the right answer. When he opened his room door he noticed his son, Stan, peeking out sort of disheveled from the next room into the hall. Stan looked scared. "Where are we, Dad?" Jonathan said, "It's okay, son." Stan looked perplexed and said, "If you say so." Then STan said, "What is this place?" Jonathan looked at his son and said, "We're under the Swiss Alps. Your step-brother has been here but likely he doesn't remember it in his normal life." Stan said, "Is this my first time here, then?" Jonathan said, "I don't know." A very honest answer. However, Stan looked a little bewildered again and said, "I don't know if I like all this?" Jonathan said, "You'll get used to it son. It just takes a little time. Give yourself a chance." Stan gave an odd look and went back into his room unconvinced.
Jonathan now wondered where his dogs were and if there was an android taking his place and petting his dogs and hopefully not his wife.
Biocom said suddenly,"Outside of a peck on the cheek and sleeping in the same bed while snoring like you nothing is going to happen." Jonathan replied, "Biocom. You don't often talk to me unless we are on a special assignment." Biocom said, "I'm not designed to be your teacher unless we are on assignment. Mostly my function is to study the way you think and adapt. That is found to be very useful."
"Biocom. Is my son going to be okay?" Biocom answered, "How to you mean that?" I said, "I know he will be physically okay. I was wondering what he is thinking?" Biocom seemed irrated and said, "What do you think he's thinking? He's a lot like you. I think you can ascertain that better than I. I'm only a sentient computer and not a human being after all!" "Sorry Biocom." Biocom seemed relieved, "It's okay. I can sense you distressed about all the changes but also realize I'm distressed because all of a sudden I have to perform totally different functions after doing totally different things for months now." Jonthan said, "I get it, Biocom."
I turned my attention back to my son, Stan, in the next room. I pulled myself together visited my bathroom and combed my hair and brushe my teeth. I then walked over to his adjoining room and knocked. Soon, he answered. He had a robe on he had found in the closet. He said, "Dad? You know I've heard you talk about this sort of stuff, and yes I did go with you to India and Nepal when I was 10 but that over 20 years now. What's all this about?
I (Jonathan)sighed. "I'll try to make sense of all this."
"You've heard me speak of the two silvery beings that came to me and said to me before I met your Mom and you were born." Stan said, "Yes." I continued, "Well. Those two beings are connected to all this. These secret training facilities under the Swiss Alps become more and effecient at what they do. On the other timeline they become the basis of world government during the early 7000's AD and before." Stan Said, "What do the 7000's have to do with all this again?" I repeated, "We are presently in the training facilities that become the seat of world government on the other time line." Stan said, "Other time line?" I went on, "On the other time line the Americas are gone." Stan said, "Gone?" I said with a cringe, "Uninhabitable by normal humans for thousands of years." My son looked at me with a lot of incredulity. However, he was here. He could not deny that." He said, "I would have to see outside to really feel like I could start to believe you." I said, "No one native to 1950 to about 2300 AD is allowed to see outside exactly where we are." Stan said, "That's impossible!" I said, "No. It isn't. Anyone who stumbles upon this place externally like mountain climbers in the Alps are given amnesiacs to forget their expriences." STan said, "How could that really be maintained?" I said, "Alien technology until it becomes commonplace about 2 or 300 years from now." Stan being someone who build exotic gaming computers custom made for fun said, "Tell me more." I smiled knowing full well what a total technohile both he and I were. I went on, "Well. There are robots from the center of the Galaxy that police all movements within a 25 mile radius of this location from before the time of Christ to about 10,000 years into the future on both time lines. If any human gets near this area on foot during that time they are given an amnesiac to forget shot like a jet into one of their arms, legs or buttocks at close range. The experience is similar to a biting bug sometimes found in the Alps that is not particularly poisonous so the person can explain the initial experience in this way. Then the previous few hours of that person's experience as well as the memory of their next few hours disapears from conscious memory even though it could be retrieved by me or someone like you if you were trained to do it from deep in the subconscious. Though the person might dream about the experiences they would have no conscious experiences to tie them to.
Star seemed uneasy about this. He said, "How do you know bad people aren't in charge of all this?" That's a very good question. Ultimately, I don't. However, in the sight of God all anyone can really do is to go forward with the best information they have right then. I will support this as long as I am convinced the beings involved are trying to keep the human race alive on earth so it can go out and colonize other worlds and dimensions."
Stan thought a moment and said, "As terrifying as this all is to process that makes perfect sense, Dad. You've obviously given this a lot of thought." I said, "Yes. During the 80's when Whitney STreiber's movie came out I had a lot of second thoughts until I realize in the sight of God I can only move forward with the best information that I have in any moment. Therefore, God only judges me on what I know, not what I don't know." Stan said, "I believe that too, Dad." "Therefore, Son. I have spent a lot of time figuring it all out and I'm moving according to the best information that life and God have given me." Stan said, "Then, since I trust you, I will give my tentative support in all this. At least until I sense something wrong with it." I said, "That's only fair, son."
There was a knock at Stan's door. I looked at him and it was understood I would open the door.
When I opened the door there was Arcane but it wasn't the same old Arcane. Not only did his now have a mustache and beard but he emitted a violet glow or halo. I said, "Arcane, what has happened to you?" He said, "Well, Jonathan, it finally happened. I evolved into Saint Germain, just like Eridian said I would."
I was shaken up by this to the point of fainting. It was too big a shock for me to endure. Stan had seen me like this before. He said, "Are you all right, Dad?" I said, "Just give me a moment." Arcane walked in and said, "I'm usually known as Arcane." Stan said, "Nice to meet you. Dad's talked and written a lot about you, Sir." Arcane looked over at Me and said, "Jonathan, your son is very kind and polite like you." I smiled as I rested from the shock and said, "Yes. I trained him well to be a gentleman." Arcane said, "You've done an excellent job."
Stan said, "Why are we here Arcane? My Dad says this is a time traveller's training site that you run." Arcane smiled. He said, "Well. Yes. But I'm running it differently now. You see, I've just evolved into Saint Germain. That's why I invited you both here." This time Stan sat down. He was a little scared now. He looked at his Dad, Jonathan and said, "Is this true?" I said, "Yes. I think it is. Otherwise I wouldn't have had this reaction." Saint Germain laughed and we all began to feel more at ease. Finally, Saint Germain sat down with us and said,"I just wanted to bring you here to tell you the good news." I said, "Arcane, I mean Saint Germain even though I knew it would happen because Eridian predicted it I feel a little like one of Jesus' disciples would when he found him resurrected!" Saint Germain smiled again. Finally, I asked, "How did it happen?" Saint Germain said, "In witnessing it to you it will change many lives who hear about it." I said, "Yes. I can see that." At this point both Stan and I both recognized how privileged we both were to witness this event with Saint Germain.
Jonathan, did I ever tell you about my relationship with His Oneness of Ancient Lemuria?" I said, "Yes. I visited him with Elohar and Ragna and Ragna's two Time officers." Saint Germain said, "Yes. But did you know about my contacts with him?" I said, "Yes. A little" Saint Germain went on, "Well. Eridian had me go and visit him one last time as Arcane. This time Arcane stayed on through the Time Pool joining the form and consciousness of His Oneness. However, through this evolution of Arcane, Saint Germain was born and here I am." I said, "Are you still a human or humanoid?" Saint Germain said, "Not exactly. I can manifest as a human body or as anything else I want whenever it's useful to me but I am no longer an incarnating being. That has ended for me." I said, "How do I relate to you? In the past, you were friend and mentor from another world now helping on Earth. How do I make the transition?" Saint Germain looked at me funny and said, "Oh, you'll figure it out, Jonathan. This level of formality is not necessary. Just flow with it, old friend." I found myself starting to relax with it and feeling more in my body once more. My unnecessary need for formality faded away.
At this point Stan said, "So, you are now the real Saint Germain. How does that work?" Saint Germain smiled again and said, "Well. Since I've been a time traveller I know a lot about helping people in any era or place on earth or off earth." Stan said, "What is the experience like?" Saint Germain looked deep into Stan's eyes and said, "Don't worry, Stan. Your turn will come to. I will draw both you and your father up with me as time moves forward." Tears came to Stars eyes. The events began to overtake him and his head fell back unconscious for a little while. Saint Germain reached out his hand to me. He said, "Let him adjust. You've had lots of times to adjust. This is a lot to take in all at once." I nodded my head in agreement. I said, "I almost just fainted myself seeing you had become Saint Germain even though Eridian told me this would happen quite a while ago. So I get it."
I resumed my conversation, "So where do we go from here, Saint Germain?" I was still having problems of adjusting to my friend, Arcane, passing on to another dimension. He looked through me and said, "The single most important thing is that you continue to write, Jonathan. Because in the future it will be very important that at least a few hardcopies of what you have written survive. What you have written is in many ways a survival manual for the few who survive into the future, like you and me."
