Thursday, September 20, 2018

Memories Chapter 14 His Oneness Goes to New Deva


Memories Chapter 14 His Oneness Goes to New Deva

His Oneness was amazed that Meridian had delivered his new Blue Sphere which was a duplicate of Arcane's to Shamballa for him. It would open up many new doors and be helpful in ways amazing in his work as a "Oneness" and as a Time Lord of Earth. Both these duties are a part of being both a Oneness of a planet and also it's Time Lord of all it's timelines as well. Now with the "Time Pool" he could move to any time (or Timeline) in Earth's existence to do specific work instantly. This would make everything he needed to do about 100 times easier for him in the short and long run. Since just like Arcane he wasn't allowed to know the power source and because theoretically the Blue Sphere could never run out of power (as long as it was in the Solar System or in a planetary system with a Sun it meant it never could "Run out of Gas" so to speak as long as he was using it within or between planetary systems with a sun resident there.

The Galactic Sentience had told him that the Oracle was nervous about His Oneness beginning the training of Young Arcane with Old Arcane's help but at core His Oneness knew that Old Arcane, having become a Master Time Changer in the Vein of a Saint Representing the Galaxy through the Galactic Time Guard likely had solved this problem already.

However, as a "Oneness" he could create a type of "Continuity" between all of New Deva's new time lines that Arcane hadn't been already trained doing for thousands and thousands of years integrating time lines already like His Oneness of Earth had, not only for New Deva's timelines but also a continuity for Young Arcane, Old Arcane and the Present Oracle of New Deva as well.

Time continuity was an art as well as a science as His Oneness knew quite well by now.

He notified "The Oracle of New Deva" that he would be arriving after Old Arcane, Young Arcane and the Oracle conferred.

He summoned the Blue Sphere and boarded it and asked it to take him to New Deva at the opportune moment and he was there in the room in perfect timing.

The Oracle and Young Arcane looked a little stunned but Old Arcane was just glad to see his old friend, "His Oneness of Earth".

Old Arcane stood up and formally introduced the them all.

"Your Holiness, Oracle of New Deva, this is the physical being "His Oneness" representative of The Galactic Sentience from Earth. And Young Arcane this is your new Teacher who will help you to become a Oneness along with the Oracle and Myself now."

The Oracle, Young Arcane, bowed to HIs Oneness in greeting to a representative of the Galactic Sentience from Earth.

The Oracle Said, "I am honored "Your Oneness" and am glad to receive you here in my formal chambers on New Deva."

His Oneness Smiled, "Please feel free to sit down and move around the room as you wish. This will be an informal get together for now as we all get to know each other. I'm sure all of you have some questions for me."

Old Arcane said, "Did the Galactic Sentience know that Young Arcane would have to become a "Oneness" recently?"

This was a loaded question His Oneness knew and that Old Arcane would be required to ask it because of his teacher, The Oracle of New Deva being present in this moment.

His Oneness smiled: "I don't really know the answer to this question but my advice to all of you is to not to ask this question of the Galactic Sentience directly ever."

Old Arcane laughed because this was the answer he thought he might get.

The Oracle and Old Arcane shared telling glances at this point but also smiled because they had likely on one level come to the same conclusion before and this was just "Saving lives" in a safe way to have this question asked by the His Oneness rather than stupidly asking this question of the Galactic Sentience when in the end it would be in NO One's interest in the end that it be asked at all.

His Oneness said:"It's good you asked this question that I might protect you all from the consequences if you asked the "Galactic Sentience".

Old Arcane said, "I thought this might be the case and thought in the interests of all present that asking you would be the best course of action."

His Oneness: "It Was."

His Oneness went on, "To see The Galactic Sentience as a literal God like Zeus which the Greeks called him might be useful here. The Galactic Sentience is an all knowing powerful being that can know every thought of any sentient being in the Galaxy and sometimes beyond the Galaxy too. The Galaxy is also a sentient thing as well. So, if you see the Galaxy as something like a Jellyfish in the ocean only our galaxy in space and then see The Galactic Sentience as this Galaxy jellyfish's brain then you get a better picture of how it works. The Galactic Sentience decides who lives and dies in his body, the Galaxy. So, from his point of view anything that isn't working or isn't efficient in his body is eliminated as he becomes aware of it."

Young Arcane said, "Wow!"

