Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Generating your own Heaven Realm is a good habit to start and to keep going

Generating your own heaven realm is about consistently thinking kind and positive thoughts.

Some people call this praying but you could also call this lucid dreaming, meditating, contemplation, positive day dreaming or consciously generated positive night dreams.

I find generating positivity 24 hours a day starts with what you do with your consciousness during the day while you are awake.

For example, around 1983 I met my first American Tibetan Buddhist Teacher after I had had my first Tibetan Buddhist Initiation in Ashland, Oregon around 1980. I learned from my first American Buddhist teacher that practice (praying or meditating) creates your own individual heaven realm over time.

I saw this as an incredibly good idea. Over the years I watched my personal heaven realm grow and watched it interface with all heaven realms both in heavens and on earth.

I began formally my own personal heaven realm by doing the following prayer which makes me feel good and feel very happy in my subconscious both waking and sleeping.

"May all beings attain Bliss and the Cause of Bliss
May all beings be free from Suffering and the Cause of Suffering
May all beings never be without the supreme Blisss that is free
from all near and far all grasping and aversion"

I have repeated this  prayer while experiencing all life in the universe being free from Suffering for over 30 years now (likely 32 since meeting my first American teacher).

I have likely done this prayer millions and millions of times already. Each time I do this it gives me great peace because I am experiencing all beings in the universe being free from suffering.

So, this creates the actuality of this in the past, present and future by doing this.

I understand the true nature of time and space and souls and because I do this is constantly manifesting in infinite ways throughout the universe in the past, present and future throughout the universe

By God's Infinite Grace

This prayer is for the Biggest whale or elephant and the smallest bacteria and everything in between throughout the universe in the past, present and future.

Experience this for a moment with me

By God's Grace

Another exercise I find helpful is to experience yourself as the whole universe as a way of experiencing God and becoming one with God.

Try this if it suits you.

Now experience this encompassing the whole universe while in all time and space also past, present and future.

Within my first few years of doing this often I would wake up in the morning saying this prayer. So, I would actually be asleep saying this prayer in my mind. This made me very happy to know I was even generating my own heaven realm while I slept in addition to generating a heaven realm while awake.

By God's Grace.

Experience this if it suits you.

By God's Grace

While you are experiencing this speak in your mind or out loud the Prayer above for all beings in the past, present and future.

Experience the end of suffering and the bringing to Bliss of all Beings in the past present and future of the universe.

Experience the peace this brings you.

Now stay there if you can 24 hours a day while you go about your life and business if you can.

By God's Grace

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