I said, "To me, what I write is important mostly because I write as high a level of truth as I can safely write to the public." Saint Germain said, "It has many more uses than you presently understand. What you are writing reminds me of the legends of Padmasambhava' torma's hidden inside rocks and stones throughout the himalayas for future adepts to find. Remember, Jonathan, Know the truth and the truth will set you free."
Saint Germain's eyes seemed to glow and he said, "Do you know what day it is?" I quickly said somewhat embarrassed, "Well. The fourth of July was a couple of days ago." Saint Germain laughed and said, "Though I turned into Saint Germain over 40,000 years ago I returned to you and Stan here on the 7th day of the 7th month of 2007. I wanted you to remember it." I said, "My son and I are honored that you would spend such an auspicious day with us." Saint Germain said, "Jonathan, since I appeared to you on Easter 1973 you have become one of my bodies on earth." I perked up at this." Yes. I was wondering if I could ask you some questions about that experience." Saint Germain seemed very serious at this point. He said, "Go ahead." I continued, "Well. When God came into my body to live with me permanently at age 15 I initially felt overwhelmed to have God in my body with me. Then when you appeared to me after my room was filled with living violet flame for an hour Easter 1973 I fainted because the spiritual power was more than I could deal with. Then when I woke up I realized that I had been powerfully engramed with your knowledge and that my neurons and brain actitivity had remarkably changed. I realized you had set me up to never die like you. I found it very disorienting at first." Saint Germain was very kind like one might be to a little child trying to understand life. He said, "You began invoking me into your soul and body when you began to pour your love into my pictures in your church when you were a little boy. Then when God began to take over your body and soul for powerful manifestations you were scared and thought you were going to die because you didn't understand as a child what was happening to you. Then in order to stay alive you finally invoked God into your body as a Co-Creator with God.
After that your physical appearance changed and you had to adapt to God living in your body with you. By the time I appeared to you, you had become more adapted to God living in your body and soul with you. So I timed my soul merge with you for an optimum time. Likewise, today I am using the power of numbers and of all the people getting married on 7-07-07 and all the other positive energies to empower you to the next level today."
I answered, "I'm sort of stunned by hearing your version of all this. It puts my whole life in a new context and meaning for me that you are taking the time to explain what all this has been about." Saint Germain said, "I'm only scratching the surface. Most of what you need to know will be revealed in dreams and real life experiences over the next few years."
When Saint Germain said this to me tears began to well up in my eyes. I said, "Sometimes, I feel I have failed in this lifetime, Saint Germain. What I thought I was coming to do is different than what I wound up doing. I planned a very different lifetime when this process began several hundred years ago." Saint Germain smiled at said, "Life is what happens while we are busy making other plans." For some reason I started laughing and laughed and laughed and laughed. Though Saint Germain and I laughed there was a look of horror in Stan's eyes. After we stopped laughing Stan said, "May I speak?" Saint Germain said, "Of course, Stan." Stan said, "Why do I feel horrified by this conversation and this laughing." Saint Germain said, "It is difficult for you to see your father as a little child and being forced by God and by me to become a World Saver. And not only that he is a very secret World Saver. How he saves the world must always remain secret for the most part. Some humans must survive to repopulate the earth. Some humans must keep the earth alive." Stan looked like he was going to throw up. Saint Germain calmed Stan."Stan, you are here to witness all this. Both you and your father are part of the secret beginnings of those whose genetic material will survive on earth to reach 7000 AD and beyond."
Stan said, "Dad was talking to me about Elohar and Ragna from that era." Saint Germain said, "Yes. Though they are on the first timeline and you and I are on the second one, they are the ones who came to remind your father of his duty, his commitment as a soul, and then I came into his body and soul to bring about your birth about one year later." This time it was Stan's turn to have tears form in his eyes.
I realized it was time for me to speak up to let Stan recover from all this. "Saint Germain?" I said. "Yes. Jonathan." I went on, "How will all this be accomplished?" Saint Germain looked deep into me and said, "Spontaneous accomplishment." I said, "So you don't have a lot of advice beyond praying and looking for positive opportunities." Saint Germain said, "Most of the really important things you must do are in the moment and by being in the moment they can't and won't be interfered with by anyone." So I said, "So there is really no possibility of interference?" Saint Germain said, "Yes. That's true because of the way the galaxy manages time for earth."
Stan had recovered enough to say, "What is my role in all this?" Saint Germain continued, "It is to assist me and your father and thereby learn enough to continue your father's and my work whether he continues to live in this body or not."
Time Travel? 1.2 million years ago?
The following article from yahoo speaks of a 1.2 million year old human tooth. My reaction as I discussed this with my wife was to see a blue flash of light. As a psychic this was a confirmation of what my wife was then saying which was:"It sounds like some poor time traveler who died back there". So as a psychic this was cofirmation of a time traveler who died in Spain 1.2 million years ago.;_ylt=AtodQnLwEunQcNZVwUKc.OcDW7oF
Steam Power: a low tech way to keep things moving
Since I have been studying various forms of breaking water into hydrogen and oxygen the idea came to me that it could be useful to have a steam engine that not only runs on water but whose fuel to heat the water to boiling comes directly from the water on board. By utilizing the steam engine as an electrical generating source enough power could be generated to also split apart hydrogen from oxygen and be burnt to heat the water to steam. In this way even 3rd world nations could power their steam locomotives by the same water they are using to turn into steam for locomotion. I would call this a "steam hybrid" in that it is using one fuel to generate power to split the water to burn and then heat the water to power the vehicle. Thus it becomes a "Steam hybrid". Whether this is used for trains, tractors, trucks, or cars or boats this could be very efficient since water for the most part is free an unowned by anyone, especially the oceans. Beyond 20 miles out from most countries the ocean water is owned by everyone and every nation.
Life Moves On
I like this new format of just giving the month not the day. Since it worked well for June I think I'll continue it.
June 2007 articles begin
Saint Germain Online
Tonight I was wandering on the internet and found a treasuretrove of information about all things Saint Germain. First I brought up wikipedia and then typed in "Saint Germain". From there by clicking on what I wanted to research I went all sorts of interesting places. After studying all that stuff for a few hours I then went to Google and clicked on images. I again typed in Saint Germain. I was even more amazed how much stuff was tied to various images of Saint Germain around the world. When I was a child in the 1950's there was relatively very little about Saint Germain available anywhere. Today, everybody is getting into the act to the point where it reminds me almost of my reaction to the many astral Jesus' in churches. I often have told the story of why I don't always feel comfortable in many christian churches. It is that as a psychic I watch how people's hopes, dreams and fears within any church create an astral Jesus that is not necessarily the real Jesus of Nazereth. However, I must also say that the group belief within that church and their prayers create healing in the hearts, minds and bodies of those within that church. Likewise, all the Saint Germains being invoked may or may not be the real Saint Germain. However, long ago I have realized that "The Lord moves in mysterious ways". In other words, "God is where you find Him/her/it/the being". I can only judge what is good for me. In the end each person must forge their own personal relationship and covenants with God and all his Ascended Masters and angels just like I have. For after all, God is more infinite than the entire universe or even a million universes!
Prove how water turns into hydrogen and oxygen yourself
If you try this at home as an experiment for safety use a 12 volt car battery with one lead to each battery terminal. Then keep each wire separate while putting them into water. Be sure you are holding the insulated parts of the wires when you do this. Now keeping the two metal leads apart touch them down into the water. You will begin to see hydrogen come off of one lead and oxygen off the other. You should know that storing hydrogen in a balloon for example is a miniature hindenburg so be careful. If however,water is electrically broken apart just before being injected into a gasoline engine then you have a relatively safe fuel like gasoline. The real problem is not making hydrogen it is storing hydrogen. So the best way is to make the hydrogen just inches before inserting it into a gasoline engine. Depending on the hydrogen-oxygen-gasoline ratio the engine might need to be tuned by an expert to optimally combust whatever ratio of fuels you choose.
Nicolas Flamel
It turns out that what I supposed was a fictional charactor in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series is actually a real person and a supposed confident of the Compte De Saint Germain. Reportedly, he actually found the Philosopher's stone and then he and his wife became immortal. Of course there is no proof but still it is interesting that he was(or is) a real person who knew(Knows?) SainT Germain.His date of birth was 1330 and he lived until at least 1417. He reportedly had a 21 page copy of the Book of Abraham called the Codex which helped Nicolas and his wife become immortal. His wife's name was or(is)Perenelle.
More on Water to Hydrogen and oxygen breakthroughs
The next one is a guy who accidentally found he can burn saltwater when it is exposed to radio waves
If you watch this last video you can see the burning saltwater power a little engine.