His Oneness smiled at such a direct response as you might only get from a teenager in a situation like this one.

The Oracle just looked a little stunned but at the same time he and all the other Oracles also sort of knew this or they would have also been incinerated on the spot thousands of years ago at this point.

Old Arcane said, "That is an amazing way to look at it! I find this perception very useful. Also, I wasn't fully aware that The Galactic Sentience was literally Zeus in the Greek Pantheon."

His Oneness: "He is Odin too!"

Old Arcane: "That makes complete sense to me now!"

The Oracle: "Though I have heard about Zeus and Odin I'm not that familiar with them."

Old Arcane felt like he should chime in at this point and said. "Though I didn't live in Ancient Greece I have had to visit there as well as Jesus in various countries from Israel to India while he was growing up to age 30. So, I know a little about Zeus and his wife Hera and Zeus' son Hercules who is half man half God by an earthling.

His Oneness: "You do know most of that is folklore, right?"

Old Arcane: "Of course. But I was trying to put all this in context for the Oracle and Young Arcane. Maybe your perspective might be better, Your Oneness?"

His Oneness: "What is important to know is that The Galactic Sentience resembles in some ways both Zeus and Odin in many ways."

"However, the common people in both Greece and Nordic times didn't have scientific educations on any level yet and so it couldn't be that advanced. Except for the Seers of the time most couldn't figure out exactly what a God was and wasn't at the time. Most people on earth or even New Deva wouldn't understand the subtleties of all this. And that's one reason why I'm here because you three will have to deal directly with the Galactic Sentience from now on throughout the rest of your lives whether that be hundreds or thousands of years or more from this point on."

"So, formal training is necessary to be able to survive contact with the Galactic Sentience, just like formal training is necessary to survive contact with any God imagined or actual in some ways."

"A God might be good but that doesn't mean a God isn't dangerous also to your survival if you offend that God whether that God is male or female or non-specific in gender or something else",  said His Oneness.

Old Arcane was referring to Young Arcane primarily but knew that by talking to all three in this way it would make Young Arcane less 'on the spot' and more like a part of a group being lectured by a Oneness.

His Oneness sighed, "At this point I'm going to do something and this will require a "psychological death" for you young Arcane. So, I'm preparing you for an initiation. Do you trust me? Reach out with your senses into my consciousness. Do you trust me with your life?"

Young Arcane: "Do I have to?"

His Oneness: "This is sort of like joining the military in which you might die. Do you understand?"

Tears came to Young Arcane's eyes. "Will I ever be just me here anymore?"

His Oneness: "You will be everything you are now but more much more in consciousness. However, I need to you reach out with your senses into my consciousness. Now, experience what I experienced on Earth and in the center of the Galaxy when I was trained for a long time to become a Oneness. Can you experience that aspect of my life?"

Young Arcane: "It's terrifying but Yes I can see your life and experience. Lemurian Earth Culture is so different and alien I'm almost fainting just from the contrast to New Devan Culture."

His Oneness: "Take your time. Don't overwhelm yourself. Just go back to when I was born and take 5 minutes to grow up as I did with my experiences. Can you do that?"

Young Arcane: "I am."

Young Arcane's body shuddered. Old Arcane and the Oracle knew that they had to stand back from this. Young Arcane would have to succeed on his own with only His Oneness's help.

The Oracle was afraid for young Arcane because he knew how intense this was going to be for him. He would never be the same ever again. He sighed.

5 to 10 minutes later His Oneness said, "We 4 are now ready to enter the blue sphere. We go directly to the presence of the Galactic Sentience now. I ask all of you not to utter one single word, even young Arcane. You three will all be sort of blown away by this and the Galactic Sentience doesn't expect any of you to speak either. It will be unlike anything any of you have ever experienced before."

Since I became a "Oneness" over 40,000 years ago in Lemuria there have been many refinements to the process. A Oneness can become a Oneness Instantly now. So, I need you Young Arcane to be Fearless. I need you to shut off your capacity for fear completely. I need you to be like a soldier prepared completely to die in battle if necessary refusing to be afraid and focused completely on the goal here. Okay?"

It's a normal response to be afraid. It's about not allowing your fear to grow uncontrollably. So, it's not about stopping all fear it is in controlling your fear so you can function still.

Young Arcane had girded himself for this. It was do or die he knew now. "Can Arcane and the Oracle help me?" said Young Arcane half pleadingly?"

