Wednesday, December 13, 2023

From my point of view as a lifelong intuitive and precognitive psychic the Green Sphere used by Saint Germain is a real thing

It's very different being a full intuitive and trained all my life in this by Saint Germain since before I was born so I understand how different this is for many people to understand.

So, this is why I try to be compassionate to others and understanding of how they might perceive this whoever they are.

If you understand that there are beings Like Saint Germain who can literally go to any time or space instantly including other galaxies, it might make you feel safer knowing that there are Saints that can do this.

However, their point of view is not to change everything because after all Good and Bad and Neutral karma both group and individual and national are all interfacing all the time.

So, other than preventing the destruction of the major cultures on earth and preventing complete human extinction here on earth of human beings, they do what they can to maintain the civilizations on earth with a minimum of interference in the activities of mankind in general.

However, they do prevent global holocausts of one kind or another but they don't prevent things like Covid-19 or some wars but nuclear wars are all retroactively prevented.

What does retroactively prevented mean?

It means that after the nuke occurs that takes out a city, country or the world it is then prevented so we don't have to experience that outcome all the time.

However, if you dream about nuclear holocausts it is likely that for some reason you are remembering civilization being nuked before they saved your lives by changing time lines.

People who create these nuclear holocausts or other extinction events are disappeared out of time lines.

That is a polite way of saying that they were never born to begin with on the present timeline.

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