Padmasambhava=Saint Germain
It is my experience that Padmasambhava and Saint Germain are two manifestations of the same soul. If chronological sequences have any real meaning in regard to the manifestations of great souls on earth, Merlin is thought to be alive in England somewhere between 500 and 800 A.D. Padmasambhava is thought to have taken Buddhism to Tibet and melded it with the local Bonpo religions in about 800 A.D. so it is theoretically possible that Merlin and Padmasambhava were in the same body. Even though Padmasambhava was originally said to have come from Afghanistan, he was also said to be "pink complected" much like Europeans. So it is possible that he really came from the British Isles.
When I visited Rewalsar, India (Tsoepema) in Tibetan language I had many amazing experiences with Padmasambhava and Mandhrava there. When I asked Padma if he and Saint Germain were the same being I was answered with a violet lightning Rain Storm with violet clouds. I took that to mean "YES!" since Saint Germain is the Lord of the Violet Ray and light.
Vision Quest
I was sharing with a neighbor whose daughter got a food allergy to most foods by ingesting genetically altered grains, either rice, corn or soy designed likely by Monsanto. If you are interested in learning more about the problems of genetically engineered grains by Monsanto please watch the documentary, "The Future of Food". I rented it from Netflix so I know you can rent it there.
I was talking about my experiences surviving childhood epilepsy and mentioned how important it is to create as much normalcy in a child or young adults life that is altered by one kind of disease or another. I was lucky to have my childhood epilepsy end abruptly just by invoking God into my body. However, I see that many times I am the exception rather than the rule.
Since the neighbor is an Oncology nurse she is quite knowledgeable. However, I offered another perspective by sharing how I went on a vision quest of no water and no food for 4 days. I was trying to share with her what is possible while still maintaining relative normalcy in order to relieve just a little her fears for her daughter's future as an adult. Her daughter can only eat rice products and turkey at this point without regurgitating it. I showed her sublingual B-12 which one can put under the tongue and absorb directly into the bloodstream there. She was very hopeful about this form of B-12 that bypasses the stomach.
I was also mentioning that when one does a vision quest while praying for helpful visions in regard to ones future actions(usually under the direction of a medicine man or woman from a native american tribe) after the initial sweat lodge ceremony one does not eat or drink for 4 days and nights. I mentioned that after 2 days with no water or food one begins to have visions. If one wasn't praying the visions would likely just be halucinations but because one is constantly praying while awake for useful visions levels of consciousness and subconsciousness arise to help one see their useful future. By tapping into this awareness I was led to Tibetan Buddhism and then to India, Nepal and Thailand in 1985-6. So even though the vision quest was in 1983 what I learned is still influencing what I do in life, even my writing to you here, whether you now are in my past, my present or my future.
Though I didn't get as detailed as I am here with you the general idea I was sharing was that humans are much more capable of surviving all sorts of things that most of the general public seems to be aware of.
For example, I wonder how many people know that even with no food at all, as long as a person has potable water that the average person may live 40,50 days or even longer as long as that person doesn't get hypothermia or heat exhaustion or get physically injured in some other way. Human beings are really quite remarkable in what we are all capable of surviving.
Witnessing:To Speak the Truth
In this lifetime it started with Whooping Cough at age 2. I found that if I fought the urge to cough I just turned blue. So I learned to give in to "Let go and let God" as my grandmother would say. So, from that I learned that in the sight of God there is a time to fight and also a time to accept death. Fortunately, for me at least, these deaths have all been psychological and not permanently physical for me. But I learned that God and life are both pretty scary and not to be trifled with. 57 years later I think that whatever people need to believe to stay alive while being as kind as possible to all life around them is okay if there aren't hurting anyone. I, personally, see the usefulness in believing in God because I would not choose to live without a sense of ultimate order to things. The human cultures of today are crazy enough. Without God and some sense of order I cannot see a point in staying alive. However, I have met some that can. God Bless them. It's not for me to take away their freedom to believe that nor is it for them to take away my beliefs.
So this day I witness to you my personal experiences with God in my life, knowing full well some of you have very different beliefs about life. As long as your beliefs are humanitarian and kind I have no problem with them.
So my life started with whooping cough and I changed from a strong, demanding child into a frightened child that had almost died from the awful suffocation of whooping cough, having turned blue in the face many times from it while losing consciousness from coughing. I learned the Horror of God through whooping cough. I also learned respect for God through this.
The next lesson of this magnitude for me was when I was 10. I had been drifting away from both God and religion because I thought religious people were nuts when I was 10. But God wasn't going to let go of me so I was shaken to the core with childhood epilepsy. By age 12 I had been terrified by my every 6 months near death experience to the point where I was seriously considering suicide. By age 14 I had almost died in a seizure when I ran to my parents in the middle of the night and had run full face into the end of an open door in my way. Any consciousness left me and my nose broke. After being unconscious for an hour or more I woke up in a pool of my own blood from my broken nose. As I sat there with my back against the wall shaking with my spirit shaken to the point of death my father said to me, "Son, you've got to get some religion under your belt or you aren't going to survive any more of these." I took his suggestion seriously because I was running on empty for ideas at this point. I attended our church 3 or 4 times a week for the next year.
When my next seizure arrived at night within one year I was finally ready. I said to my attackers, "I am in command here". In my childhood religion "I am" is the name of God so I spoke as a co-creator with God. So God manifested then in my body with me. I think this was the most heady and truly powerful experience of my life. After invoking God into my body with me, God never left. It is sort of like being married to God or something. I've grown used to God and all the supernatural abilities with me in my body that have kept growing from that moment on. Was I afraid of these powers? You bet. But don't you want to be on the winning team? God is the winning team, after all. So I learned to have constantly growing psychic gifts. The more I used these abilities for good, the more they grew. That's just the way it works. By age 16 I got tired being terrified and frightened of God and decided that I was going to have fun doing God's good works all the time
This last decision was Oprah like in the amazing things that happened exponentially. I like Oprah's saying, "God can dream a bigger dream for you than you can for yourselves." I agree. I'm living proof of that.
The latest gift God has given me is to renew my consciousness back to when I was in my 30's. I guess what happened must have been that my thyroid gland went out at about age 40 or something like that. So I have had a whole series of health problems and no doctor ever tested my thyroid for 20 years so no one suspected it. Anyway, my exercise trainer, a nice young woman from Germany, told me that she suspected I had a thyroid deficiency. So I asked my doctor for the test. Sure enough, that's what had been wrong all these years. I also found out that vegetarianism sometimes causes thyroid gland failure even though it may also prevent serious heart problems as well. So obviously, being a vegetarian is a mixed bag as one ages.
So here I am at age 59, back to the levelheadedness and mental strength that I had in my 30's. What a marvelous gift God has given me. So, once again, living to 100 or beyond is a real possibility for me.
An Actual Event
When I wrote "Arcane Visits Jesus---" earlier this week and the week before I knew what I was writing about was an actual event. However, this event has been written in a legendary form in order to protect the past, the present and the future and all of you and your lives and souls. Whether you believe this to be a legendary telling of actual events or not is up to you.
To read more about the life and lives of Arcane and Jonathan please go to my home index page and click on either my book Memories in 11 web pages or on the History of Arcane 1 or 2.
Arcane visits Jesus when he was 27
One day Arcane decided he wanted to visit Jesus. He had to ask his superiors in the Galactic Core. They said, "Please check possible ramifications after your visit. If they are not favorable please delete your visit." So Arcane set up time filters to gauge the impact of his visit with Jesus up to 5000 years after he visited him.
Arcane carefully designed his visit. First, he engramed ancient Aramaic into his mind so he couls speak it. Of course his mouth muscles were used to more modern langauges so he would have an accent but he would be able to explain that. He chose a time before Jesus gathered his disciples. At this time Jesus was about 27 years old. Arcane chose this time specifically because this was the age when Arcane lost Arayin. He thought visiting Jesus at this age would tend to heal his inner wounding.
Jesus was walking down the road alone. Arcane walked up to Jesus and introduced himself. Jesus said, "I recognize your soul. It is in a very ancient form even though you are from the future." The hairs went up on Arcane's neck. He was definitely speaking to Jesus. Jesus went on, "You are the same soul as my father Joseph, Arcane. Please tell me what my father's soul has come to share with me from such a far away time." For one of the few times in his life Arcane was thunderstruck. He found it difficult to speak in the presence of Jesus." He finally said, "Jesus, I asked permission from my superiors in the future if I could visit you." Jesus said, "Yes. I see that." Arcane said, "If my visit through time causes any harmful future effects I will eliminate my visit with you." Jesus was quiet a moment and said, "I have spoken with my father in heaven. He has told me that your visit is auspicious as long as you let me ask the questions." Arcane said, "I am honored to be your servant, Jesus."