His Oneness: "Their presence and mine will assure that you succeed. There can be no failure today because all of us are present. I took years to do this myself when I was young. This is a new and always successful technique. However, if you fear you will die. This is what you need to know. You have to release all fear for this to work. Are you ready?"

Young Arcane nodded as the 4 of them boarded the Blue sphere and headed for the Center of the Galaxy.

As the 4 of them were on board the Blue Sphere of His Oneness he said, "It's a lot like letting yourself go to sleep when a lot is going on in your life. You know you need to sleep for your body to function and all these things are happening in your life and you just have to let go an let it happen."

Young Arcane suddenly relaxed. As a teenager he was good at going to sleep almost anywhere anytime.

His Oneness: "Also, I need to share something that is completely paradoxical to everything I shared so far. The Galactic Sentience also doesn't consider himself to be a God. He knows some beings think of him this way but this isn't how he perceives himself for a variety of reasons."

Young Arcane: "Well. Is he a God or Not?"

His Oneness: "That's the Spirit, Young Arcane! This was my question at your age too. Do you know the answer I got?"

Young Arcane: "No!"

His Oneness: "This is what he told me. He said that beings who perceived him as God he thought of as quaint uneducated beings who likely needed to believe in a God. But, that's not how he sees himself. He sees himself a lot like a Gardener of the galaxy. He pulls out the weeds and makes everything run more smoothly. This is how he sees himself as a gardener. I was so amazed it took me a week to deal with this concept. But, now I have become familiar with it I'm used to how he sees his place in the Universe."

Young Arcane: "Wow! This is one for the books. Most people couldn't deal with this at all who believe in God on New Deva or likely on Earth either."

His Oneness: "You are absolutely right! This is why we don't usually spread this knowledge around unless people have had personal experiences with the Galactic Sentience on this Level."

Young Arcane: "So we are not supposed to share this information with the masses on earth or New Deva?"

His Oneness: "That's right!"

Something was touching Old Arcane's memories regarding the feeling he had right now. That's it! It was when he was banished to Earth by Tech Noir after being tortured by his people on Isfahel while Tech Noir tortured Ah Ray In to death.

His Oneness looked at Old Arcane and said, "Yes. I understand Old Arcane but I'm not sure those thoughts are useful to what we must endure now."

Old Arcane Laughed because he knew His Oneness was right. This was no longer about his needs or experiences this was all about Young Arcane's future on the new timeline.

Old Arcane nodded and said, "I'm ready whenever the rest of you are."

At that exact moment His Oneness willed the ship to where the Galactic Sentience was in the core of the Galaxy.

As they exited the Blue Sphere they could see the Black Hole in the center of the Galaxy slowly eating planets and whatever else was being drawn into the black hole which is what you are going to see at the center of each and every galaxy. Galaxies don't exist without the drawing gravitational power of a black hole holding the whole thing together by the way as everything orbits the center of the Galaxy.

It was very surrealistic for them all. Only His Oneness had spent years here training when he was a young man not much older than Young Arcane.

They were walking and all of a sudden His Oneness said, "Here are basically welding glasses that you will need in the presence of the Galactic sentience. He is not a physical corporeal being like the rest of us. He doesn't need to breathe air for example, he doesn't need to eat food (at least as we know it) also. So, this will be different than anything you have ever experienced before"

Soon they were all in a big Rainbow of light and energy and very glad they had these welding type glasses on so they all didn't go blind from the experience.

NO words were spoken. His Oneness stood in front of Young Arcane and the Oracle to his left and Old Arcane to his right. Somehow the Oracle and Old Arcane knew to grab each an arm of young Arcane to buffer him in the electrical rainbow of walking inside of a God?"

This lasted several hours after which they all had a case of sunburn from the experience. They all retreated into the Blue Sphere and were soon back in the Chambers of the Oracle of New Deva on the planet of New Deva. But, Young Arcane appeared to be unconscious so they put him on a divan for that purpose where he had been put before after Old Arcane had told him about the new Timelines and what had happened to Ah Ray In on the first timeline.

They all walked out of the room and talked to each other quietly in another room.

The Oracle: "Is Young Arcane going to be okay now?

His Oneness: "He won't be exactly who he was before because his awareness has expanded so much he needs time to integrate the changes. It's a bigger step than realizing his time and space has altered like recently. The Galactic Sentience realized the quicker this could be done the better it would be for everyone especially Young Arcane. The two traumas will meld into one as a completely life altering experience.

The Oracle: "I've never seen that done before."

His Oneness: "I have never seen it done that fast before either. I can't imagine what that was like for young Arcane. It was difficult enough surviving years of this training. To do it in a few minutes or hours is mind boggling for me to observe first hand."

Old Arcane: "Why didn't you tell Young Arcane all this?"

His Oneness laughed: "I didn't want to scare him."

Old Arcane laughed at this and the Oracle didn't seem too happy about it.

His Oneness smiled but knew the Oracle was pretty blown away.

"Oracle. Let me share with you and Arcane my experience becoming a Oneness. IN this way I can help you to help Young Arcane now."

Both the Oracle and Old Arcane nodded in agreement.

This is a quote from:

Let me begin in this way. I am known to my people as His Oneness. Though the Galactic Sentience gave me this name signifying a Galactic Satellite Government my people continue to use this name for me in both love and honor. My people freely share their thoughts and dreams with me 24 hours a day. I have been modified by the Galactic Sentience to do this for all my people on Earth and all the 500+ planetary colonies of Mu and Lemuria. For those of you who are not familiar with Mu and Lemuria, Atlantis is a colony of Lemuria. The location of Atlantis is still a mystery in your 21st century. However, the location of Lemuria and Mu is no mystery at all. Mu was a continent larger than present day Australia with the epicenter being where the present day Hawaiian Islands now are. Just like Atlantis sunk somewhere in the Atlantic, Mu sunk into the middle of the Pacific. Luckily, what is now the California coast had already been colonized by Mu before it sank. Those colonists from Mu who lived high enough in what is now the California coastal range and the forerunner to the High Sierras survived the tidal waves. These people became the seed culture bot spiritual genetic and culture for what soon became known as Lemuria. Lemuria meant to us simply, "The people of Mu who survived." So we Lemurians are closely tied to our ancestors the people of MU.
I eventually became the leader of Lemuria due to an unusual occurance. Like many cultures on earth and beyond on other planets the main form of government somewhat resembled what was found in Tibet in the 1930's. Our government was a theocracy. The main difference was that we were not only culturally and spiritually advanced like Tibet once was. We were also spacefarers, space traders, and space exploreres. Therefore, we were very scientifically advanced. As a young man I was found by my peers to be a seer. This quality was deeply cherished by my people. When Galactic representatives became interested in Earth they asked the priesthood for a seer to train. The people of earth were very unsure about these Galactic Representatives. They gave me to the Galaxy to be trained by them because I was in my 20's then and considered expendible. However, because I was a seer I knew they were genuine and had no fear whatsoever of going with them. As I knew beforehand the Galactic representatives turned out to be genuine and took me to the center of the Galaxy to be trained to be the future leader of earth and a Protector and a Seer to represent the entire Galaxy. I did not fully understand all that was happenning to me. However, I hoped I could benefit Lemuria and Earth in some way. Several years later I was returned from the center of the Galaxy. There was a war taking place on Earth. Things were not good. There was complete chaos when we landed. I had been taught to bring order with my mind. When we landed and I stepped off the ship 100 years or more had passed since I had been taken to the Galactic Center. I had not given much thought to the fact that my body now glowed brightly from years of Galactic training.
When I got off the Galactic Ship all believed I was a savior from another world. All soldiers dropped their weapons. I hadn't really realized before how very much I had changed. All weapons were brought to me and simply dropped in piles around me. I was the de facto ruler of earth with no words spoken at all. Those who had latent or active beneficent intuitive gifts I summoned with my mind. These "gifted ones" picked up some of the weapons and became my guard.
Without any words we created a new social and spiritual order based upon my new spiritual and Galactic Governmental knowledge. We immediately became accepted by the Galactic Sentience as a Galactic Satellite Government. The Galactic Sentience named me His Oneness, and his guards announced my name on earth in a way that all saw and heard whether they were awake or asleep. The name stayed with me in the hearts and minds of my people of earth. I became His Oneness, spiritual and Governmental head of Lemuria and Earth. In this way Lemuria became the spiritual and cultural and governmental center for Earth and all its many planetary colonies.
Later on I was summoned to the Galactic Sentience with my Ministers. We returned with the Time Pool which protects both the Galaxy as well as earth and all its planetary colonies from harm by keeping space travelling barbarians from finding any life at all in our galaxy whether the barbarians are from this galaxy or another. The only life they will find that is intelligent is on their own home planets. This prevents interplanetary and galactic wars which are completely useless to everyone.
end quote.