Jesus began his questions. "Arcane what is the result in your time of my life here?" Arcane said, "There are 1 billion Christians on earth 2000 years hence. Your teachings of brotherhood and hope have civilized the world. There are still other religions like Buddhism and another variation off of Judaism called Islam that starts in about 700 years." Jesus answered, "Yes. I know the soul of Mohammed." Arcane couldn't help but be surprised." Jesus then said, "Did you know that I learned kindness and compassion from the Buddhists in India?" Arcane said, "I had wondered about that." Jesus said, "When I was a boy I apprenticed to a camel train that led me to India. I stayed for a while in the prosperous town of Nalanda and met with Buddhist Teachers there. They introduced me to a Mahasiddha who told me my future and that I must die on a cross to lift mankind. I said it was a small price to pay for what would come as a result. He taught me how to raise my body from the dead. Arcane, I studied with teachers of various religions during my travels. What becomes Christianity is actually a new form of Judaism just like Buddhism is an outgrowth of Bramanism." Even though Arcane knew most of this he felt stunned like a child when confronted with new awarenesses. Arcane said, "Do I have permission to ask you a question?" Jesus looked into Arcane deeply and said, "Yes, my brother. Though you travel time you do similar work that I do. We are compatriots lifting the souls of the human race and all life on earth." Arcane said, "I am honored by what you say,your Holiness, Jesus." Jesus then said, "Don't call me Your Holiness yet. I'm still in training. Just call me Jesus." Arcane felt like a little child next to Jesus. He said, "Okay, Jesus." Then Jesus said, "Now is a good time to ask your question." Arcane pulled himself together and said to Jesus, "Everywhere I have traveled through time there have been religious wars. Why is that?" Arcane felt like a child asking this question.
Jesus smiled and said, "Relax Arcane. I know you are a World Saver in your time and I am a World Savior in my own. Is there really that much difference in the good works we do?" Arcane said, "That is the greatest compliment I have ever been given." Jesus said, "It is not a compliment, Arcane. I'm simply stating a fact. We are brothers. We have known each other for millions of years."
When Jesus said this to Arcane he found himself fainting. Jesus caught his body before it hit the ground. When Arcane awoke his head was in Jesus' lap. Jesus then said, "Arcane, once again you are one of my disciples, my students. In other lifetimes I have been your student. Sometimes, we even made it a point to teach each other lifetime after lifetime in order to keep the holy spirit alive on earth."
Arcane said, "I don't think my soul has experienced that yet, Jesus." Jesus said, "That really doesn't matter because both time and space are only an illusion as we both know by now." Arcane said, "Knowing that is true and actually experiencing it all the time I find to be very disorienting and leading to vertigo." Jesus said, "When one has reached our level of awareness mentally understanding it is all that is necessary unless we wish to be in another time or space, then a little vertigo is necessary while extreme focus is maintained mentally of visualizing exactly where and when we are going to."
Arcane sighed with the sigh of a child having found a friendly compassionate adult.
Arcane said, "Jesus. You have made me your student once again." Jesus said, "Isn't that why you came to see me?" Arcane said, "I thought it was something else that was troubling me but, Yes, you are right, I see now." Jesus then said, "It is now time to ask me your question." Arcane said, "Though I intellectually know the answer I need to hear it from you because it will heal me." Jesus said, "Yes. It will." "Jesus?" Arcane said, "Why are there relgious wars throughout time. My betrothed died of torture on my home planet which fully created me as World Saver, then everywhere I have been in times a religious war had arisen, was about to arise. Why must there always be people fighting and dying in the name of religion.
Jesus was quiet a moment and then said, "You only intellectually know part of the answer, Arcane. The rest of the answer is a question of balance. Religious wars tend to create balance. They tend to create equalization of resources throughout any civilized area in the universe. God is not limited to any one religion or even philosophy. God is all religions and beyond all religions and more than any one human mind could ever contain without dying in the process. So attempting to understand it all is good but actually understanding everything completely is not possible for any one human being while still in human form. Enlightenment is acheived when any human being accepts what is possible and what is not. Equipose is reached at that moment."
Arcane looked troubled, "What can I do with this information?" Jesus seemed compassionate. He said, "I have faced this conundrum too, Arcane. Now that you have heard this your heart will have peace." With this Jesus took his index finger and touched my heart. Smoke came out of my heart and then white light raditated from my heart. Jesus smiled and said, "Come and visit me after my resurrection, Brother." With this Jesus walked away having done his holy work on my soul and the future of Earth and the Universe.
The Resurrection
Since Arcane knew he was a disciple of Jesus by Jesus' own words on his home planet he had learned obedience when dealing with spiritual teachers. Since Jesu just told him to visit Jesus after his Resurrection he was doing that right now. Arcane thought to himself as he whisked himself through both time and space to the location of Jesus' resurrection. Arcane stayed invisible there at the moment of resurrection waiting for the moment Jesus had predicted for their meeting.
As Arcane watched the Roman soldiers guard Jesus' tomb he noticed how spooked and uncomfortable they were. One Soldier said to the other, "This is bad. What if this guy really is a God as some people say? What is he going to do to us stupid mortals here?" Another soldier said, "You're right! How did we ever become unfortunate enough to pull this duty?" A officer, a Centurian said, "Pipe down you guys. I've heard Jesus speak and he would be the first to forgive our ignorance." Tears came to the guards eyes with this. They both knew in their heart of hearts that this man buried here likely was a God if their Centurian had heard him speak. For their Centurian was an honorable man and could be trusted to tell the truth.
Arcane was dumbfounded. This Centurian was Jonthan. Yes. He looked a little different but it was his soul! This was just too much for Arcane and he started to lose consciousness. Just about this time Arcangel Gabriel appeared and the common soldiers ran away. The Centurian in typical Jonathan fashion stayed on bended knee with head bowed realizing what was happening. Yes! This is Jonathan, his soul present at the Resurrection! This was why Jesus wanted Arcane here. At least this is one of the reasons.
Arcangel Gabriel walked up to the Centurian(Jonathan's soul) and said, "Centurian! Be not afraid. You and your soldiers have nothing to fear. Your future is bright! For you are one of us.
At this point the Centurian fainted and collapsed in a pile unconscious from the power of the touch of the Arcangel Gabriel.
Next, Arcangel Gabriel stood with his accompanying angels in front of the tomb and lightning shot from his outstretched hand at the tomb. The large stone cover blew away from its perch. The tomb was open! In a few moments the stirrings inside were evident. Two of Arcangel Gabriel's healing angels stood over Jesus' body ministering to Jesus' needs. As Jesus emerged from the tomb the wounds on his hands and feet were still visible but they glowed an unearthly color. One knew one was witnessing something beyond the belief of most earthly beings.
Arcane was transfixed. He knew he would never be the same again after this experience. The words, "Born Again" had new meaning for him in this moment.
Finally, with Arcangel Gabriel and his angels guarding the area Jesus walked right up to Arcane. Jesus said, "It is time Arcane. Make youself visible!" Arcane did as he was asked.
Jesus embraced Arcane. Arcane wondered if he could stay conscious this time. As if in answer to Arcane's mental question Jesus said, "You will stay conscious this time, Arcane. I am preparing you to enter the time pool with His Oneness, The ancient Lemurian Christ before me. Today I become the new Christ in earnest. Today a new and Resurrected Order of the Ages begins and today you must Resurrect in the Time Pool and merge with His Oneness so he may start Shambala over Earth. Today I become the new Christ on Earth and He becomes a Protector of Earth until Jonathan becomes Eridian in the far far future."
God has everything in Perfect Divine Order. As I become through Resurrection the Christ on Earth, You and His Oneness become the King of Shambala!"
Arcane thought, "This is the end of Arcane!" To this Jesus said, "Arcane! This is not the end this is only the beginning for both of us. We are eternal brothers. We are both Sons of God!" With this the fire in Jesus' eyes burned Arcane to the point that his soul screamed in shock! When Arcane woke up Jesus was gone and Arcane was invisible again but this time he was 40,000 years before in the Capital city of Lemuria in what would be in the far far future California.
Arcane woke up knowing where he was and what he was there to do. He looked into the mirror and where his eyes should have been were two globes of fire. Jesus had filled Arcane's brain and body with the fire of the Holy Spirit of God. Arcane thought that the last day he had actually been the Arcane he knew was the day before he met his teacher and master, Jesus. Obedience had been the lesson he took from studying with masters in his childhood. Now, Obedience to God and Jesus would lead him to give up Arcane completely and merge into His Oneness. The Christness of His Oneness and the wisdom and experience of Arcane would protect Earth from all threats from all dimensions for 1,000,000 years or more if need be. After all, he remembered earth 1,000,000 years into the future and saw his touch, Jesus' touch, His Oneness' touch on everything! His destiny had been beyond anything he could have imagined. Gratitude to God filled His Soul!