Does this make more sense to you now gentlemen?
Oracle: I see it is much different than I thought. However, I also can see in some ways each oracle of New Deva was in a sense an informal "Oneness".

His Oneness: "Yes. this is true. We are only formalizing what has been informal for thousands of years already here on New Deva."

The Oracle: IN some ways this reminds me of the difference between a couple living together and a couple getting married."

His Oneness: "That's an apt description except the Galactic Sentience and Young Arcane and all of you Oracles have been male so far."

Oracle: "But that is just true because we like much of earth's history has been patriarchal for better or for worse."

His Oneness: "Yes. This is the kind of world I grew up in too even though I see earth changing into some other form or forms. But, we will see what happens during the next war on earth what it really boils down to. But, because of Nuclear weapons we might wind up on earth with a matriarchal society or even an equality society which might be interesting to watch."

Old Arcane: "Yes. I can see something new coming too but it's hard to say how it's all going to turn out at this point."

note; When I quoted from the yellow borders came over in the software too so likely they will stay until I open a new webpage. end note.

A few days later His Oneness of New Deva woke up.

His Oneness of Earth was there to Greet him.

HIs Oneness of Earth said, "What do you think, Your Oneness of New Deva?"

Young Arcane as now His Oneness of New Deva said, "Well. I remember who I was but that is now a small part of who I am now."

His Oneness: "Yes. And this will continue to change with time as well as new awarenesses of New Deva, the Earth and the Galaxy arise now."

HIs Oneness of New Deva: "Does my age affect others in who I am now?

His Oneness of Earth: "NO. You are an official of the Galactic Sentience. Any who interfere with you will likely be incinerated with no evidence left. Your authority now is absolute regarding the time lines of New Deva just like my authority regarding the time lines of earth is absolute. It doesn't mean anything in regard to the governments of Earth or New Deva by the way, it just means you and I are sort of like Judge and jury on each planet regarding what happens in any timeline, and the Galactic Sentience oversees directly what we do 24 hours a day. In a sense we are both ourselves and a finger of awareness of the Galactic Sentience both places.

In regard to Old Arcane for example, you now have a higher status than he does regarding New Devan History. He is known to be a hero on the first timeline and on other timelines as of now he is a Galactic Time Guard diplomat. But now, in regard to the timelines of New Deva, he must answer to you. HOwever, allowing him to come and visit as was set up before the timelines might be to your advantage because he can help you carry out your wishes and the Galactic Sentience's wishes for the timelines. And likely more might be created in the future.

His Oneness of New Deva: "How many time lines will there eventually be?"

HIs Oneness of Earth: "Likely there might be 4 to 7 eventually in your lifetime as His Oneness of New Deva."

His oneness of New Deva: "So, I should consult with Old Arcane regarding issues that come up?"

His Oneness of Earth: "Yes. Especially when he is visiting here alone or with his family from earth. For example, he might be busy doing something else repairing the timelines of Earth, for example, and helping me. But, both of us also can come here any moment if something comes up that you might want to consult with us about."

HIs Oneness of New Deva: "Yes. I get the general principles now but I have not much experience at this point with the fine tuning of Time lines yet. Both you and Old Arcane have thousands of years of experience between you at this point. I was 17 years old before I suddenly became a "Oneness" for the Galactic Sentience.

"Can I still marry Ah Ray In?"

HIs Oneness: "I know she can be your consort. I'm not sure yet whether you two can marry. But, either way you can have children and they will be recognized as part of the Galactic Sentience's Royal family with Galactic protection."

HIs Oneness of New Deva smiled at this at how this action protected his future (wife?) and children in an almost infinite way.

Arcane Oneness asked the Oneness of Earth: "Can i go outside? I haven't been outside or walked around or gone in the Ocean since I went to the Galactic Core and got Zapped by the Galactic Sentience?"

Oneness of Earth: "Yes. you can. However, you have a several inch flame on your forehead now which signifies a Oneness of a planet (this is unmistakable) and you now glow and light up wherever you go like I do. So, if you walk into a dark room it is lighted by you and if you walk through a forest it is lighted by you and if you go underwater all the fish will be attracted to your light which could prove problematic to them."

Arcane Oneness: "How so?"

Oneness of Earth: "Well. If they come within about 10 feet or 15 feet of you without your direct permission (like them being a consort or your child or a recognized friend, they will be instantly incinerated."

Arcane Oneness said, "Do Suns have Onenesses too?"

Oneness of Earth: "Earth's sun does have a Oneness with a flame on his forehead like mine and yours. I'm not sure about New Deva's sun  at this point?"

Arcane Oneness: "So, Being a Oneness many planets and suns and even areas of the Galaxy have Onenesses?"

Oneness of Earth: "Yes."

Arcane Oneness: "So, I can walk out of here now and go talk to Ah Ray In?"

Oneness of Earth: "What are you going to tell her?"

Arcane Oneness: "I want to tell her I'm a Oneness."

Oneness of Earth thought about this for a moment and said, "I need you to notify everyone at once on New Deva that you are now the Oneness of New Deva first."

Arcane Oneness: "How do I do that?"

HIs Oneness of Earth: "You think about all beings, human animal fish bird etc. even plants. Then you see a clear picture in your mind of a field of energy as big at the planet New Deva itself. Now, you talk to them all in your mind including me."

Arcane Oneness: "Really?"

HIs Oneness of Earth: "IF you get off the mark I will either stop you or alter time so we get it right, okay?"

Arcane Oneness: "Right now?"

HIs Oneness of Earth: "Now's as good a time as any I guess."

Arcane Oneness Began: "People and beings of New Deva! I am called Arcane Planet Saver trained by the Oracle of New Deva. Recently, the Galactic Sentience requested the Oracle take me to the Galactic Core to be trained as a Oneness. Informally, Oracles have always been also Onenesses. But, because of time line changes on New Deva it was thought that I should be the first formal Oneness to be created by the Galactic Sentience. This is why I'm talking to all of you about it inside your minds all over New Deva right now whether you are awake or asleep. I now have a flame on my forehead and my body glows brightly wherever I go which signifies I am now a Oneness and representative of the Galactic Sentience of the entire Galaxy. I also now have been made Time Lord of New Deva as well. The Galactic Sentience wished you all to know this and by the fact that I could do this shows you all that I am Truly a Oneness of the Galactic Sentience here on New Deva. Thank you for your attention. Blessings and Good Night or Good Day to you depending where on the planet you are."

HIs Oneness of Earth: "Good! Now the world can deal with you because you notified them all of who you actually are. No one need die trying to rid the planet of you no knowing who or what you are! They all know that interference with a Oneness of New Deva might cause incineration or worse."

Arcane Oneness: "Is that True?"

HIs Oneness of Earth: "Yes. Sometimes you have to find ways to protect innocent but unaware people from coming into your presence and dying. You will find ways to do this as you move forward in your new role."

Arcane Oneness: "Do I have to protect Ah Ray In too?"

Earth's  Oneness: "Ah Ray In and her sister are galactically recognized Saints, Arcane as are you now as well. So, they likely should know how to behave around your somewhat automatically. However, their behavior towards you might be different than before."

Arcane Oneness: How"

Earth's Oneness: "More formal is likely."

Arcane Oneness: "So I can walk out of here and go to Ah Ray In's and Prophetess' now and go talk to them?"

Earth's Oneness: "Sure. Let me take you there in my Blue Sphere, Okay?"

Arcane Oneness: "Okay."

Earth's Oneness knew that Arcane Oneness was now struggling for reunification of all the parts of his identities and wanted to assist with this.

So, they entered the blue Sphere and went to the home of Ah Ray IN and Prophetess next door to Arcane Oneness Parents house.

His Oneness and Arcane Oneness stood at the door and waited for an answer. The door opened and The girls' mother greeted them and invited them in.

His Oneness said, "I'm here chauffering Arcane to your address. He is a new Oneness and is getting used to being a Oneness now.

The girls mother said, "I heard his announcement of his new status like everyone else on New Deva." She seemed unable to really grasp the fulness of what all this meant. "Is Arcane Oneness still betrothed to my daughter Ah Ray In?"