Note: If you go back to my Home
Index page and click on The History of His Oneness the following is one
of the last entries on that page:New online october 7, 2005 How His
Oneness Manifested
The web page listed above describes How Arcane merged with His Oneness
in the Time Pool and how they became the same person. further note: If
you are interested in knowing more about Shambhala (new spelling) Please
I found out reading the above site that Zhang Zhung predates Tibetan Buddhist culture which is where the Shambhala idea originally came from. If interested check out:
Flame species shows itself
I was watching news video at There was an interesting video about how intelligent giant pacific octopi are. One was playing with legos. The colorations on this particular octopus are similar to Flame's coloration. It is possible that he is a far future descendant of this particular octopus.
Global warming:There are no Problems only Opportunities!
After writing the previous article I realized that this idea of their being "No Problems only Opportunities" could also be usefully applied to Global Warming. For example, one could look at how one might make money transporting people from climates that are difficult to survive in to climates that are more suited to human survival. One could develope a business to use the melted areas in the Arctic and Antarctic (Summer in Arctic and Winter in Antarctic to transport shipments quickly through areas by sea that one could not 10 or 20 years before.One could also design and build homes to withstand hurricanes or droughts. One could design recessed beds of earth for growing edible plants during winds above 100 mph regularly. One could build and design water to hydrogen plans that could be used by all to build their own to build their own water to hydrogen conversion systems. One could develope wind fans that could be installed on electric cars to continue to regenerate electricity just by passing through the windy air while driving so AC charging would be almost unnecessary. The lists are probably unlimited. Only your imagination knows for sure!
There are no Problems only Opportunities!
Recently I visited relatives with several children between the ages of 10 and 17. They were very taken with my website and asked me many questions about my life experiences travelling around the world and spiritual and psychic experiences. Though I was very very touched by the wonderful reaction I received from these children and parents, many of which are excellent writers in their own right, I found myself going to sleep feeling concerned. So I prayed about what I was feeling. Angels came to me and said, "When people read your life works in the form of your writings they will have many reactions, both what you wished as well as many unknown reactions that you would not expect. However, Fred, on balance it is much better that as many as possible read your writings as much more good for life will be accomplished than anything else. Though I felt relieved I found myself still feeling like what I have written through the years now as being very personal like one of my children. I felt very protective like I do regarding my real children and wanting only the best for them.
I thought then how during my very awful divorce and custody battle my stepson once said to me, "Fred, I don't think you are going to make it!" Little did he know that I then felt the same way. However, there is a story I like to tell about seamen. In this story over the centuries it has been found that the first to drown when a ship sinks are the 18 to 30 year olds. The guys over thirty have already survived so much that they think, "Well. I've survived worse than this. Maybe there is a chance I might survive this too. Whereas the younger sailors tend to panic and die because of the momentary hopelessness of the situation.
Likewise, during my last divorce I thought to myself."Emotionally, at 46 I don't feel like I can survive this. HOwever, experience has taught me if I can just keep a cool head I might just make it through this. A good friend whose wife had just died in an accident said to me, "There are no problems only opportunities!" This one statement I took to heart and totally turned around my life. Thirteen years later I am happily remarried, have a new daughter and have once again become a bastian of strength for my 3 children and my new wife. This came from a friend who recently died just saying, "There are no problems only opportunities".
To really utilize this statement one must analyze it. What it really means is that literally one must refuse to see any problems. Then one takes the situation and thinks,"How can I utilize this oppotunity to my adantage?" By doing this over and over again one can go forward no matter what.
Many friends have told me, "Succeeding is just getting up one more time than you fall down." You just have to keep trying until you succeed.
At 17 I decided my life path was to enlightenment. The path has been long and arduous but it has always been interesting and never boring for very long. My life has been one of the most interesting I've ever heard about. Why not make your life interesting too?
The problem of failed States;_ylt=AlRF49yBdWKrhGfSsLEokS8DW7oF
The above yahoo news article classifies Iraq as the number 2 failed state in the world. The problem of failed states is that they tend to be unaccountable to both the world and to the people of that nation. In this respect they are becoming like corporations. However, even corporations are accountable to their stockholders whereas failes states are just a disaster sort of like the planet Tatoine in the Star Wars series run by gangsters.
The worst failed state is the Sudan where 200,000 to 400,000 people have been killed and driven from their villages in the last few years. I suppose it is possible if anyone cared to count all the bodies that Iraq since the fall of Saddam Hussein has cost almost an equal amount of lives. The main problem might be that all these deaths are completely in vain and continue to bring nothing but chaos for everyone. However, a Descartes, a famous european philosopher once said, "There is nothing so good that no bad may come of it and nothing so bad that no good may come of it." In the world we live in I have found at least on earth this is true.
Oceans on Mars?
The following site is an article at yahoo on evidence of oceans on Mars;_ylt=AiUOGoXjgcB0gj_EqLppm2MDW7oF
It is my belief that when the Planet Maldek blew up(asteroid belt) from a surface thermonuclear war that the oceans were blown off Mars from the concussions of many small and larger pieces of planet(asteroids) hitting Mars. More of these pieces came to earth and killed off the dinosaurs from asteroid impacts during this same time. However, I believe that this likely took place between 1 million and 70 million years ago not billions of years as in the article.
Monterey pops 40 years later
It is the anniversary of the famous Monterey pops event that took place in 1967 in which great artists like hendrix, joplin and Otis Reading and many others appeared. This was a watershed event like Woodstock in its effect on the whole worlds ideas of music, philosophy, and peace! If you are interested in reading more please paste the following several web articles.
Summer of love:big business 40 years later
the guy who wrote the hippie dictionary: A Cultural Encyclodpedia of the 60's and 70's wrote this following piece
This article is called The Music(more on the artists)
The father of pop
capturing it all
tabitha still: sister of famous brother who attended
julien and cathryn attendees whose lives were changed
others who remember who were there >
5 Myths about Gas Prices
I picked up a newspaper from a California coastal community. The article's name was the above. Here is the web address for the article
It talks about how the public is manipulated by the politicians because the public doesn't understand world market oil forces worldwide. It also points out that 1/2 of what china uses it's oil for is to make plastics that are then sold in the United States. The plastics are sold so cheaply that any cost increase to the consumers in the U.S. for gasoline is actually offset by the lower prices for plastic goods. So the dynamics of the whole thing is getting pretty nuts. There are many other facts useful to american oil consumers in this article so I highly recommend it.
The Corporation
I was watching the Sundance Channel on cable tv(a good source for green or socially responsible programs). On it was something called "The Corporation", a documentary made in 2003. What I found important was Monsanto's blocking a Fox TV special on a cancer causing hormone injected into milk cows made by Monsanto throughout the United States. Basically, if you don't buy organic milk then you are buying milk with this known cancer causing hormone in it made by Monsanto.
The second thing I saw in this documentary is even more horrifying. It turns out the Bechtel corporation has bought the rights to all water in one area of the mountains in I believe Bolivia, including water out of the sky so no one can even cup their hands in the rain and drink it without owing Bechtel money for it. Many people have been killed in riots by people protesting this in Bolivia. Up to 1/4 of peasant's income goes for water paid to Bechtel now. If they don't pay they lose their lands to Bechtel. So it makes sense there would be violence and death over this problem.
Here in the U.S. most of us don't hear about this sort of thing done to the poor in other countries so I'm sharing this with you here.
More weather changes
Though it is nice that at least part of Australia has a break in its drought, the storms wet is welcome but the ferocity of the storms in Newcastle near Sydney are not. So far at least 9 have died and there is much destruction.
Whether the damage from drought or from deluge and wind is worse is open
to debate. However, in the end it only matters if the people affected
can survive. Hopefully, at least a few of all the other creatures will
too. Here is the latest on the storms near Newcastle:
50% of vehicles must not be powered by Gas or Diesel within 25 years
As you know I am a precognitive psychic. I was looking down both real and potential timelines this afternoon. One of the things I saw was that if the world does not have at least 50% of its vehicles(anything that moves people or things)powered by something other than gas or diesel within 25 years it is very likely that there will be a complete collapse of world civilization. If we are very lucky within 50 years after that our world civilizations will resemble both in technology and population earth between 1850 and 1900. That is not to say that things like hydrogen power, wind power and hydroelectric dams won't exist.
Therefore the best way to prevent a complete collapse of civilization basically back to the 1850's to 1890's hydrogen power, and other alternative fuels need to be developed.
So once again if 50% of the world's vehicles(land,air,water) are not powered by something other than gas or diesel (or any other oil based products) by 2030 to 2035 world civilization is likely to collapse. If it doesn't regroup into something relatively sane within 100 years then don't expect to see electricity used again by more than 1% of the people for about 10,000 years to 20,000 years.