Earth Oneness answered this: "It's not the same for a variety of reasons. They can still have children which will have almost infinite protection of the Galactic Sentience but I'm not sure at present whether the Galactic Sentience will allow Arcane Oneness to marry anyone or not. There are many reasons for this.

The girls mother said, "Yes. I can see the wisdom of this. We will all have to think more about what all this means."

Earth Oneness said, "I think I need to leave while Arcane Oneness adjusts to his new state."

The girls mother: "Yes. They are all childhood friends that might be helpful."

Ah Ray In and Prophetess arrived in the room and greeted Arcane with hugs.

HIs Oneness of Earth "Protect them from your new status, Arcane!"
Arcane nodded and went off to talk with Ah Ray in and Prophetess.

Ah Ray IN said to Arcane: "What did he mean by that?"

Arcane: "I have to protect people from dying."

Ah Ray In: "Dying?"

Arcane: "People I don't know aren't allowed to come up to me and just accost me I think so I"m going to have to get used to this. Also, as you can see I glow and have a flame in my forehead permanently now."

AH Ray IN: "Can I touch your flame?"

Arcane: "I don't know I didn't ask that question but let me touch it first so I get some sense of it."

Arcane touched his flame and the flame embraced his fingers and hand like a living being.

Arcane said, "It appears to be sentient. Flame can Ah Ray In touch you safely?"

Flame: "Yes. it's okay for Prophetess or Ah Ray In to touch me but don't let anyone touch me without my permission or they might die."

Arcane: "Did you hear what the Flame said?

Ah Ray In: "Yes. This makes sense. We are your family so we are allowed with your permission to touch your flame. But it is what gives you the awareness of multiple timelines on New Deva too."

Arcane: "This actually makes sense. You are my family so you are okay to touch the flame and also you are recognized saints of the Galactic Sentience too so you would be a part of his direct field of awareness too just like I AM."

Ah Ray In: "Are you okay Arcane?"

Arcane: "His Oneness of Earth says I'm still integrating all aspects of the new me with who I was before."

Ah Ray In: "Will we still marry?"

Arcane: "That's an interesting question. His Oneness says you can be my consort and you and our children would have almost infinite protection of the Galactic Sentience as a result. Likely none of us could die at this point without the Galactic Sentience's permission which we would be unlikely to ask for."

Ah Ray In: "That's what it meant to touch the flame, Arcane. Prophetess and You and I are all immortal from the touch of the Galactic Sentience Flame."

Arcane: "This is all new to me but I'll take your word for it."

Ah Ray In: "Prophetess and I are here to help you integrate. That's why His Oneness of Earth Brought you here."

Arcane: "Did you hear my speech?"

Ah Ray IN: "Even the birds and fish heard your speech, Arcane. Everything has changed here on New Deva because of this."

Arcane; "Hopefully it's all for the better."

Ah Ray In: "We are here for you Arcane." And Ah Ray In Reached out and held Arcane almost as if he was a child in her arms."

Arcane went to sleep like that and Ah Ray IN and Prophetess understood. He was at peace after his traumatic transition. They laid him down in Ah Ray In's bed and he slept for a week there. They explained it all to their mother as she could understand such things. They told her how they had touched Arcane's flame and had become immortal now like him. Their mother cried in both happiness and awe and was grateful for the blessings coming to her family.

Ah Ray In then sat her Mom and Prophetess decided to sit down on the other side of her mother as a buffer.

Ah Ray In Said, "Mom, brace yourself. We now live on a 2nd timeline. On the first timeline I die before I marry Arcane. On this one I may not be able to marry him but at least we can be together and have children with almost an infinite level of protection. Arcane (young 17 year old Arcane) is now the Oneness of New Deva which is amazing in itself. Who would have thought this would happen. But, it had to because when Old Arcane saved me."

Her mother: "Who is Old Arcane?"

Ah Ray In: "He's the one they call Uncle Future. He works for the Galactic Time Guard and just created one or more timelines by preventing Tech Noir from killing me on the 1st timeline. But he couldn't stop the 1st timeline because this causes many changes including him joining the Galactic Time Guard. He cannot marry me because when I died on the 1st timeline I reincarnated as Celeste Weaver his wife. He and his wife will be together at least 800 to 1000 years time. I know this because the angels told me. But, he travels time.", and she looked oddly at her sister Prophetess as if she was telling her something that she wasn't allowed to say.