You might say to me, "You're Crazy!" However, have you thought about what will happen if gasoline and diesel were so expensive to drill for that it cost in todays dollars: $10 a gallon? How about $20 to $50 a gallon. Just talk to any oilman worth his salt and he'll tell you that we have at best 10 to 20 years before we see those kinds of prices in todays dollars! Do the real research! I have!
Though much of the world is dumbed down by meaningless TV news I am not!
Part 2 of above article
The other thing I wanted to say is that if there is a world collapse of technological civilization I would like to say that the poorest nations of the world initially will fare the best at first. However, the next thing that happens is that all food shipped in from other countries becomes so expensive no one can afford to buy it. So for the poorest nations the only way to survive will be to have water, tillable land and seeds to plant your own food.
The countries that will fare the worst in this collapse will be the developing countries. This is because a collapse will completely collapse their infrastructure and be a disaster for their people.
The countries that will fare the best will be countries like the United States, Canada and western europe. The main reason is that all these governments are rich enough to maintain reserves of gasoline and diesel for their armies and for emergencies. However, the common people in these rich countries won't fare very well, especially those who live in metropolitan areas and don't know country survival skills. In time those who survive worldwide will adapt and do whatever is necessary to survive for themselves and their friends and their families. Those who are the most dependant on electricity will fare the worst worldwide
However, by simply demanding fuels other than gasoline and diesel from your governments now through grass roots demonstrations and writing your congressmen and senators we can create a world civilization that doesn't have to collapse at all!
Fred? What's really going to happen?
I have often asked myself that question. Most of what I write here at my website is about trying to give people enough tools so the future can work for all our descendants. That is really what it's all about for me.
However, if I were to guestimate the future it would go something like this. A few people have brilliant ideas in how to save us. They are then marginalised or outright killed by the moneyed powers that be on earth. It has always been this way. If those on top can't make enough money with it the inventors simply disapear. Wow! Where did they go? They were here just yesterday?
My father told me of two different men that just disapeared in the 1920's. One had a way of tapping the magnetic field of earth anywhere. He had two poles that rose from his electric car that could be driven anywhere on earth for free.
The second story was of a man that had invented a pill that you drop in water that converts the water to fuel that would run in any car or truck. Same thing. As soon as anyone powerful found out about it the man, the plans, the test vehicle all disapeared.
The same is true of people who develope things like free water power. I was on the internet and found these two sites showing basically how its done.
If you remember reading in another article of mine an idea about placing fans on a car to use as generators. It turns out that great minds think alike. Here is someone who had the same idea and built a prototype:
Now Back to Hydrogen. My thought is if one had an Onan motorhome power generator one could manufacture enough hydrogen directly from water to drive literally anywhere for very little money in gasoline to power the generator. The real problem is oil companies and auto companies letting you live long enough to mass produce such a device. They don't care if you make one for yourself. Just don't dare to mass produce one or you and your plans will disapear just like thousands of other inventors and plans and devices for centuries or more.
Because of this one factor of greed and a very ignorant short sighted greed at that, most of humanity will die because most or all of the inventions that could actually save humanity from extinction will be stopped by the rich, fearful and monopolisticly greedy. That is a historic and ongoing fact of life. Only if the greedy wake up and realize it is their children or grandchildren who are going to die horribly along with all the rest of humanity in the crises to come will this ever change!
The Young Geniuses
The young geniuses were ready for graduation. This scene is playing out around the world in may and June of 2007. They are proud to have succeeded. They are happy to have such a green school. They are ready to face the world.
However, today, Jonathan is there too. He is wearing his amythest ring and Swiss Army watch for Elohar and Ragna to home in on. Elohar and Ragna lift the whole amphitheatre up into the ship. Though the experience will affect the lives of all present no one will remember it except in their dreams except Jonathan, Elohar and Ragna. This group of young geniuses is instrumental in creating a future in which the human race can survive with both culture and technology intact. In many ways they are the first wave of the future of earth. These young geniuses share one quality in common. They are different thinkers. In other words they are unlikely to use linear concepts except in intuitive quantum jumping contexts. This way of thinking instantly tends to create evolved solutions that don't have to wait linearly like someone counting to 100 by 1's. Instead an intuitive counts 1--100--1000--1million, thereby bypassing thousands of minutes, hours and days of thinking and counting to get to 1 million by ones. The world needs these kinds of geniuses now as there is no time left to fart around. By the time most people get through messing around counting there will be no human race left. So it's time for the quantum jumps. It's time for the intuitives. It's time for the real Einsteinian geniuses to save us before it's too late!
The Real UFO Story
Everything I write at this website is my personal experience and truth. This includes what I write about UFO's and their occupants. I try to introduce the reader to the fact that the main reasons that the United States Government, the United Nations and most other world powers and governments do not readily accept or recognize UFO's is that they would also then have to admit that there are other governing bodies that are stronger than they are.
Though these Stronger governing bodies usually have a basic non-interference policy with earth they do draw the line with us nuking ourselves out of existence. Their demands are mainly that we don't destroy the planet or make it uninhabitable for human or other lifeforms. Other than that they don't believe in interfering that much.
Because of this the United States, The United Nations, the other great powers of earth can act like they are really in charge which is accepted by the Galaxy. However, we don't have the right to destroy earth completely according to galactic law.
The second thing involved in all this is that most circular ufo's and some others have the capacity of folding both time and space. This de facto means that they can literally go from this space and time to almost any other space and time past, present and future. Since the United States Government, Russia, Britain, Germany, France and a few other countries have built copies of this type of vehicle talking openly about the almost infinite ramifications of this regarding world history past, present and future would be horrific for most people on earth to discuss would be very problematic for these nations. For the world to fully realize that everything is basically a monopoly run by those on earth and beyond who control such ships would teach the world just how unfair the present world system really is. There would be a lot more that the present WTO rioting if all knew what I know.
However, world chaos is not my objective in sharing this with you. My idea is: "To be forewarned is to be forearmed" or "Know the truth and the truth will set you free" as it has me. Knowledge is power! Use it wisely. Stay alive!
The Line Drawn in the Sand
The line that Bush and Blair and all the others have drawn in the sand is a success. However, the wars so far are a failure. However, maybe what is most important long term is the line drawn in the sand. I believe as a psychic and as a student of history that the Free world has bought itself maybe another 50 years. However, what has changed is that just like during Viet Nam the United States is not one of the two most hated nations on earth(Soviet Union and United States during Viet Nam). Now the United States has the distinction of becoming The most hated nation on earth. But I must say with most nations it is a love hate relationship as if the world were the wife of the rich husband(Uncle Sam). So even the hate is more like a marriage hate-love relationship than anything else. But for any of you that have spent 30 years or more being married like myself the sooner the United States finds a way to kiss and make up with the rest of the free civilized world the better off everyone will be! Because if you are a student of history like me you know what happens to husbands who don't make amends!
I was having a conversation recently with a friend regarding honesty. I was saying that every quality that helped humans survive to be alive today has a good side and a bad side. My friend said, "What about dishonesty?" I said, "Dishonesty is how people survive in most of the world today. Because we live in an affluent nation we have the luxury of being honest. However, even then it is not wise to give people a sword to destroy your life with. I would say the single most important thing is to be honest with yourself. What you tell other people is your own business but in general the more honest one can be with oneself and one's significant others whether they be friends or mates the higher the quality of not only their lives will be but also the longer their lives will be. However, to create a quality life like this, one must carefully choose not only their friends but their significant others otherwise all this is basically meaningless. For if your friends aren't really your friends and really seek to harm or mess up your life, all this doesn't work at all.
Cyclone Gonu
First of all this Cyclone(hurricane) is to the middle east a little like Hurricane Katrina was to the U.S. It is not as devastating in real terms. However, for people who have never even seen a hurricane in their lifetime it can be as horrifying as for people who are in an earthquake for the first time. There has never been a Cyclone(hurricane) like this in more than 60 years since such things started to be recorded by western civilization in that part of the world. If you are interested in what is happening or has happened there I suggest you go to and type in Cyclone Gonu. So far as I write this at least 23 people have died in Oman and Iran from this cyclone. Because there is less infrastructure in these areas than most parts of the U.S. there are likely to be many more deaths and injuries even though they might not be reported in western media.
I have been studying this cyclone because it affects world oil supply. Also, it will really freak out a lot of people in the middle east and mullahs will capitalize on it in an apocalyptic sense so get ready!
I was thinking this morning that I wanted to share some of my ideas with readers. For me, His Oneness is not only the King of Shamballa(king of the world) but also a being known by some as the Great Divine Director and the Lord Maha Chohan and maybe known to some as the Ancient of Days.
Arcane is the beginning of the being that eventually becomes known as Saint Germain. However, in real time Arcane doesn't become Saint Germain until he is about 3000 to 5000 years old in real time(the time he actually lives) not linear time because he is an ongoing time traveler even now, even though he and his Onesness eventually become the same being through the Time Pool given to His Oneness by the Galactic Sentience. This does in no way negate Arcane's or Saint Germain's real presence in all times since the time of Christ up until about 10,000 AD. It also is true that after thousands of years of interacting with all of us in infinite ways he eventually merges with his Oneness through the Time Pool.
Also, though it is also true that His Oneness, Arcane, Eridian, and Jonathan are all the same soul, it is best said in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition that they are all "of one taste with each other". The has many Mahayana and Vajrayana traditions and meanings.
When I was given a Phowa initiation in about 1984 I was told by the Lama that if the initiation "took" that I would begin to remember the lives of all the saints as if they were my own. This actually began to happen. At first I found it disorienting and confusing. However, soon I became at peace with being one with all the Saints and Masters who were compassionate in the universe. I cannot overemphasize how amazing and important this experience is not only for me but for all who are interested in becoming enlightened in this profound and amazing way!
It all begins with developing right mindful compassion for all beings in the universe. This is not just an intellectual experience this must also become a real emotional experience as well. Once one trains oneself to habitually experience compassion like a mother or father has for his or her children toward all life in the universe then one is capable of joining totally with all the Saints and compassionate Masters in the universe without dying. However, to successfully do this one must have realized completely compassion for all life in the universe.
When I originally met Flame I was sitting in a bathtub in a hotel in Kahului near the Airport on Maui. At first I just could not relate to a 10 foot tall octopus that was telepathing with me. Then Flame said we were two manifestations of the same soul. At that point I became interested in interspecies communication. I sensed intuitively that Flame was correct about us being two manifestations of the same soul. This experience was late 1989 or early 1990. Then Flame began to tell me of his experiences in his life.
He told me how his seed ancestor, that some called Prototype or Forunner, lived in Monterey Bay Aquarium in the 1980's and that I had seen Prototype while visiting there. Flame said that Prototype was very friendly and playful and his caretakers became very attached to prototype and so there became many little prototypes that shared prototypes behaviors and genetics. Over hundreds of years Prototypes descendants became genetically modified for both intelligence and the capacity to use tools specially developed for them to disarm mines, bombs and missiles underwater. Prototypes descendants proved more reliable in this than most robots or humans. Also, human life was considered more precious. Eventually, Flame said that robots and Flame like octopi were sent to colonize and to terraform and modify a water planet. However, something happened and all the humans died and all the robotic power sources wore out and the octopi were left alone to be the only really intelligent species there. So after a terrifying beginning they formed societies much like humans underwater and learned to fashion their own tools and eventually developed space travel and time travel. They formed other colonies 6 to 10 million years ago when there were more ideal planets for them in our galaxy on water planets.
When I saw Galaxy Quest I noticed that Flame like Octopi were the thermians. I was pleased to see Flame's relatives depicted. However, they aren't naive like the thermians were. The ones that survived all the changes were and are very pragmatic and when they visit earth see the octopi here now about the way we view chimpanzees, lemurs and monkeys.
The Next 50 years
As a precognitive psychic I am now writing. Whether you support George Bush or not it must be recognized that by drawing a line in the sand so to speak he has bought the free world another 50 years of existence just like Roosevelt and Truman and Churchill and all the others bought the free world another 50 years of freedom which ended around the turn of the century(1995 to be exact). The same is true of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Bush says that Iraq will be like Korea. However, where is the demilitarized zone in Iraq?
When I look forward Iraq and the whole middle east gets much more complicated. However, weather changes slowly but surely overtake that problem. Another problem that overtakes Iraq is a new cold war with Russia and China. The cold war with china will be over resources, specifically oil. The cold war with Russia will be over stature and things like the U.S. putting missiles in Poland. Remember it is a cold war (more of a war of words and propaganda) The cold wars are all fought with secret agents or fighter jets breaking the sound barrier over russian trawlers whose boilers explode and whose sailors eardrums break. This was the nature of the last cold war. Expect this sort of thing from now on with China and Russia. In the meantime expect all these things to be overshadowed with flooding, drought, and serious weather changes worldwide.
All sorts of chaos will result from the poorest people mainly dying in droves and the feelings of survivors guilt by all the richer nations. Many strange ways of coping will be developed by the richer nations as more and more die. The first way that is already obvious is that most news tv stations simply will refuse to report all the increasing deaths. Second, more and more people around the world will simply metaphorically bury their heads in the sand until it is their turn to die, or their friends or their children, and so on and so on.
China's most serious International problem
If one studies history there are two or more reasons that tend to create wars. The first reason is competition for resources and the second reason is a variation of this. China's most single pressing problem is 20 to 30 year old males who cannot find wives. In order to prevent either a revolution in China or a war for Taiwan which could be disastrous for most people on earth wives need to be found for most of the men who are between 18 and 35 who have no hope of finding a wife. As in most countries getting laid if you have enough money isn't a real problem but finding a wife is if you are in China. This is one of the consequences of only allowing one child which usually is forced to be a boy.
The following articles were mostly written in May 2007
Cloud Seeding For Australia
May 17th 2007
I was thinking today that cloud seeding for rain might be a useful idea for Australia and other countries wealthy enough to afford such technology. To reduce costs one could use diverse means of cloud seeding from hot air balloons to drones. Innovative and inexpensive ways could be developed. For example, many farmers have planes in the outback. Those with twin engine planes or single engine planes that can carry a large payload could be temporarily or permanently converted to cloud seeders to create rain and financed by local or federal governments.
I borrowed the following from my poems page because I like it and because my wife just gave me the new Einstein book "Einstein: His life and Universe by Walter Isaacson for my birthday. It is my personal belief that since Einstein was such a free thinker and different thinker and somewhat of a rebel that he got the idea of E=MC2 from soul travelling on a beam of light at the speed of light. I believe that when he did this he realized that time space was not at all what most people believed at the time. Since he was mathematically capable he formulated his now famous E=MC2 which has drastically affected all life on earth and eventually led to space travel. The human race is just beginning!
"Imagination is more important than knowledge!"- Einstein
This statement is true because knowledge and answers are the same. Answers can only be important in one context or one continuum.
whereas imagination has more to do with asking questions
Children should be taught how to formulate useful questions from their imaginations.
The ability to formulate useful questions constantly creates answers in all contexts and continuums.
However, the horror of paradoxes must be overcome if one is going to continually ask questions
The universe is full of a seeming infinite amount of paradoxes and the ability to contain these paradoxes without going mad
is necessary to embark on a life path of being a truth seeker no matter where the truth leads.
Otherwise one can quickly reach complete confusion born of the seemingly infinite paradoxes one encounters.
Global Warming Hampers CO2 Absorbtion in Southern Ocean
May 17th 2007;_ylt=AraJmy3wSRxvRHE1fPCI6iADW7oF
Please paste above article if interested. Since the Southern Ocean near Antarctica has reached it's CO2 absorbtion capacity and since it generally absorbs 15% of total world CO2 this is a very serious issue.
Fill Your Car Up with Aluminum?
May 18th 2007;_ylt=AsW5RBqRpBmZfFwvR86rS9UDW7oF
I experimented with breaking down water by electrolisis by taking leads directly from my truck battery into a container of water mounted on my air filter to my engine. By funneling the hydrogen and oxygen directly into my air intake for my engine I thought I could increase my mileage. However, since I didn't notice any difference in mileage I eventually gave up the idea. However, IN the above internet article the problem of hydrgen storage is addressed by the aluminum and gallium pellets much of the "Hindenburg" problem with Hydrogen storage is addressed. I was thinking that if the water vapor created by hydrogen combustion was condensed and collected after combustion that the water could be stored for watering plants or if it was pure enough for drinking by the passengers in the car or trucks it was generated from. If that wasn't practical then the vapor would tend to join with all the other water vapor generated at that time from all the hydrogen vehicles and likely affect climate in a variety of ways, hopefully in a good way.
Quotes from Einstein:His Life and Universe by Walter Isaacson
May 18th 2007
This quote is on the 2nd page of the book I loved the way the ideas fit together so I'm sharing it with you: "Now that his (einstein's) archives have been completely opened, it is possible to explore how the private side of Einstein--his nonconformist personality, his instincts as a rebel, his curiosity, his passions and detachments--entertwined with his political side and his scientific side. Knowing about the man helps us understand the wellsprings of his science, and vice versa. Character and imagination and creative genius were all related, as if part of some unified field." unquote.
I think a lot of us can relate to those thoughts and feelings. I myself realized the only way for me to survive was to become a rebel even if that sometimes was in secret. Growing up in the 50's it was hard to be a rebel even then if one wished to survive let alone succeed.
World Without Oil?
May 18th 2007
My son told me about an interesting website called World without oil.