Her mother stood up and looked like she was going to faint. This was way too much information for her to know. She excused herself. Went to her room and laid on her bed and was soon asleep to process all the changes. She knew what she could handle and what she couldn't. She was a wise woman in this moment.

Prophetess: "Why did you tell Mother all that?"

Ah Ray In: "There are things she needs to know but I cannot tell you about them. You will likely still see them happen. I don't know for sure. This will prepare her for that future if it still comes."

Prophetess: "What do you mean if it still comes?"

Ah Ray In: "I don't know if the first timeline does now what it did before now that it did before."

Prophetess: "What do you mean?

Ah Ray in: "You see, Prophetess what everyone around you is thinking. You cannot see everything I think and see because it isn't allowed. You know that don't you?"

Prophetess: "Yes. The angels shield some information you are aware of from me."

Ah Ray In: "Exactly. So, what I'm telling you is I remember being Celeste. I remember her whole life and I know what happens also at the end of her life. If this is the same timeline result as before."

Prophetess: "So, you remember how old she is when she dies?"

Ah Ray In: "Yes."

Prophetess: "And you know what happened after she dies on that particular timeline?"

Ah Ray In: "Yes."

Prophetess: "But you are not allowed to me?"

Ah Ray In: "For 1000 and more reasons I cannot tell you."

Prophetess: "But it concerns me doesn't it?"

Ah Ray In: "I don't know for sure at this point. I need to talk to Old Arcane but I have to be careful what I say even to him so I don't jeopardize the future of time line 1 for New Deva as well as for earth's 2 time lines as of now.

She called Arcane and asked if she could visit him at Celeste and his and his kids ocean hotel. He said yes.

So, she got out her levitation disc and folded up a chair for sitting because she didn't want to fall off over the water because it might get her gown wet. She wasn't planning on swimming in water or under the water today.

By the way Young Arcane (Now His Oneness of New Deva) is still sleeping in his bed. Her mother is passed out from overwhelm on her bed, but Ah Ray In as a Saint is still working hard making sure everything is working properly for everyone she knows.

She arrived soon and Arcane and Celeste greeted her with the children on the roof terrace of their air breather room they kept for Celeste above the underwater rooms.

She greeted them and Old Arcane said, "I've missed you a lot all these years Ah Ray In. It was very hard for me to move on in my life without you."

Ah Ray In and Celeste tried to steer him in another direction as both were keenly aware of his pain resurfacing.

Ah Ray In: "I cannot stay long but I need to ask you a question, Uncle Future. Now that the 2nd timeline has begun does the 1st timeline stay the same?"

Uncle Future looked really scared and said,"OH My God! You remember all of Celeste's lifetime don't you?"

Ah Ray In: "It's just a part of my being a Saint. The Angels tell me things."

Uncle Future (old Arcane) said,"Whatever you do don't tell anyone what happens that you remember this could adversely affect time!"

Ah Ray In: "I just need to know if the 1st timeline remains the same for my peace of mind."

Uncle Future:"I'm thinking it likely stays the same if no one disturbs it!"

Ah Ray In: "You know I'm trained to keep necessary secrets, Arcane."

Uncle Future sighed and thanked Ah Ray In. Ah Ray in Stood and bowed and soon left.

Celeste said, "So, she knows what happens to me all the way to the end?"

Uncle Future: "Yes. She knows what choices you make."

Celeste: "Will my future choices be the ones I made she remembers?"

Old Arcane: "It's a 98% probability that it will happen exactly as before unless our time here in New Deva on new timelines somehow changes that."

Ah Ray In sat down on the chair she set up on her flying disc (it usually stayed a few inches or more above the ground. It went higher to avoid other obstacles like people, trees other flying discs etc. Soon she was home and Prophetess asked how it all went.

Ah Ray In said, "He says it's likely that it will remain the same. However, I'm not sure because he and his family will be interacting with new timelines on both New Deva as well as Earth so I'm just not sure anymore. So, we will just have to wait and see. When will you be 18 Prophetess?

Prophetess: "A couple of years I think."

Ah Ray in: "Okay then we will see what happens then."

Prophetess: "Do I die then?"

Ah Ray In: "No. It's a good thing not a bad thing. Leave it alone, Prophetess! I'm not allowed to say."

Prophetess nodded. She understood about secrets to protect the common good.

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