Please paste if interested. Since easy oil out of the ground is now peaking between 2007 and 2010 the price is driven by demand and greedy oil companies. However, after oil peaks whenever that is the price will also be driven by less and less supply. At that point 10 dollar to 20 dollar per barrel oil is to be expected. So Get ready world!
My Experiences With God
May 19th 2007
I have consciously been seeking Oneness with God since I was 15 years old. Before that I wanted to be with God but I was scared. At 15 I merged with God or much better said "God Merged with me!" When that happened and I didn't die I was surprised to be alive. It took a lot of time to get used to God living inside my body with me. It was like having an Angel live inside my body all the time. Because of this I could have divine perceptions simaltaneously with worldly perceptions. But because of this Angel of God living inside my body with me 24 hours a day, more and more I was guided toward decisions that led me to God and away from decisions that would have led to my early death.
When I fell in love and knew it the first time and then that love ended I felt destroyed. So I asked God to appear to me or I would kill myself. Within a few days I somehow was in a place that reminded me of the Orion Nebula. I didn't understand at the time how I got there. The being that created my soul was there. I said, "Why did you Create me?" The God that created me said, "I created you because I was _____" (At the time I thought the blank was "bored" but upon reflection I realize since God was telepathing with me the concept of the blank was: "I created you because I was empty/lonely/needed to create you." Any or all of those words could explain what God was saying to me including "bored". The sense I got from the being that created me was that it did not live inside what we call time. The being was neither male nor female and it was both strong like a traditional male and very aware and sensitive like a traditional female all at the same time. It related to me like I was its child and it showed great concern like a parent for my well being.
More quotes from Isaacson's Einstein book
begin quote bottom page 6 "A society's competitive advantage will come not from how well its schools teach the multiplication and periodic tables, but from how well they stimulate imagination and creativity. Next paragraph still in quotes top page 7
Therein lies the key, I think to Einstein's brilliance and the lessons of his life. As a young student he never did well with rote learning. And later, as a theorist, his success came not from the brute strength of his mental processing power but from his imagination and creativity. He could construct complex equations, but more important, he knew that math is the language nature uses to describe her wonders. So he could visualize how equations were reflected in realities--how the electromagnetic field equations discovered by James Clerk Maxwell, for example, would manifest themselves to a boy riding alongside a light beam. As he once declared, "Imagination is more important than knowledge." end quote.
I myself would say it slightly differently because I don't have a degree in physics and I come from another era than Einstein. I would say, "The ability to allow yourself to see anywhere anywhen in any situation and then to test the accuracy of your abilities IS the key not to only the future of mankind but also the survival of mankind wherever they are and wherever they go in the universe!"
One balanced intelligent person of every family, every tribe, every nation needs not only to be able to do this effeciently but needs to be listened to if we are going to survive as the human race on earth or elsewhere.
What Really is Going On isn't that Obvious
The average person may not know the intricacies of keeping relative peace in the world. As a psychic I can see many things that might not be obvious to most of you. I think the single most important thing I can say would be that there are many groups both governmental and corporate that are covert that have what I could best call mercenaries in action in all countries on earth. Because most of these mercenaries are not accountable to any government the situation is actually quite complicated. So if all of you can just realize that national governments are all relatively token in nature and that the real power now on earth is wielded by multinational corporations who are accountable to no one and to no government, then one begins to understand the dangers and the problems humans of earth all face in surviving Global warming.
Covert Organizations like my fictional UNUS
Covert organizations like UNUS(that I have written about) actually exist and because they do it is very unlikely any of us on earth will experience a nuclear blast. It is much more likely that we will experience droughts, hurricanes, tsunamis, earth changes, sea level rise, flooding and Noah like experiences. This is just the living sentient being earth shaking off an over abundance of what earth would call her pet lice(humans). Though she gets lonely and likes the company, she can't really survive for hundreds of years or more with more than about 500 million humans on the surface. She could survive much longer with many billion just under the surface if humans tore down all above ground structures and used the surface only for air travel and walking and boating but I believe the possibility of that is less than 10% actual in reality. So the best I can tell you is that we are headed for 500 million or less within the next few thousand years. It could come as soon as 500 years so hang on!
Memorial Day
I found myself with my family and father in law watching,(since he is a world war II navy veteran) a pbs memorial day special as well as a Bill Moyers memorial day special and other pbs memorial day stuff. I found myself crying through a lot of the death and loss of people from World War II all the way to the present Iraq and Afghanistan war. I found this cathartic for me as many in my life have passed this last year though not in war.
The hardest death to bear this last year for me was my oldest friend of childhood. I had met him when I was 6 and he 8 and we attended sunday school together. My parents were lay ministers of our church in Los Angeles and my friends mother, sister and he were members of the church since before I arrived with my parents at age 6. Since my friend was from a rich family and I a more blue collar family (my Dad was an Electrical Contractor during the week and a minister nights and weekends) I was greatly influenced by my friend Richard who chose both humor and philosophy in his teens. I greatly enjoyed his humor and his upper class philosophical approach to life. So on a peer level toward education my friend, Richard headed me toward college like my cousin who became a very successful lawyer. My cousin is 5 years older than I and Richard was about 2 years older than I.
When mutual friend who is an elderly psychic lady from our church who is a mutual friend of Richard's and I for at least since 1969 or earlier called me and was very concerned she couldn't get Richard on the phone for a week or two at first I said, "He'll call soon. He'll show up." But secretly I didn't feel quite right about the whole thing. At the time I was at a rodeo east of the Sierras watching a friend's daughter compete. So I answered her call on cellphone. After being away the weekend I left messages on all 4 of his phone numbers that I knew both cells, business and home with no luck. Monday, when I hadn't heard from him by noon I realized I had to call his sister in Texas, his next of kin. I told her we were worried about him so she called the police. Within an hour they had found his body. He had passed on a week or more before alone in his townhouse in the San Fernando Valley in Los angeles County.
Though he had been married twice, his first wife had passed on in a swimming accident and his next wife and he had been separated a few years. I was upset he died all alone with no one there.
I suppose like most people I hope for a "good" death. So far, no one I know has had one. I have heard of people passing on in sleep next to a loved one but never known anyone that lucky in actuality. It is unsettling how unkind death seems to be for most people. I think we do ourselves as a culture a disservice to expect otherwise. Death is a part of living and if it isn't faced properly then it is an aspect just of insanity for our culture. If one cannot face death head on then one cannot face life with any meaning at all!
Multinational corporations: Warlords of Earth!
I was thinking about the very useful comparison of multinational corporations and the ancient form of order called Warlords. Warlords just like multinational corporations are not loyal to any country likewise they are not loyal to every country. In this sense they are like warlords. Warlords tend to rape and pillage areas and fight with other warlords. With todays multinational mercenaries, lawyers, bodyguards and the like they also fit the description of warlords. And also like warlords if one CEO is gotten rid of like Ken Lay of Enron, there are still hundreds or even thousands of CEO's (head warlords) to take their place.
Unlike Warlords, however, Multinationals are a legal fiction designed to make money for their investors. If multinationals don't make money for their investors they cease to exist.
I also feel a useful comparison can be made between the warlords of Afghanistan and what is happening there. For example, the governments fighting warlords in Afghanistan are very much like the governments trying to deal with Multinationals worldwide. Since multinationals buy anyone they want or if they can't such people tend to disappear or at the very least if they don't get bought or disappear then they are discredited publicly.
There would be no real purpose for me in writing all this except that this dynamic will definitely interfere with preventing climate change and global warming. A completely new business model must be created in order for life on earth to survive what is coming!
Legendary Truth!
In my journals I'm writing both as a psychic and a researcher. On any given day I'm writing about things that I spiritually sense will help you and I and the human race survive and prosper without major wars for thousands and thousands of years. That is the purpose of my writing. In this sense I see myself over thousands of years as having been, being and will be one of the protectors of the human race on earth and out into the universe. By sharing what I do at my journal (1&2) I help create a future for all life on earth ongoing.
In my writings like "Memories" and sequels I am sharing what is directly channeled in a way that I see as very much like Fred's Bible of the past 6 million years and up to 1,000,000 years into the future. You may ask: How can anyone know such things? There have always been some of us with gifts that work that have found a way both to attain and then to maintain balance that have always been there for humans and there will always be some of us alive for humans for millions of years to come wherever we may go from here.
Many or most people might discount these gifts. However, I know from personal experience that there are at least 100 to 1000 people who can recognize the truth when they see it for every one of us that can actually see the truth on into the future as well as into the past. It is primarily for these 100 to 1000 that I write that the seed of the human race lives on in a beneficent way wherever we may all go! Not only that the 100 to 1000 is within any ten year period. If you take, for example, 1000 people for every 10 years and multiply by 10,000 to 1 million years there is a lot of positive change that is possible, probable and then actual!
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